How to cure purulent acne on the face

Every person at least once in his life is faced with such an unpleasant problem as purulent acne on the face. The mechanism of their occurrence is quite simple - the pores become clogged with sebum, which is secreted by the sebaceous glands, as a result of which an inflammatory process begins, followed by suppuration. Both dermatologists and cosmetologists treat acne; some prefer to look for recipes on the Internet and get rid of acne using traditional methods. The most effective results are primarily achieved by those who turn to specialists. Self-medication most often only makes the problem worse.

Reasons for the appearance of ulcers on the face

The most common reasons for the appearance of purulent pimples on the face is improper skin care, primarily, insufficient cleansing of excess fat from the face. There are also a number of other reasons that cause acne, rashes and pimples on the face:

  1. Squeezing pimples - cosmetologists and dermatologists warn that even the most “terrible” ulcers should not be squeezed out, as this can only complicate the situation and cause more severe inflammation. Even if the pimple was squeezed out correctly and the wound healed quickly, a scar will most likely remain on the skin. If, after squeezing, pus remains inside, the infection spreads to nearby pores and causes even more severe inflammation.
  2. An unbalanced diet and abuse of fatty foods can cause diseases of the digestive tract, which, in turn, provokes skin problems.
  3. Hormonal imbalance during pregnancy or lactation, menopause or menstruation is often the cause of the appearance of ulcers on the back, face, chest and neck. Hyperactivity of hormones in school-age children is almost always accompanied by acne and purulent pimples. It is during puberty that both girls and boys undergo changes in the body, which most often result in problems with facial skin.
  4. Improper care - the appearance of rashes and purulent pimples can be caused by poor skin cleansing - you should not frequently touch your face with your hands so as not to transfer bacteria and germs to the skin, which can aggravate the problem. It is very important to maintain personal hygiene when applying cosmetics - you should not use other people’s brushes, brushes or powder puffs.
  5. Stress and nervous system disorders. Excessive worries and stressful situations can reduce the body's resistance to disease and inflammation, leading to the formation of ulcers.
  6. A pathology called hyperkeratosis is a process of accelerated cell division that causes keratinization and excessive peeling of the skin. Subcutaneous fat collects in the pores, which, together with particles of keratinized cells, creates a favorable environment for the proliferation of bacteria and subsequent suppuration. Hyperkeratosis can be caused by an excess or deficiency of vitamins, as well as poor circulation.
  7. The use of cosmetics that are not suitable for you can cause inflammation on the skin, even leading to the appearance of ulcers.
  8. Frequent use of antibiotics and steroids almost always causes inflammation of the skin (medicinal acne).

Regardless of what exactly caused the acne, you need to start treating it immediately. Not everyone knows how to quickly cure various types of inflammation on the skin and get rid of age spots and scars, so we offer proven methods for properly treating purulent acne on the face and body.

Drug treatment of purulent acne

  1. The safest and most affordable pharmaceutical product is Vishnevsky Ointment. Despite the pungent odor, it quite quickly and effectively draws out purulent contents even from large abscesses. Directions for use: Apply a small amount of ointment to a previously prepared sterile napkin or bandage (so that the ointment completely covers the pimple) and apply it to the inflamed area. Cover the top with plastic wrap and secure the bandage with a regular adhesive plaster.
  2. Other, most common pharmaceutical products that relieve inflammation and prevent the proliferation of bacteria include zinc, ichthyol, salicylic and syntomycin ointments.
  3. Drugs such as Levomekol, Metrogyl and Erythromycin perfectly dry the skin and help in treating acne.
  4. One of the most effective pharmaceutical products for treating acne is Zinerit, a lotion that contains zinc and erythromycin.

All of the above drugs can be purchased at any pharmacy at an affordable price. The ointments are applied pointwise to the abscess, the procedure is performed two to three times a day.

In some cases, dermatologists recommend a course of treatment with Skinoren or Baziron AS gel - these drugs perfectly relieve multiple rashes on the face and body. The procedures are performed twice a day for three months.

A regular aspirin tablet dissolved in a small amount of water will quickly relieve inflammation on the skin - for this, the mixture should be applied to individual ulcers. Acne located on the back, neck, or other parts of the body except the face can be lubricated with iodine daily for 5-6 days. Iodine is applied pointwise, directly to the abscess; contact with healthy areas of the skin should be avoided.

How acne is treated in beauty salons

Cosmetologists in specialized clinics prescribe the following types of treatment procedures:

  1. Conventional (mechanical) facial cleansing, which is performed manually by the cosmetologist himself, using a sterile instrument. As a result of the manipulations, the pores are cleared of plugs and pus is removed. The procedure ends with the application of a special healing ointment to the skin.
  2. Ultrasound treatment reduces inflammation, tightens pores, and improves blood circulation in affected areas of the skin.
  3. Cryotherapy (dry ice and liquid nitrogen are used to perform procedures).
  4. Professional masks with algae, clay and aromatic oils are used for additional skin nutrition and cell regeneration.
  5. Chemical peeling is used to remove dead skin layers of the epidermis and also stimulate the growth of new skin cells.

