How to remove papilloma under the arm using folk remedies?

The content of the article:
  1. The benefits of folk remedies
  2. Contraindications for use
  3. Recipes for folk remedies for papillomas
    1. Tinctures
    2. Ointments
    3. Compresses
    4. Lotions
    5. Baths
  4. Results of using folk remedies

Papillomas under the armpit are small (1-5 mm), soft, flesh-colored skin growths of viral origin (the causative agent is human papillomavirus). They do not hurt or itch, but they are not aesthetically pleasing and during hygiene procedures they cause a feeling of discomfort, so dermatologists recommend removing them. You can remove papillomas under the arms at home using various methods.

The benefits of folk remedies for papillomas under the arm

When getting rid of papilloma under the armpit, folk remedies will be not only effective, but also very useful. Here are their advantages:

  1. Safety. Typically, a home remedy is made from ingredients that are safe for health—natural ingredients.
  2. Efficiency. Home methods for removing papillomas have been tested by many years of experience in their use.
  3. Availability. The ingredients for preparing folk remedies according to home recipes are easy to find in any household.
  4. Cheapness. The components and components of folk recipes are inexpensive or even free. But removing one papilloma using medical methods can cost from 70 rubles in Russia (30 hryvnia in Ukraine).
Please note! Self-removal of a tumor under the armpit using folk remedies is a safe procedure, while, say, home treatment of papillomas under the tongue, on the eyelids or in the nose should be carried out exclusively with the help of a dermatologist.

Contraindications to the use of folk remedies

Which method of getting rid of tumors to choose—folk or medical—depends not only on a person’s personal preferences. There are several conditions under which treatment of armpit papillomas at home is contraindicated:

  1. Individual intolerance. Most home remedies are made on the basis of natural plant components, upon contact with which an individual allergic reaction is possible. Before using any external product, you should test for contact allergies (smear it on the delicate skin of your wrist and monitor the reaction). The use of restorative infusions and decoctions internally is possible only after consultation with your doctor.
  2. Skin damage. You cannot use external means to get rid of papillomas if there are wounds, cuts, abrasions, or any other damage to the epidermis on the body at the location of the neoplasm.
  3. Oncogenic type of human papillomavirus. Before starting treatment, it is recommended to visit a dermatologist and determine the cause of the tumors. If the problem is a virus with high oncogenicity, you should not self-medicate papilloma under the arm with folk remedies.
Know! Of the more than 170 strains of papillomavirus, the 16th and 18th are the most oncogenic.

Recipes for folk remedies for papillomas under the arms

There are a large number of folk remedies for treating papillomas under the arms at home. They are effective, but gentle, designed for a long period of influence. The most popular components for their production are domestic and wild plants, as well as substances used in everyday life.

Tinctures to combat papillomas

Let's look at recipes for tinctures that will help remove papilloma under the armpit at home in an accessible and effective way:

  1. With walnuts. Grind the unripe nuts through a meat grinder, put them in a half-liter jar, filling it only halfway, fill it with kerosene and leave for 21 days, strain. Lubricate papillomas morning and evening until they disappear. The tincture should be stored in the refrigerator.
  2. With thuja. Cut a thuja sprig 15-20 cm long into pieces 3 cm long, place in a glass container and fill with alcohol. Close tightly and leave for 12 days, shaking occasionally. Then open the container and keep it like this for another 2 days. Apply the resulting tincture onto the growth using a cotton swab several times a day. The product is stored for a very long time, and the procedure for removing papillomas under the arms at home can also be carried out for a long time.
  3. With wood mushroom. Grind wood mushroom, string and celandine taken in equal quantities, mix, pour 1 tbsp. l. the resulting mixture 100 ml of boiling water. Leave for 3 hours. This product should be lubricated daily for a long time (for at least 3 minutes).
Remember! The water tincture can be frozen by pouring it into ice molds. In this form it is much more convenient to apply it to the growth for a long time. In addition, this increases the shelf life.

