What does a chicken butt wart look like: causes and treatment

The content of the article:
  1. Description of wart chicken ass
  2. Causes of chicken wart
  3. Symptoms of chicken butt warts on the leg and arm
  4. How to treat a chicken butt wart
    1. Antiviral medications
    2. Operative treatment methods
  5. How to get rid of chicken wart at home
    1. Medical preparations for cauterization
    2. Folk remedies
  6. Preventing the appearance of warts on the hands and feet

A chicken butt wart is most often a small benign neoplasm on the surface of the skin. However, in some cases it not only causes discomfort, but can lead to more serious diseases, degenerating into cancer.

Description of chicken butt wart and photo

In the photo there is a chicken ass wart that affects the leg

The appearance of papillomas is triggered by the entry of the human papillomavirus (abbreviated as HPV) into the human body. Each type (and there are more than a hundred of them) is responsible for the formation of skin growths of a certain type and corresponding localization. Almost 30% of patients who consult dermatologists suffer from warts on the feet, palms, and fingers. They are caused by HPV subtypes 1, 2, 4, 27 and 57.

Warts on the feet or hands are called palmoplantar warts. Popularly they are called “chicken butt” or “chicken wart”; you can also hear the names “thorn” or “horny wart”. The first two terms characterize the appearance of such a warty nodule - there are characteristic growths that are unlike other papillomas and have a very unaesthetic appearance. The second two are used because if you step on the foot where there is a wart, pain occurs, as if a thorn or splinter had been stuck into the body.

In medical terminology, these warts are called verruca plantaris. They require long-term removal and special care, since if the rules are not followed, the chicken butt wart may reappear on an unaffected area of ​​the skin. It can also degenerate into malignant tumor formation.

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The main causes of chicken warts on the feet and hands

In the photo there is a chicken butt wart on the heel

As stated above, the formation of any wart occurs due to the fact that the human papillomavirus enters the human body, which is integrated into the skin cells at the genetic level. However, this disease may not appear immediately. Only when certain conditions are created will the virus begin to aggressively affect skin cells, deforming them. When infected cells join together, a person may notice nodules on the surface of the dermis.

The main reasons contributing to the penetration of HPV into the body are:

  1. microtraumas on the skin or mucous membranes;
  2. close contact with an HPV carrier - hugs, kisses and even a simple handshake;
  3. failure to maintain personal hygiene in public places - swimming pools, saunas, gyms, kindergartens, etc.;
  4. using other people's hygiene products (towels, washcloths and others);
  5. wearing someone else's shoes and underwear (socks, gloves, tights);
  6. lack of protection when working with meat or fish;
  7. diabetes;
  8. atherosclerosis;
  9. varicose veins stage IV.

The incubation period for the formation of a chicken butt wart is from one and a half to six months. But even then, the infection can “freeze” and go into a latent state, waiting for suitable conditions when the body’s health declines. In this case, factors that activate the virus can be:

  1. decrease in the body’s immune background;
  2. stressful situations or severe fear;
  3. lack of vitamins;
  4. the use of tight shoes, which disrupts the normal flow of blood to the vessels of the legs;
  5. the use of shoes made of artificial and non-breathable materials;
  6. increased sweating of the feet.

Symptoms of chicken butt warts on the legs and arms

It is important to distinguish the manifestation of chicken butt warts from ordinary calluses. Chicken warts appear on the feet or hands, between the toes. At the same time, skin nodules may not cause any trouble other than an unaesthetic appearance. However, if treatment is not carried out, pain will follow when walking (especially when a papilloma forms on the heel, the surface of the foot near the toes or on the toes). In this case, it will be necessary to carry out urgent removal.

The spine is formed in several stages:

  1. At the initial stage, the patient does not pay attention to the nodule formed on the foot or fingers, since it resembles a simple callus. The surface of the epithelium becomes compacted and has the shape of a circle, protruding above the surface of the skin by 1-2 mm. Color: yellow-whitish. Sometimes itching or some pain may be felt when pressing on the callus. This happens because skin cells, the outlines of which are disfigured and grow under the influence of the human papillomavirus, begin to slightly compress the skin receptors of healthy areas.
  2. After 2-3 weeks, the chicken butt wart begins to grow. Its surface becomes even more dense, and there is roughness in the center, while the pattern on the skin is almost indistinguishable. The central part of the spine changes its yellowish tone to black or burgundy-red. This all happens because the blood vessels are completely clogged.
  3. At the final stage of formation, the wart increases in size. In the central region of such a neoplasm, thin epithelial papillae are grouped in bunches, protruding in different directions. The color of the skin tag turns dirty yellow or brown because the skin cells die. Then the edge of the dermis around the wart becomes horny, forming a ridge resembling a protruding horn. It becomes very painful to step on the foot, and it is difficult to walk, since the chicken wart protrudes very much beyond the surface of the skin. Over time, the upper part of the skin growth at this stage becomes very fragile and easily peels off, revealing purple nipple-like growths. They can also be injured and cause excessive bleeding.

