How to use Troxevasin for puffiness under the eyes

Modern pharmacology has millions of different trade names of drugs. Some of them are prescription drugs and can be sold only with a doctor's prescription. Others can be purchased independently, without special documents.

Many modern women suffer from the same problem – bags under the eyes. This symptom may appear only periodically or be a constant companion. To get rid of such a defect, representatives of the fairer sex sometimes apply Troxevasin under their eyes. Is it correct? You can learn about the features of using such a medicine from the presented article.


"Troxevasin" (ointment): price and composition

The drug "Troxevasin" is produced in the form of capsules and gel. The first form of the drug is intended for internal use. The gel is applied to the surface of the skin. One gram of gel contains 20 milligrams of the active substance - troxerutin. There are also additional components: carbomer, purified water, benzalkonium chloride, triethanolamine and some others.

The medicine is produced in metal tubes, each of which has the inscription: “Troxevasin”. The ointment (the price of one 40 gram package is about 200 rubles) must be used in accordance with the instructions. Instructions for using the drug are attached to each unit of product.


Indications for use

The annotation does not indicate that the drug “Troxevasin” is used for bags under the eyes. Reviews from experts say that the medication is often prescribed for varicose veins of the lower extremities and hemorrhoids. However, the instructions also describe the following indications for use:

  1. swelling and pain in the legs, bruises and capillary networks;
  2. thrombophlebitis or varicose dermatitis;
  3. periphlebitis, varicose veins;
  4. hematomas and mechanical injuries.

Troxevasin can be used for bruises of various origins.

Limitations that you must pay attention to

You already know a lot about the drug “Troxevasin”. What it helps with is described above. However, this is not enough to start therapy. Be sure to read the instructions in full.

It is contraindicated to apply the gel to open wound surfaces and festering areas of skin. The product is also not used if you are hypersensitive to its components or under the age of 18.


Method of using the drug "Troxevasin" for bruises

The medicine is applied to the skin in places where there is damage. In this case, it is necessary to avoid getting the gel into open wounds and mucous membranes. The medication is applied in a thin layer, after which it is rubbed in gently and without additional force. Frequency of application – 2 times a day.

The drug "Troxevasin" for swelling of the legs and for the treatment of varicose veins can be used simultaneously with anti-varicose stockings. This therapy will show good results when used for a long time. Troxevasin for topical use is often combined with the use of capsules of the same name.


"Troxevasin" for bags under the eyes: reviews

The manufacturer does not mention this method of use in the instructions. Therefore, doctors almost never advise using the medication in this way. However, if you carefully study the annotation, you will find out that the medicine is used to treat bruises, contusions and swelling. That is why many cosmetologists use this medicine to tidy up their face.

Consumers say that after using the gel, the effect becomes noticeable within a few hours. The medicine is quickly absorbed and does not leave a greasy residue. This allows you to immediately start applying makeup. The drug improves blood flow and draws out excess fluid from swollen skin. However, many women say that the drug is effective only for swelling and dark circles that appear due to some reason: lack of sleep, fatigue, drinking alcohol or drinking large amounts of liquid before bed. If the defects become permanent, then the medication may simply not help.

Doctors are skeptical about this use of the drug. However, they admit that the drug may indeed be effective and useful in the situations described.


Method of applying the drug under the eyes

Troxevasin gel (reviews recommend using it for bags under the eyes) is an effective remedy. However, the result will be achieved only if the drug is used correctly. Before application, you must thoroughly clean the surface to be treated of cosmetics. Also be sure to wash your hands. After this, squeeze out a small pea of ​​the drug and apply under the eyes.

All your movements must be very careful. Do not pull or stretch the skin. Otherwise, you can only make things worse. Use your fingertips to distribute the medicine (patching movements). After this, wait until it is completely absorbed. For further manipulations with the face, the gel does not need to be washed off. Makeup is applied over the drug. There is no need to use medication during the day. However, before going to bed at night (after washing), the procedure can be repeated. After using the medicine, you should wash your hands very well with soap. Otherwise, particles of the drug may appear on your fingers, which will subsequently fall on the mucous membranes of the eyes upon contact.


Additional Tips

In order to correctly use Troxevasin for bags under the eyes, reviews from specialists and consumers must be carefully studied. Experienced cosmetologists advise testing before the first application of the drug. To do this, a small amount of the substance is applied to the inside of the elbow. If no reaction is detected within two hours, then you can safely use the medication to relieve swelling.

Cosmetologists also use the drug “Troxevasin” to remove bruises and rosacea on the face. However, to see positive results, you must use the medicine for a long time and regularly. If the formation of a hematoma under the eye occurs as a result of mechanical damage, then you can make compresses from Troxevasin every two hours and hold them for several minutes. To do this, take sterile cotton strips for compresses under the eyes. You can buy these in every cosmetic department. Apply gel to the strips and place them on the damaged area. Keep the medication for several minutes, then remove the cotton wool and spread the remaining medication. If you perform such actions regularly, then within a day you will notice excellent results.