Methods for treating purulent acne at home

Before you begin treating ulcers on the face, you should first prepare the skin. To do this, you need to carefully steam your face over a decoction of medicinal herbs. The liquid should be hot, the head should be covered with a towel, the duration of the procedure is about 10 minutes. In order to prepare the whole body for the procedures, take a bath with sea salt.

If there is no redness on the skin, peeling will be useful:

  1. Fruit. Combine two tablespoons of kefir and one spoon of sugar, add lemon juice (1/2 fruit per serving). You can use yogurt instead of kefir. Apply to the skin of the face, with the exception of the area around the eyes. This recipe is recommended for exfoliating dead skin cells followed by moisturizing. Then the face is washed with warm water or a decoction that was used for steaming.
  2. Peeling with coffee grounds. Oatmeal, previously ground in a coffee grinder, is mixed with water. Then add soda or sugar and coffee grounds. The procedure for cleansing the face or body is carried out once a week.

You can achieve good results in the treatment of purulent acne on the face and body using some traditional medicine recipes.

  1. Calendula with honey. Combine one tablespoon of honey and a teaspoon of calendula tincture (pharmaceutical), add a small amount of boiled water. Soak a cotton pad in the resulting solution and apply lotions to the inflamed areas of the skin. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes. This treatment of problem areas will speed up the process of treating ulcers.
  2. Herbal decoctions. You can treat acne with self-prepared decoctions of medicinal herbs such as chamomile, St. John's wort, calendula, plantain, and so on. In the pre-prepared decoction, moisten a gauze cloth generously and apply to the affected areas for 10-15 minutes. Regular procedures help remove inflammation.
  3. St. John's wort infusion with alcohol. To prepare the product, take 40% alcohol and dried St. John's wort herb in a ratio of 1:5 (1 part herb to 5 parts alcohol). Wipe your face daily to ease the inflammatory process.
  4. Table mustard. Apply pointwise to ulcers, the procedure is performed three times a day, mustard should be applied to problem areas for 30 minutes.
  5. Sagebrush. Prepare an infusion; to do this, take two tablespoons of the herb per 250 ml of boiling water. Recommended for quick removal of purulent acne.
  6. Washing with decoctions of medicinal plants - calendula, hops, chamomile or St. John's wort - also gives an excellent effect. Cosmetologists recommend using olive oil instead of cream for dry skin; the use of this product promotes rapid healing of wounds, the oil also removes redness and moisturizes the skin.
  7. Aloe. Compresses with aloe will help quickly remove pus from acne. Cut off a leaf from the plant, carefully remove the skin from one side and apply the aloe pulp to the problem area. The compress is fixed with an adhesive plaster or bandage and left until the morning.

How to prevent acne

Anyone who has already once encountered the problem of purulent acne probably knows that their occurrence is easier to prevent than to cure. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor the condition of your skin, regularly cleanse your face and use antibacterial soap for washing. Cosmetologists also recommend eating right and leading a healthy lifestyle.

  1. For prevention purposes, those with oily skin can use a mask to normalize the sebaceous glands. To do this, combine oatmeal, previously crushed in a coffee grinder, with one tablespoon (tablespoon) of lemon juice, and also add a mixture of egg white whipped into a thick foam and one streptocide tablet. The mask is applied to the face, the duration of the procedure does not exceed 20 minutes.
  2. Tar soap is an excellent natural antiseptic; it has long been used for washing the face; this product is especially recommended for those who have skin problems.
  3. To generally strengthen the immune system, it is recommended to take a drink prepared in the following way: take two tablespoons of dry nettle for 300 ml of boiling water, leave for at least two hours, take before meals (10 minutes before), three times a day.

It is impossible to cure purulent acne in a few days. Subcutaneous inflammation does not resolve quickly; it will take at least three days for the abscess to burst. Also, the individual characteristics of the body in restoring the skin play a large role in healing. Cosmetologists say that complete healing will take from one to three weeks.

Any pimple can ruin your appearance. And the one in which there is pus - even more so. Small white “heads” are not masked by foundation and do not always disappear under the influence of all kinds of toners and facial lotions. The presence of such “guests” on the face indicates that there are inflammatory processes in the body. And getting rid of them should be the first stage of treatment.

Sources of the problem

How to get rid of purulent acne on the face? Before answering the question, let's determine the reasons for their appearance. It could be:

  1. neglect of hygiene;
  2. incorrectly selected cosmetics (lotions, creams (including foundation), powder);
  3. adolescence;
  4. stress;
  5. abuse of junk food;
  6. bad habits;
  7. rare exposure to fresh air.

