How to choose good cosmetics

Every woman wants look beautiful And young, regardless of financial capabilities and age. A powerful industry and great advertising have turned cosmetics the same need as drinking, eating or dressing. Accordingly, as in clothing, food, and cosmetics, there is different quality levels and different prices for such products.

How to choose the right cosmetics?

Well, naturally, you need to first look at best before date. If the manufacturer promises a product shelf life of up to three years or more, then it contains preservatives and other harmful substances. This is a double-edged sword: there will be benefits, but there will also be harm. Remember that good cosmetics have an expiration date no more than six months. And of course, such cosmetics, instead of harmful preservatives in their composition contains natural substances: vegetable benzoic acid, sorbic acid, essential oils, vitamin E, etc. Such cosmetic products sometimes need stored in the refrigerator. This point must be specified in the instructions and annotations. In addition, high-quality cosmetics never smell strongly, that is, does not have pronounced aromas. This is a sign that the product has natural ingredients. The next thing you should pay attention to is the country where the product is produced. Better buy cosmetics, manufactured in countries with similar climates and famous brands. These countries include: USA, France, Italy, Germany. When purchasing cosmetics, choose products from one company. If you use decorative cosmetics in your makeup, then here you can experiment, imagine and mix, that is, in this case, strictness is not so appropriate. It is only important not to overdo it with makeup, in which you should look natural.

Natural and organic cosmetics.

Almost all companies claim that their products are natural, effective and safe than the products of other companies. Often this turns out not to be true. A product cannot be of high quality if it contains only three percent natural ingredients. Other companies generally write in their instructions only the beneficial substances that are included in the product, without indicating the harmful components.

How do you know that cosmetics contain natural substances?

In the world of cosmetics there is a concept called organic cosmetics. It is not possible to find it in ordinary cosmetic stores and supermarkets. Naturally, its prices are high. It is sold in specialized boutiques. It contains about one hundred percent natural substances. This suggests that the plant components of such cosmetics were grown from clean ecological areas and there are no chemical dyes or preservatives.

How to determine the naturalness of cosmetic products?

  1. Due to the fact that there are no non-natural dyes in the cosmetic product, it has a pastel color.
  2. Natural cosmetics do not have a pungent odor. It smells like a pharmacy or flowers.
  3. These cosmetics contain no petroleum products. No technical oil. All oils are natural.
  4. There are practically no emulsifiers, which, as is known, give the mass homogeneity. The annotation of such products will contain the key phrase: “shake before use.”
  5. The instructions must indicate the full composition of the components.
  6. The packaging of natural cosmetic products is usually not flashy, not bright and simple, which can be disposed of and recycled.
  7. If the instructions for a cosmetic product do not contain a list of ingredients, you should not buy such products.

And a few more recommendations on the topic “is a cosmetic product suitable for me or not?

It would be a mistake to choose lipstick or eye shadow based on the principle of “like the color.” Of course, it would be ideal to first consult with a makeup artist who will professionally recommend the colors of eye shadow, lipstick, and blush. But, if this is not possible, stay late longer at the mirror showcases and pick up to myself best In your opinion option.

We advise buy cosmetics during the day in natural light, evening colors A little are distorted. A classic example of cosmetics propping is applying purchased products to the back of the hand. For example, we recommend applying lipstick to your fingertips, as they are similar to the color of your lips.

We hope that with our advice and recommendations, we will help you choose high-quality natural cosmetics.

Every woman thinks about what cosmetics to choose. Visiting a cosmetics store can be compared to a pleasant adventure. A huge number of shelves with beautiful jars, a pleasant smell that reigns in the pavilion. There are no signs of trouble. But sometimes the purchase leads to disappointment. Some visitors get lost in the wide selection and don’t understand what they need. Others carefully read the ingredients, ask questions to the sales consultant, but make a mistake with their choice.

To avoid finding yourself in such a situation, you should follow some simple rules.

How to choose cosmetics according to skin type?

This is the main rule. Skin type is an aspect that we should focus on when choosing a product. Please note that skin type may change under the influence of various factors. To find out exactly your skin type, consult a cosmetologist. There are special tests available on the Internet to determine it. However, turning to a professional is safer.

Skin types:

  1. Dry;
  2. Fat;
  3. Normal;
  4. Mixed.

Read the label on the packaging; it always indicates the skin type for which the product is intended.

How to choose good cosmetics? Focus on your age!

Age-related changes affect the structural qualities of the skin. This is why products from the youth group category are contraindicated for mature women. The body will react negatively. Allergic reactions are not uncommon. You may be lucky and the cosmetics will not have a negative effect on you. Young girls are also not recommended to get ahead of themselves and use anti-aging skin creams.