Ointments for the treatment of papillomas under the arms

To get rid of papillomas under the arm, you can use folk remedies such as ointments:

  1. With celandine. Grind the dried celandine herb into powder in a mortar and mix with a rich cream (ordinary baby cream or Vaseline is best. Spread the growth every night for 3 months and cover it with a band-aid. Store the ointment in the refrigerator. Read - contraindications to the use of celandine for papillomas.
  2. With garlic. Using a press, squeeze out the juice from the head of garlic. 1 tsp. mix garlic juice with 1 tsp. baby cream or Vaseline. Apply this ointment to the growth at night using a cotton swab for 2 months in a row, then cover it with a band-aid. Store in the refrigerator.
  3. With Vaseline. Mix Vishnevsky ointment and Vaseline in equal proportions. Treat papilloma under the armpit with a folk remedy. Repeat after half an hour. Repeat this cycle every 4 hours.
Please note! Before applying any caustic home remedy to the tumor, to avoid damage, lubricate the healthy skin around it with Vaseline; baby cream is also suitable for this purpose.

Compresses for removing papillomas under the armpit

Effective treatment of papillomas under the armpit at home using various compresses:

  1. With egg white. It helps if the papillomas are small and recently formed. Take the white of a freshly broken egg and brush it over the growth, wait until the white dries on the skin and brush it again. This procedure for treating papilloma under the armpit at home must be repeated for several days in a row until the tumor completely dries out.
  2. With garlic. Grind a clove of garlic to a paste-like state and apply it pointwise to the new growth, cover with a band-aid. Keep for an hour, repeat no more than 5 times a day. The product is very caustic, so it is not suitable for sensitive skin.
  3. With garlic and onions. Grate 3 peeled garlic cloves and 1 onion. Place the garlic and onion paste on the growth and cover with a band-aid. This compress is also very irritating to the skin, so do it no longer than an hour. Find out why onions are effective in treating papillomas.
  4. With garlic and flour. Crush a clove of garlic, add a small amount of flour to the resulting gruel to make a thin dough. Apply a cake to the tumor, securing it with a bandage, and hold it for 3 hours. Then wash your skin with soap.
  5. With garlic and pork fat. Mix rendered pork fat and crushed garlic, apply the folk remedy to the papilloma under the armpit and fix it, keep it for a day, changing the bandage every 5 hours.
  6. With essential oils. For a week in a row, every day before going to bed, apply a mixture of aromatic oils of tea tree, eucalyptus and lemon (1:1:1) to the papilloma and cover it with a band-aid.
  7. With castor oil. For 7 days at night, treat the tumor with castor oil and cover it with a band-aid.
  8. With wormwood and rowan. Finely chop the fresh wormwood grass, squeeze the juice from the rowan berries and pour it over the prepared wormwood. Leave for 24 hours. Squeeze it well and lubricate the papilloma with the resulting juice 5 times a day for 2 weeks and stick a patch on top. Read also about the beneficial properties of wormwood oil for papillomas.
  9. With aloe and kalanchoe. Cut an aloe leaf (the specimen must be older than 5 years) lengthwise and apply the cut side to the growth, secure with a bandage and hold for 4 hours. Take a break (1-2 hours) and apply the same compress from a Kalanchoe leaf, keep it for 8 hours. Repeat the treatment of papilloma under the arms at home for 2 weeks. Such procedures destroy even old and dense growths.
  10. With apple. Wash and peel the tart green apple. Cut a piece (or grind the fruit into pulp) and apply it to the growth, securing it with a bandage or plaster. Do this for 2 weeks in a row, several times a day, holding the compress until completely dry.
  11. With potatoes. Peel the potato, cut a piece and apply it to the growth. Secure with adhesive tape.
  12. With potatoes and peroxide. Grind the unpeeled, well-washed potato tuber in a blender and add 1 tsp to the pulp. hydrogen peroxide. Apply the mixture to the papilloma and cover with a bandage. Keep it until the paste is completely dry.
  13. With peroxide. Wet a swab with a 30% hydrogen peroxide solution and apply it to the tumor. Secure with adhesive tape and hold for 60 minutes. To remove papillomas under the arms at home, repeat the procedure morning and evening for 7 days in a row.
  14. With salicylic acid. Soak a cotton swab in acid and apply it to the tumor, secure with a band-aid. Leave it like this overnight. Course - 10 days. Read about other ways to use salicylic acid for papillomas.
Remember! Papilloma can grow again if immunity is reduced, since the virus that caused it continues to exist in the human body even after it is removed. To stop tumors from appearing, strengthen the protective functions of your body. For example, take vitamin and mineral complexes.