Be very careful when applying the gel. Contact of the drug with the eyes and mucous membrane of the eyelids is unacceptable. This can cause severe burning, redness and itching. In some cases, the capillaries of the eyeball burst. In a situation of such contact, immediately rinse your eye with water and contact a specialist. If necessary, the doctor will recommend symptomatic restorative therapy.


Let's summarize

You learned from the article what indications the Troxevasin gel has. You also now know that the medication is also available in capsule form. However, their use will not be as effective in treating dark circles under the eyes and swelling. The gel for topical application, according to reviews from consumers and cosmetologists, has a quick and long-lasting effect.

The drug "Troxevasin" can be purchased without a prescription. It is inexpensive compared to its analogues. It is better to store the medicine in a cool, dark place and use it as needed. After opening the bottle, the medicine should be used for one month, after which the remaining medicine should be disposed of. All the best to you and be beautiful in every possible way!

For many women nowadays, bags under the eyes are a pressing problem, one of the worst enemies of beauty. They may appear sporadically or be present constantly. Of course, such “decoration” looks unaesthetic, noticeably worsening the appearance of the owner. Many representatives of the fairer sex use Troxevasin ointment for bags under the eyes. We will consider reviews about this in this article. How much does this drug help with this use, is it dangerous? We will talk about this in this article.

It is also important to note that the gel is often called an ointment. However, this is wrong. In this case, it is the “Troxevasin” gel that is meant.


Bags under the eyes: what are they?

Let's briefly talk about what is meant by bags in this case, as well as when Troxevasin can be used. When they talk about bags under the eyes, they mean dense or soft swelling that occurs under them. Sometimes they are also darker in color than the rest of the skin on the face. The color of the skin in the lower eyelid area in this case indicates the reasons for the appearance of bags, and this symptom should not be ignored. This is how various pathological conditions can be expressed.

For example, allergies, excessive alcohol consumption, lack of sleep, unhealthy eating behavior (the foods consumed provoke the accumulation of salts in the body). However, the most important cause of bags is kidney disease. In the latter case, the use of this medicine cannot help. It's not a cosmetic defect, it's a sign of pathology. It is necessary to contact a urologist and treat the disease. The bags will disappear when kidney function returns to normal.

There are a lot of reviews about “Troxevasin” for bags under the eyes.


Composition and release form

The drug is available in the form of capsules and gel. The capsules are intended to be taken orally, and the gel is applied to the skin. The active ingredient is troxerutin, its content in one gram of gel is about 20 mg.

The composition of the drug "Troxevasin" is indicated in the instructions.

In addition, the auxiliary components of the gel are represented by carbomer, purified water, benzalkonium chloride, triethanolamine and some other substances. The medicine is produced in a metal tube with a volume of 40 grams.

The price of “Troxevasin” (ointment, or rather gel) is presented at the end of the article.

Indications for use

The instructions for this drug do not indicate that it can be used as a remedy to get rid of bags under the eyes. Experts prescribe Troxevasin for varicose veins or hemorrhoids. However, the abstract contains a list of ailments for which this medicine should be used. For swelling and pain in the lower extremities, bruises and capillary networks, thrombophlebitis, varicose dermatitis, periphlebitis, varicose veins, hematomas and injuries. In addition, the gel can be used to treat bruises of various origins. If there are such indications for use, this gel is often used by cosmetologists to eliminate such cosmetic defects as bags under the eyes.


Using Troxevasin gel for bags under the eyes helps improve local blood flow, relieve swelling, and improve skin tone. The mechanism of action of the drug is that the active components stop the course of the inflammatory process, reduce the permeability of capillaries, due to which the fluid stops flowing into the tissues, and the already accumulated fluid gradually resolves. It is recommended to use the product when the following conditions occur:

- formation of bags and dark circles under the eyes;

- presence of swelling of the eyelids;

— the skin around the eyes has become very sensitive.

Such symptoms indicate that there is a malfunction in the body's functioning. The drug can be used as a treatment, but if the above symptoms do not disappear, you should consult a doctor.

Reviews of “Troxevasin” for bags under the eyes will be discussed below.


Mode of application

When using this gel to get rid of bags under the eyes, apply a thin layer directly to the area under the eyes, avoiding contact with the mucous membrane of the eye. Achieving results is possible only with proper use. If bags under the eyes and dark circles are not pronounced, it can be applied once a day, preferably before bed. If bags under the eyes appear frequently or are constantly present, the medicine is applied in the morning and evening. The course of treatment can last up to two weeks. It is not worth using Troxevasin Neo for longer for age bags under the eyes.