How to choose the right cosmetics according to age? Pay attention to the age characteristics of the skin!

Up to 20 years old. The skin is young, quickly adapts to conditions, and is easily restored. This period is devoid of worries about wrinkles and other age-related changes. More often than not, girls worry about acne and freckles. When choosing medicinal cosmetics, focus on products that do not contain alcohol. Until the age of 20, it makes sense to buy UV protection products.

For girls 20-30 years old. 3 tasks are relevant:

  1. Skin cleansing;
  2. Hydration;
  3. Reducing pores.

Cosmetics should contain the following components:

  1. Zinc oxide;
  2. Bisabolol;
  3. Sulfur;
  4. Panthenol;
  5. Vitamin E;
  6. Allantoin.

Extracts of medicinal plants are of great benefit.

The lipid layer is destroyed after 25 years, because of this the skin loses moisture. Also, the reason for such changes is the frequent use of chemicals and abuse of scrubs.

Pay attention to the products applied simultaneously to the skin. They need to be kept to a minimum. From 20 to 30 years old, cosmetics that contain a minimum of ingredients are recommended.

From 30 years old. At this age, wrinkles may appear. To prevent this process, the skin requires intensive nutrition. Main ingredients: retinol, thermal water, phytoestrogens, antioxidants.

Women over 30 often complain of bruises around the eyes. Cosmetologists recommend using products based on caffeine or green tea.

Three key rules for facial skin care for women after 30 years of age:

  1. Skin cleansing;
  2. Nutrition;
  3. Application of protective cream.

From 40 years old. Cells gradually lose their ability to regenerate. This is fraught with the appearance of wrinkles. Now it will be clear how you took care of your skin in past years. Choose cosmetics that combine two features: effectiveness and gentle effect.

Women over 40 require cosmetic products that provide:

  1. Lifting effect;
  2. Elimination of wrinkles;
  3. Improving facial contour;
  4. Fight against age spots.

When choosing cosmetics, check the expiration date!

Expensive does not mean the best cosmetics! Price should come last. The main thing is to match the age group and skin type!

How to choose the right cosmetics - looking for harmful ingredients

Allergy sufferers should be especially careful. Even if the allergen is contained in minimal doses in a cosmetic product, it should be avoided. Unfortunately, certification bodies even accept components that are considered undesirable for use. Check for the following ingredients and avoid them if possible!

  1. Phenoxyethanol. There were once many unpleasant rumors about him. The component is believed to irritate the skin and cause dermatitis. When reading the label, look for the ingredient at the end.
  2. Sodium and ammonium lauryl sulfate. Components may be in the top 5.

How to choose cosmetics for damaged skin? The following components are contraindicated:

  1. Camphor;
  2. Menthol;
  3. Lemon essential oil.

The ingredients increase irritation and dry out the skin.

Learning to choose the right cosmetics: what is a safe cream made from?

It is based on vegetable oil. It may vary. Vegetable oil softens the skin, nourishes it, and forms a film impenetrable to air. It protects it from external factors. Manufacturing companies combine fatty oils with light ones.

Thanks to this combination, the cream not only brings benefits, but is also perfectly absorbed. Some companies use caprylic triglycerides. The substances are obtained from coconut oil.

Triglycerides soften the skin. They do not leave a greasy feeling, as happens with oils.

The best cosmetics - what is it? Cream components

Caviar protein

Often included in anti-aging products. Black caviar contains vitamins A, E, D. Strengthens skin blood vessels and moisturizes the epidermis. In addition to cream, caviar protein is included in hair masks and shampoos.

Silk protein

Newly developed component. Compared to analogues, silk molecules retain 7 times more moisture. The cost of cosmetics with the addition of silk protein is high, but as a result, every woman can get perfectly smooth skin.

The ingredient is included in shampoos. Thanks to them, after washing, the hair becomes shiny and strong.

Diamond chips

Do you dream of choosing good cosmetics, preserving the natural color of your skin, while polishing its surface? Then look on store shelves for products containing diamond chips. This face cream will reduce the appearance of scars and smooth out skin unevenness.

Cream with diamond dust provides an effect comparable to chemical peeling.


The component relieves skin fatigue. Useful in the presence of age-related changes. Pearl proteins are effective in combating expression wrinkles and uneven complexion. The skin structure is perfectly evened out thanks to the increased calcium content in the composition.