Lotions for the treatment of papillomas under the armpit

The effect of lotions is similar to the effect of compresses, the difference is that after lubricating the growth on the skin with them, you do not need to seal it with a bandage or fix it with a bandage on top.

Recipes for folk remedies for papillomas under the arm:

  1. With lemon. Squeeze out 1 tsp. lemon juice, apply it to the growth 5 times a day for 2 weeks.
  2. With vinegar. Apply apple cider vinegar to the papilloma several times a day for 10 days in a row.
  3. With celandine. Buy concentrated celandine juice at the pharmacy (in summer you can pick a leaf of the plant every day) and apply it to the new growth. Repeat the procedure twice a day for a week.
  4. With wormwood. Grind fresh wormwood to extract the juice. Be careful when removing papillomas under the arms at home, this is a poisonous plant! Spot lubricate the growth for a week, 2 times a day. Store wormwood juice in the refrigerator.
  5. With beets. Apply beetroot juice to a cotton swab and apply to the growth for 20 minutes. Do this for 2 weeks in a row, 4 times a day.
  6. With horseradish. Grind the horseradish root and squeeze out the juice. Apply it to the papilloma spot three times a day for a week.
  7. With horseradish and salt. 1 tsp. mix fine salt with horseradish root juice (2 tsp) and gently rub into the papilloma for 5 minutes, let it dry for half an hour and rinse with cold water. Repeat the procedure 7 days morning and evening.
  8. With goat fat. For 10 days, treat the papilloma under the armpit daily with a folk remedy in the morning, afternoon and evening.
  9. With tar soap. Rub the new growth with soapy pulp and let it dry. Do this every day for 3 weeks in a row.
  10. With iodine. Spot on, without affecting healthy skin, apply to the papilloma every day for 7 days in a row, morning, afternoon and evening.
  11. With ammonia. Treat the growth in the same way as with iodine for a week in a row.
  12. With aspirin. Mix aspirin, iodine and boric acid (1:1:1), pour 100 ml of alcohol. Lubricate the papilloma under the armpit with this folk remedy 2 times a day for 2 weeks in a row.
  13. With alcohol. High-quality vodka or moonshine will also work. Pour the alcohol into a small bottle with a narrow neck. After opening the lid, place the neck of the bottle around the papilloma and tilt it so that the alcohol covers the growth, but does not leak out. Hold for 30 seconds. Repeat daily twice for 10 days in a row. You can simply lubricate the papilloma with a cotton swab soaked in alcohol, but it is used up very quickly.
Important! The growths cannot be torn off or cut off! Such actions can lead to malignant degeneration of tumors.
  1. Read how wormwood tincture helps against papillomas

Baths in the fight against papillomas under the armpit

At home, baths will help remove papillomas under the arms:

  1. With chestnuts. Pour boiling water over 4 kg of chestnut fruits and leave for half a day. Pour this mixture into water. Take these baths every other day for 2 weeks.
  2. With salt and soda. Pour 200 g of soda and 500 g of salt (preferably sea salt) into the water and mix. You need to take such a bath once a month. Course - 10 procedures.
Important! The water temperature should not exceed 37°C, the duration of the procedure is 20 minutes. After it, you should wrap yourself up and lie down, so baths are best done before bed.

The results of using folk remedies for papillomas

Using home remedies, it is quite possible to remove papillomas under the arms, but you should take into account the fact that the visible effect will not appear immediately. All folk recipes are designed for long-term use, as they consist of rather gentle components, caustic, but not excessively. On average, the course of procedures lasts 1-2 weeks.

The main condition for achieving the desired result is a systematic and consistent impact on the papilloma with a properly prepared product in compliance with safety precautions.

If after the procedures you notice that the upper part of the tumor darkens, turns black, or dries out, this means that the treatment is going correctly. You should not cut off these parts in any way; you need to continue treatment and wait until the growth dries out and falls off on its own.

  1. Read how to use potassium permanganate for papillomas

Why papillomas appear under the armpit - watch the video:

Affordable and gentle folk methods for removing papillomas under the arms are quite effective. It is only important to follow the recommendations for the manufacture and use of home remedies in order to achieve a positive result.