Already at an intermediate stage, the dermatologist will recommend removing the horny wart without causing pain. If a chicken butt wart has formed, for example, on the thumb, then the patient can often injure it, and the appearance of such a skin formation is rather unaesthetic. This papilloma usually has a wide base and has a root that goes deep into the skin tissue. If the chicken ass is not treated in time, then new small (daughter) warts may soon form next to it, which, when fused, will form a large growth on the surface of the epidermis.

If we talk about the formation of a chicken butt wart on a finger, then the symptoms are somewhat different:

  1. formation of a yellow spot with a smooth surface;
  2. the neoplasm begins to rise above the skin by 1-2 mm;
  3. the wart hardens over time and its borders become clearly visible;
  4. daughter growths form and merge into one tumor.

To dispel doubts about the viral etiology of the growth on the surface of the dermis, the doctor may recommend testing and only if the result is positive, HPV infection will be proven. If there is a need to find out to what depth the chicken butt wart has grown, an ultrasound scan is performed. If it is suspected that the skin formation has become malignant, the patient is referred to a dermato-oncologist. If a chicken butt wart forms on the foot, it is necessary to consult a podiatrist, who will identify the general picture of the disease and the degree of deformation.

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How to treat a chicken butt wart?

Photo of a chicken wart on a finger

Sometimes a chicken butt wart is on the palms, fingers or feet and does not cause discomfort. A specialist will advise removing it in the following cases:

  1. the number of skin nodules began to increase rapidly;
  2. the size of chicken asses has become very large;
  3. warts constantly bleed, get injured, and get in the way;
  4. the shape or color of the tumor has changed.

Dermatologists with the formation of chicken butt warts note the possibility of malignancy - their degeneration into malignant formations. Factors contributing to pathological changes:

  1. Permanent injury to the skin formation.
  2. Rubbing a chicken's ass over a long period of time.
  3. Incorrectly performed skin growth removal procedure.
To eliminate the risk of developing cancer, it is better to immediately begin treatment or remove the wart on the feet and hands.

Antiviral medications

From the very beginning, the attending physician, having assessed the patient’s condition, will prescribe a course of antiviral drugs, as well as drugs that help improve immunity, in order to strengthen and support the body in the process of fighting HPV. Many medications have these properties:

  1. Viferon (price varies from 284 to 985 rubles) - a drug with complex effects, which includes human interferon. It counteracts viruses, models immunity and prevents the proliferation of tumor and oncological cells (pronounced antiproliferative effect).
  2. Isoprinosine (price starts from 581 rubles) - is a synthetic complex drug based on purine. Stimulates the body's immune activity and is characterized by a nonspecific effect towards viruses.
  3. Immunomax (price starts from 730 rubles) – helps strengthen immune protection against viral and bacterial infections.

In parallel with therapy, it is recommended to introduce more fresh fruits and vegetables into the diet to replenish vitamin reserves. You can use vitamin complexes:

  1. Supradin (price starts from RUR 628 for 20 tablets).
  2. Duovit (price for 30 tablets starts from 196 rubles).
  3. Vitrum (starting price starts from 434 rubles).

Surgical methods for treating chicken warts

Today, there are several methods that allow, with varying degrees of effectiveness, to remove a chicken butt wart from the roots:

  1. Laser beam - laser coagulation. When such a beam is directed at a skin tumor, its tissue gradually evaporates. After the procedure, only a very small depression remains at the site of the chicken wart. After 2 weeks, the scar from the procedure heals. The advantages of this method are that the removal of chicken butt warts on the fingers, heels, feet and hands is carried out quickly. Typically, the eradication of one skin nodule takes no more than a minute and the patient can go home immediately after the procedure. You can also set the depth to which the beam will penetrate into the dermis. The effectiveness of laser coagulation is 93%, the possibility of relapse is quite low. The price of the procedure to remove one papule starts from 140 rubles.
  2. Removal of chicken ass with liquid nitrogen - cryodestruction. The method is popular because its effectiveness reaches 70-100%. The possibility of relapse is only 15% of cases. The specialist uses liquid nitrogen, the temperature of which is -196 degrees, on the wart on the chicken ass. And since it mainly consists of water, the liquid, expanding, promotes the rupture of neoplasm cells, provoking their gradual death. A whitish spot remains at the site of the wart, as a microburn occurs. This white bubble dies after a few days. Occasionally, local anesthesia is required during the procedure. Doctors do not recommend cryodestruction to remove warts for preschool children, patients with diabetes and pregnant women. Removing one wart costs from 300 rubles.
  3. Radio wave knife - the use of radio waves. With the help of the Surgitron apparatus, the electric current is converted into a wave with a frequency of 3.8-4.0 MHz, which, when exposed to a wart, gradually evaporates its tissue. This method is somewhat similar to laser. With a removal efficiency of 80-90%, the possibility of relapse is very small - only 2-5%. To remove one chicken wart costs from 600 rubles.
  4. Removing chicken ass using electric current - electrocoagulation. A current is supplied to the coagulator wire, with the help of which the spine is easily cut off. However, this method, even with a relatively high efficiency of 80-95%, is rarely used in outpatient clinics. The price of the procedure for removing one skin lesion is from 1,500 rubles.
  5. Removing chicken butt warts using a scalpel - surgical. This method is also rarely used, usually in cases where it is necessary to obtain tissue from a skin nodule for research. The operation is performed by a surgeon who, having removed the wart, applies a cosmetic suture to the wound. Healing takes a long time and leaves a whitish mark after it. The effectiveness does not exceed 50-60%, and the possibility of relapse is the same. The cost for removing one wart is from 300 rubles.

How to get rid of chicken wart on the foot and hand at home?

If the chicken butt wart does not cause any problems other than cosmetic ones, you can first simply take a course of immunomodulatory drugs, which we indicated above. You can also try removing skin lesions at home. For this, both pharmaceutical preparations and traditional methods are used.

Before applying the medicine to a spine on a foot or finger, it is recommended to first steam it - make baths of warm water with herbal infusions of chamomile or yarrow. Then the top layer of the nodule can be removed using pumice. It is important to protect healthy skin next to the papilloma, since all drugs contain caustic substances that cause burning and burning. You can stick a protective plaster around the wart or lubricate the surface of the healthy dermis with Vaseline.

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Medicines for cauterizing warts and ass

The active ingredients in the following preparations penetrate into the deep layers of the chicken butt wart. At the same time, its structure begins to collapse. It also has an antiseptic effect, which prevents the virus from penetrating unaffected areas of the epidermis.

  1. Super clean (price from 35 rubles) - it is necessary to apply it to the wart several times a day, this will exfoliate the keratinized layer of epithelium. Read the instructions for using Supercleaner
  2. Feresol (price starts from 18 rubles) - a cauterizing and bactericidal agent, which is applied to warts up to 2 mm once, and if the sizes are large, then 3-4 times.
  3. Verrucacid (price from RUR 836) – provokes coagulation of skin proteins and cauterizes the wart. Treatment of chicken butt papillomas on the hands and feet is performed 7-10 times every 3-4 minutes. See Verrucacid contraindications.
  4. Acyclovir (cost from 21 rubles) – the product is smeared on the affected area of ​​the skin 5 times a day for 5-10 days.

How to get rid of chicken wart using folk remedies

Traditional medicine offers many recipes to get rid of chicken butt warts on the fingers, palms, feet or heels. Among them are:

  1. Celandine juice - the most proven remedy, but it is worth remembering that burns may remain on children's or sensitive skin. The chicken wart is smeared twice a day with juice squeezed out of the stems. Sometimes it is recommended to use dandelion or milkweed juice, but the latter can lead to severe burns, so its use is not very common.
  2. Garlic has a strong antimicrobial effect; it has long been used to combat skin tumors. You can take garlic pulp or cut a thin slice from a clove. The product is applied to the chicken wart, covered with an adhesive bandage and left overnight. In the morning, if possible, the compress should be changed to a new one. This treatment may take up to a month until the skin nodule goes away on its own.
  3. Raw potatoes. Its use is the same as garlic - the pulp is applied to the wart on the heel, finger or toe. A plastic film is placed on top, then a compress is secured with a bandage. Other recipes with potatoes.

Preventing the appearance of chicken butt warts on the hands and feet

Chicken warts are caused by HPV infection. However, it is necessary to adhere to the following rules in order not to provoke its activation:

  1. lead a healthy lifestyle (do not drink, do not smoke);
  2. if microtraumas form on the feet or hangnails on the hands, immediately treat them with antiseptic agents;
  3. apply nourishing cream for hands and feet so that the skin is not too dry and does not crack;
  4. wear shoes of your own size made from natural materials so that your feet do not compress and blood flows normally to the vessels;
  5. do not use other people’s things (shoes, socks, tights);
  6. fight sweating of the whole body and feet in particular;
  7. take courses of vitamin complexes;
  8. harden the body.