Gold and silver

These metals serve as the basis not only for jewelry, but also for cosmetics. The component particles have a bactericidal effect. Also, gold and silver restore the skin's moisture balance.

Additional tips on how to choose the right cosmetics

Avoid buying cosmetics that promise you quick results. Also, you should not expect a miracle from a cream that supposedly will solve all problems. It is impossible to find cosmetics that would guarantee an instant effect. Any cream or scrub can stimulate the natural functions of facial skin and restore them. This takes time.

An accelerated effect is hypothetically possible. But such cosmetic products usually contain a high concentration of biologically active substances. It often leads to allergies. But that's the best case scenario. At worst, one or another ingredient will cause a serious illness, and you will have to treat it! There are components prohibited by the Russian Ministry of Health. Unscrupulous manufacturers ignore this prohibition and use them in production. How to choose the right cosmetics and not stumble upon such a product? Avoid cosmetics that supposedly guarantee you rejuvenation, moisturizing your facial skin and nourishing it at the same time!

Location is also important. Don't expect quality when purchasing cosmetic products in underground passages or at the market. Visit specialty stores or marketing networks. Here you will be provided with a quality guarantee. Don’t try to save money, because you’ll pay with your health later!

Cosmetics before and after. How to avoid disappointment?

Buyers sometimes adhere to the principle “saw, wanted, bought!” This is the wrong approach. The purchase should not be spontaneous. Before purchasing a cosmetic product, study information about the manufacturing company, the effect of use and the quality of the product.

As a rule, every woman, in addition to the basic set of cosmetics, has a couple of products that she does not use at all. You fell for the advertisement, you just liked the shade of the eyeshadow, you bought it at a discount, etc. In order not to waste your money, you need to learn how to choose the right cosmetics for yourself.

Advice from professional makeup artists will tell you how to choose cosmetics for your daily makeup in order to look natural and beautiful and not waste money on makeup products you don’t need.

In order to make a natural face makeup, you will need cosmetics such as foundation, blush, eye shadow, mascara and lipstick. When choosing cosmetics for your daily makeup, pay attention to pastel and neutral shades of eye shadow and lipstick.

How to choose the right cosmetics for daily makeup

How to choose cosmetics: foundation for daily makeup

The basis for your face makeup will be a foundation that needs to be selected according to your skin type. If you have oily skin with shine, you need a mattifying foundation. Please note that facial skin shine is not only a sign of oily skin. Perhaps your facial skin is simply dry and dehydrated. As a rule, pores are clearly visible on oily skin; if there are none, and the skin is shiny, use mineral loose powder for makeup base.

To correct problem areas of the face, you can choose a concealer or corrector, which must be selected in the same color as the foundation.

When applying makeup foundation, do not forget about your lips and eyelids, which also need to be covered so that your face looks natural and has an even tone.

How to choose cosmetics: blush for everyday makeup

You should choose blush for your face only those that suit your complexion. They should not be too different from your skin tone.

For a face whose skin is covered with redness or vascular veins are visible, it is necessary to choose a blush of pinkish shades. Pinkish-brown shades of blush will also be suitable for this type of face.

Blush in peach and coral shades is more suitable for facial skin with freckles or pigmentation.

How to choose cosmetics: shadows for daytime makeup

As already mentioned, shadows in neutral matte and light shades are better suited for daily eye makeup. You cannot do without a matte light creamy shade of eyeshadow, which will become the main one for creating daytime makeup. Shadows of similar shades are applied to the moving eyelid and under the eyebrow. You can highlight your eye makeup with dark brown or gray shadows.

You can diversify your makeup with lighter shadows, which are applied to the blinking eyelid or to the crease of the eyelid. For daily makeup, it is necessary that the transition between shadows not be abrupt.

How to choose cosmetics: lipstick for everyday makeup

To make your daily makeup look natural, you need to choose neutral shades of lipstick that are close to the natural color of your lips.

This lipstick is suitable for any clothing. To choose a lipstick shade that suits you, apply gloss or lipstick in vertical lines to your lower lip. This way you will choose the lipstick that suits you best.

How to choose cosmetics: mascara

You need to choose mascara depending on the desired effect. Curl, lengthen, make thicker, all this cannot be done by one mascara.

For straight eyelashes, it is better to choose a mascara with a straight silicone brush that curls the eyelashes well.

Mascara with a classic wide brush is better suited for already curled eyelashes.

That's all - you already have a basic set of cosmetics for daily makeup, and how to choose the right cosmetics, follow our simple recommendations. And don't forget to remove all makeup from your face every night to keep your skin healthy and beautiful.