How to choose facial care cosmetics

Even the most flawless makeup cannot hide skin imperfections, so it is important to know how to choose the right facial care. This is one of the most unprotected parts of the body. The person is constantly exposed to external negative influences. In addition, any problems in the functioning of the body are reflected, as a rule, in the most visible place.

That is why it is important to take care of thorough and proper facial skin care. This is the only way to restore her healthy and radiant appearance. It is important to remember that home care should be systematic.

We decided to tell you the basics of how to create your own proper skin care system. Read more step by step in the article on how to properly care for your facial skin.

Determine your skin type

There are countless skin care products available today. The most important thing here is to know your skin type and select the right cosmetics according to this. If you have the opportunity to consult a cosmetologist, then this is simply wonderful. It is these specialists who know better than us how to choose facial skin care in each specific case. But you can also do this yourself - the main thing is to figure out how and by what signs to recognize this or that skin type.

Signs of oily and combination skin

Oily skin types are characterized by enlarged pores and an oily sheen. Most often, it is this skin that is susceptible to inflammation, the formation of acne and comedones. Combination skin combines oily skin in the T-zone and dry (or normal) skin in the cheek area. This type is characterized by an uneven structure and heterogeneous coloring: in dry areas the skin flakes, and in oily areas it is prone to the formation of acne and inflammation. Each skin type has its own facial skin care products.

How do you know if your skin is dry and dehydrated?

Dry skin, as opposed to oily skin, is distinguished by corresponding signs: narrowed pores, tightness. It is this type of epidermis that is most susceptible to premature aging and the appearance of the first wrinkles. And dry skin also needs to be carefully taken care of - use suitable products for intensive moisturizing.

It is worth noting that dry and dehydrated skin are two different concepts. Dry skin lacks intercellular lipids, while dehydrated skin needs only a sufficient amount of moisture. To recognize what type you have, observe yourself and the condition of your facial skin. In dry skin, a state of tightness is almost always present. Dehydrated skin can feel tight after washing, which often results in an oily sheen.

How to “get through” problem skin?

External manifestations of problem skin are acne, increased greasiness, unhealthy color, pallor, excessive dryness, itching, age spots, sagging and early wrinkles. At least one of these signs already indicates that you need to think about how to choose the right facial skin care.

Pay attention to age-related changes

It is important to remember that the choice of facial skin care product should be based on your age. Nowadays there is a fairly widespread opinion that it is better to start using anti-aging cosmetics from a young age. In fact, in young girls, the skin is able to independently produce the required amount of collagen, hyaluronic acid and other substances that maintain the tone and healthy appearance of the skin. Various peptides, ceramides and collagens are more needed for mature skin; they can even be harmful for young skin.

If your skin is normal, can you relax?

If you are the happy owner of a normal skin type - you do not have a single defect described above, then you still should not relax. She also needs daily care. And here it is also important to choose the right facial care. Otherwise, various skin diseases can be provoked.

Types of cleansers, and how to choose the right one for your skin type?

Cleansers should be selected depending on your skin type.

For dry Full-fat milk works great. You can use it only once - in the evening before bed. In the morning, simply rinse your face with clean water. A gentle plant-based moisturizing lotion is also suitable for cleansing dry skin.

For oily skin, it is better to use a special gel containing bactericidal and anti-inflammatory additives. You need to wash your face with this product twice a day – morning and evening.

For combined skin, you need to pay attention to products that are easily washed off with water. Pay attention to your T-zone. If it is characterized by increased oil content, then it is better to use preparations to cleanse the skin twice a day - morning and evening. Otherwise, one thorough cleaning in the evening will be enough. If you are looking for facial products online, choose cleansing milk.

Tonic, toner, serum – what exactly do you need?

The use of toners is advisable for cleansing oily skin. In this case, the product must contain anti-inflammatory components, alcohol and substances that narrow pores. The use of toners is also recommended for combination skin, but only in the middle part of the face - where you notice oily shine and excess sebum.