Before applying the gel, you must thoroughly cleanse your facial skin of cosmetics and street dust. You also need to wash your hands. Then, you need to squeeze out a small pea of ​​gel and apply it under your eyes. Movements should be very careful, there is no need to strongly stretch and pull the skin. Otherwise, you can only make the situation worse. Lightly patting the skin with your fingertips, distribute the medicine over the entire treated area. After the gel is completely absorbed, you can apply makeup directly on top of the product. There is no need to apply it further during the day. The second time the gel is applied before bed, after removing makeup. After you have finished applying the medicine, you should wash your hands with soap, otherwise there may be residues of the medicine on your fingers, which can get into your eyes or onto the mucous membrane of the eyelid when touched. Contact with eyes causes severe burning, redness and itching. Sometimes in these cases the capillaries of the eyeball may burst. In this case, you should rinse your eye with water and immediately consult a doctor. If necessary, the specialist will recommend symptomatic treatment.

How to remove bags under the eyes with Troxevasin? This is a common question.


Alternative uses

Cosmetologists often advise using this gel in another way. The medicine is applied in a thick layer to the area under the eyes, and after 30 minutes it is washed off with warm water. Then you need to apply a regular nourishing cream to these areas of the skin. This procedure must be done twice a week. In addition, you can make compresses with the gel: it is spread in an even layer on a bandage or cotton pad folded several times. This disc or piece of bandage is then applied to the lower eyelids. This compress should be kept on the face for up to 7 minutes. This is rather an emergency remedy, therefore, if necessary, it should be used every two to three hours. According to reviews, the effect is very noticeable after the first few compresses. People often ask in what form is Troxevasin produced - ointment or gel? The answer is clear - gel for external use.

Contraindications for use and adverse reactions

The drug cannot be used in case of an allergic reaction to its components. Contraindications are also reduced blood clotting, as well as increased bleeding, thrombocytopenia, eye tuberculosis, open wounds or abrasions, ulcers on the face, pregnancy, especially in the first three months. As adverse reactions, in rare cases, burning, itching, urticaria, and hyperemia are observed in the area where the drug was applied. In these cases, you should stop using it and consult a specialist.

It is also better to check with him on how to use Troxevasin for bags under the eyes correctly.


Drug interactions

Under no circumstances should the gel be used in conjunction with antibacterial drugs and acetylsalicylic acid. It is also not prescribed in combination with NSAIDs, tetracycline drugs, or antihistamines. The drug is allowed to be used in combination with ascorbic acid, since in this way the effect of strengthening the walls of blood vessels can be enhanced.

Reviews of "Troxevasin" for bags under the eyes

What are people saying? According to reviews from women who have used the product in this way, the effect is immediately noticeable within a few hours. The gel is quickly absorbed and does not leave any traces, which allows you to apply makeup a few minutes after application. According to cosmetologists, the medicine improves blood flow and also removes excess fluid from the skin. In this regard, it is worth saying that, according to consumers, the drug helps only in cases of swelling and dark circles under the eyes, which arise as a result of insufficient sleep, fatigue, alcohol abuse or drinking excess fluid at night.

If you constantly have bags under your eyes, then this drug cannot help. In this case, you should consult a doctor to find out the causes of this pathology. By the way, doctors are quite skeptical about this option for using this gel, but they admit the possibility of a short-term symptomatic effect from using the medicine in the situations described. Doctors remind you that Troxevasin is, after all, a medicinal and not a cosmetic drug, so its use should be accompanied by consultation with a specialist. According to their advice, before using this gel for the first time, you should test it by applying a small amount to the elbow. If there is no reaction to the drug, it can be safely applied to the face.


People are interested in the price of Troxevasin ointment. What is it like?


The cost of the drug is 200-250 rubles. It depends on the region and pharmacy chain. For such an effective product, this is quite acceptable.

Bags under the eyes are not just a cosmetic defect, but also in some cases – a sign of internal pathological processes.

This does not mean that you should not spend time eliminating external symptoms, although first of all you should undergo an examination by specialists to find out the cause of such a disorder.

And as a means that will help get rid of the external manifestations of these disorders, can be used Troxevasin cream.

Bags under the eyes and the reasons for their appearance

In some cases, such swelling may differ from other areas of facial skin in color, but can be uniform and have the same shade.

This directly depends on reasonsthat caused such a defect, and among them the most common are:

  1. allergic skin reactions;
  2. the body's protective reaction to exposure to ultraviolet rays;
  3. alcohol abuse, which negatively affects the circulatory system, resulting in bruises and swelling of different colors under the eyes;
  4. lack of sleep, which leads to disruption of metabolic processes in tissues;
  5. improper or inadequate nutrition, which leads to the accumulation of salts in the body (they are subsequently concentrated in the lower eyelids).

The most serious and dangerous for the body reason formation of bags and swelling is a violation of kidney function.

In this case, masking the bags or trying to eliminate them with the help of cosmetic products is pointless.

Troxevasin ointment: release form and composition

For bags under the eyes the drug troxevasin can be used, which comes in two forms: oral capsules and in the form of a gel (or ointments).

Troxevasin can be produced by other companies under the name Troxerutin, but despite the different names, it is the same drug.

To remove bags, ointment is used for external local use. This product includes:

  1. active ingredient troxerutin;
  2. preservative benzalkonium chloride;
  3. carbomer;
  4. triethanolamine;
  5. purified water for the manufacture of medications.

The ointment is sold in 40 gram aluminum tubes and looks like a homogeneous brownish-yellow mass.

General indications for use of this product

  1. hematomas andinjuries with accompanying hemorrhages;
  2. education capillary mesh;
  3. thrombophlebitis;
  4. bruises;
  5. any type of swelling.

The drug eliminates such problems due to its anti-inflammatory effect and the ability to stimulate regeneration processes in tissues.

Additionally, the cream helps normalize blood circulation.

Features of the use of troxevasin for bags and swelling under the eyes

Application of the drug does not require any special actions or preparatory procedures.

The only thing that needs to be done before use cream - wash your hands thoroughlyso as not to introduce infection into the organs of vision, and cleanse the face of cosmetics and its residues.

Immediately before applying the product it is worth conduct small presence test possible allergic reactions.

To do this, a small amount of ointment is rubbed into the elbow from the inside (on the area where the veins protrude).

After this, a small amount of ointment is squeezed onto the fingertip (one small “pea” is enough).

The product is applied to the lower eyelid and gently rubbed in with circular gentle movements, while trying to distribute the ointment in an even layer.

The ointment should be completely absorbed: there is no need to wash off any remaining residue.. But you can remove the remains of troxevasin from your fingers with warm water and regular soap.

Alternative option rubbing ointment are compresses with troxevasin.

In general, it is recommended to resort to this method if swelling appears as a result of previous injuries.

To make a compress, gauze, a bandage or a cotton pad rolled up in several layers is suitable.

A gel is applied to such a base, which is rubbed over its surface until a uniform thin layer is achieved, after which a disk or gauze is applied to the lower eyelid.

Keeping the compress for 5-7 minutes is enough, after which it is removed.

Further - depending on how well the damaged tissues heal, but according to reviews, most often after a day the need for compresses disappears.

Possible side effects

Troxevasin – quite a strong remedy, the use of which for overly sensitive skin may lead to the following side effects:

  1. the area to which the ointment is applied may become red;
  2. possible burning and itching of the skin;
  3. in some cases, urticaria develops;
  4. in patients prone to allergic reactions, they are most likely to manifest themselves.

Patient reviews

“When I was preparing my diploma in my last year at the institute, I often had to stay awake at night, and during the day I was forced to work part-time, so I spent several hours a day sleeping, which was clearly not enough for my body.

Mentally, I could withstand such stress quite well, and all the violations were reflected more on my face: the skin became painfully pale, and noticeable bags appeared under the eyes.

Mom gave me Troxevasin ointment, claiming that this remedy helps relieve swelling.

I knew that this ointment is used for varicose veins, but I believed my mother and used this remedy for three days to eliminate the bags.

The result was, And Although the bags have not completely disappeared “I was then able to successfully make up their remains with foundation.”

Yulia Levina, Omsk.

“When I was young, I always did without face creams and used cosmetics to a minimum, since my skin was always good.

But after forty I'm old age bags appeared.

An examination by doctors showed that this was not related to internal diseases, and the doctors advised me to contact a plastic surgeon if I wanted to get rid of such swelling.

I decided to postpone the operation, and I used Troxevasin ointment for several weeks.

The product helped a little, But at the same time I used and other traditional medicine recipes, and now, although the bags remain, they are now much smaller than a few months ago.”

Natalya D., Kirov.

Reviews from doctors about troxevasin

"Troxevasin - This is primarily a medical, not a cosmetic drug., and its main purpose is to eliminate problems with blood vessels.

Today it is The product is recommended by professional cosmetologistswho confidently talk about quickly eliminating bags under the eyes with the help of troxevasin.

But ladies must remember: this is a potent remedy., which has a number of contraindications and side effects, therefore, before using it, it is better to consult with specialists.”

Useful video

From this video you will learn how to get rid of bags under the eyes:

Troxevasin can be used against bags under the eyes, but at the same time It is necessary to additionally apply moisturizers and skin softening agents, since by eliminating bags, troxevasin simultaneously has a detrimental effect on the epithelium.

Besides - Don't rely only on cosmetics: you need to get rid of bad habits, spend more time in the fresh air and adjust your diet, then the bags will be much easier to deal with.