Toner is another familiar item in our daily facial care chain. However, there are some features of its use, which also depend on skin type. For oily skin, the toner should be applied to a cotton pad and wiped over the face. For those with dry skin, apply the product with your fingertips using light massage movements, evenly distributing it over the face.

For those who have dry skin, it is better to take a toner that contains chamomile and rose water, which moisturize and soothe the epidermis. For oily and combination skin, you should choose a toner with a low alcohol content.

When caring for your face during the day, you can use serum - it suits everyone without exception. It perfectly soothes the skin, strengthens its resistance to external negative factors and protects against temperature changes.

Nourishing, moisturizing, mattifying - which cream will improve the condition of the skin?

After cleansing the skin, it is necessary to ensure sufficient hydration. Special creams are great for this. When choosing cosmetics for facial care, we remember several rules. For young skin, an ordinary moisturizer will be enough. For those with mature skin, comprehensive care is provided - nutrition and hydration. As for mattifying cream, it is used for oily and combination skin to eliminate shine.

Do you need masks and how often should you use them?

To moisturize the skin and achieve better results, you can use special masks. But you need to remember that additional skin care is more important, and such products should be used no more than 1-2 times a week. An alginate moisturizing mask from Zhivitsa is perfect for dry and aging skin. For oily and combination skin, it is better to use a mask with algae from Zhivitsa.

Peels, scrubs, gommages – what will cleanse your face best?

Peels, scrubs and gommages are also one of the elements of additional skin care. To know how to choose cosmetics in this case, you need to remember the purpose of these products.

Scrub is the most popular method and product, which consists of a base and small particles. Peeling is a more liquid form, it contains fewer particles and this method is suitable for gentle exfoliation of the skin. The difference between these two products is in the method of application. Peeling should not just be applied and washed off, but kept on the face for several minutes as a mask.

Both of these products have almost the same effect on the skin. With their help, you can remove dead skin particles, cleanse the skin and give it radiance. Gommage is an even more gentle remedy. It is great for sensitive skin as it does not contain traumatic elements. Using this product is quite simple: you just need to apply it to your face, wait for it to dry and remove it from the surface of the skin in a circular motion.

We advise you to watch the video and learn about the minimum requirements for skin care:

A couple more tips to choose the right skin product

The selection of facial care products must be correct. Bioactive creams and anti-wrinkle creams are best used after 40 years. When choosing a day cream for your face, remember that it must contain ultraviolet protection. UV radiation has a detrimental effect on the skin, causing its premature aging. Pay attention to this when choosing cosmetics.

Next, we add up the points. And we read what happened.

6−9 points — oily skin. It is characterized by: hyperfunction of the sebaceous glands, grayish color, enlarged pores and a tendency to form acne.

10−14 points — combination skin. It is characterized by: the skin of the forehead, nose and chin is oily, and on the cheeks it is normal or dry, different skin tones in different parts of the face.

15−19 points — normal skin. It is characterized by: a healthy appearance of elastic skin, an even, uniform shade, a feeling of “tightness” and peeling are rare.

20−24 points — dry skin. It is characterized by a feeling of “tightness” and dryness.

So, we have determined the type of facial skin. Now it’s easier to choose the right products for her. The main thing to remember is that for oily skin you need products that contain alcohol. There is no need to be alarmed; alcohol is not necessarily medical or ethyl alcohol. There are different types of alcohol: fruit alcohol, denat alcohol and many others. Dry skin, on the contrary, does not tolerate the effects of alcohol. And needs cosmetics that are based on water or oils.

And, as you understand, third stage - hydration. Or food. This can be done using cream or special serums.

There are also products such as peeling (or scrub), all kinds of masks, and much, much more: such products should be used no more than once or twice a week, after cleansing, before toning. And complete the process of daily skin care with mandatory moisturizing. Well, you have completed a short course in caring for your skin, now go ahead to the store and select cosmetics that are suitable specifically for your facial skin type.