You may not agree with any of the reasons given - after all, there are people who have been smoking and eating fast food for decades, but they have never suffered from purulent acne. Unfortunately or fortunately, we are all different, and the body’s reaction to certain influences depends on many factors.

  1. Genetics.
  2. Ecology of the place where a person lives.
  3. Presence of chronic diseases.

A very common cause of purulent rashes on the face are the following:

  1. too intense production of sebum by the body. Due to the fact that the pores are clogged with oil, acne appears faster, but takes longer to resolve;
  1. Dust actively adheres to the fat and dirt forms. Therefore, if you are too lazy to wash your face once or twice using a special product suitable for your skin type, do not be surprised at the appearance of acne.

Under no circumstances should purulent pimples on the face be squeezed out; you just need to choose the right treatment. By squeezing them out, you risk getting a permanent scar on your face. Getting rid of acne marks on your face will not be easy; you hardly need such consequences.

Have you found the reason why you have a purulent pimple on your face? Great. Now let's think about how to get rid of it.


So how to treat purulent acne? Traditional medicine offers us wonderful methods.

Folk remedies

  1. Mustard. Apply directly to inflammation at least a couple of times a day. But this must be done with extreme caution so as not to burn healthy areas of the skin. Leave on face for 20 minutes, then wash off. We apply this remedy until the pimple disappears completely.
  2. Plantain juice. We use it on the same principle as mustard - we lubricate problem areas on the skin.
  3. Aloe juice. A slightly crushed and mashed aloe leaf can be attached to the inflammation with a band-aid and left for about 15 minutes. The juice of the plant will reduce the pimple.
  4. Tincture of calendula. And if you have committed a terrible sin (well, that is, you have squeezed out a purulent pimple), treat the remaining trace with an alcohol tincture of calendula. It neutralizes redness.

What else can help?

Various masks can be good helpers in the fight against hated inflammation. We have selected several of the most effective ones for you:

  1. aspirin mask. a couple of aspirin tablets, a spoonful of honey, a couple of drops of plain water and the same amount of jojoba oil. Crush the tablets into powder, mix with the remaining ingredients until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. Warm slightly in a water bath and gently apply to clean facial skin. Keep the mask on for 15 minutes, then wash it off and wipe your face with tonic. We repeat the procedure once a week;
  2. white clay mask. Mix white clay, milk and baby powder, apply evenly to the face, and leave for 15 minutes. This mask reduces redness after the first use;
  3. cucumber-sour cream mask. Mix grated cucumber with a tablespoon of sour cream and leave on the skin for 15 minutes. Cucumber juice is known for its anti-inflammatory properties, but unlike pharmaceutical products (cucumber lotions, creams, soaps), this mask is completely natural;
  4. honey mask (you must be sure of its quality!). In the amount of one spoon, honey is mixed with egg yolk and a small amount of lemon juice. Apply this mask to your face and keep it on for 10 minutes. The amount of acne will gradually decrease and they will be much paler. IMPORTANT! This mask is contraindicated if you are allergic to honey or citrus fruits. Otherwise, it will turn out as in the proverb: “We treat one thing, and cripple the other.”


In an attempt to cure a purulent pimple as quickly as possible, many women (and men too, why hide it) buy the entire range of pharmacies. But not all of these representatives of both sexes, puzzled by beauty issues, know how to treat a purulent pimple. It's okay, we'll help you.

  1. Iodine. Apply it to pimples using a cotton swab and leave it on overnight. In the morning you will be able to see that the pimple has dried out a little, the pus has disappeared, and the swelling has become less noticeable. And why? Because iodine disinfects the skin by destroying bacteria.
  2. "Miramistin". The drug Miramistin, which is a colorless liquid, has similar properties. You should not pay attention to the fact that this remedy is mainly used for the prevention and treatment of genitourinary diseases. This is not the only purpose of Miramistin. It can be used to treat sore throats, insect bites, and any other inflammatory processes.
  3. Zinc ointment, Vishnevsky ointment or regular propolis sold in a pharmacy - all these products, when applied to a spot, can provide drying and reduce redness at the site of inflammation.
  4. "Paracetamol" or any other antipyretic, crushed into powder and applied to the face for just 15 minutes can significantly reduce inflammation. Treatment of purulent acne on the face with Paracetamol is very effective and will not take much of your time.

And, as we have said more than once in previous articles, it is better to prevent a particular disease than to treat it for a long time. It is necessary to remember that you need to monitor the condition of your skin not only when it is covered with acne or other unpleasant “sores,” but constantly. Daily skin care can be done even at home. This will only take you a few tens of minutes a day, but you won’t have to worry about trying out different products or paying a lot of money to cosmetologists to “reanimate” your face.

Choose your cosmetics more carefully, spend more time outdoors, eat more fruits and vegetables, and try to be less stressed. Simple rules, but the effect of following them will be global - beautiful, radiant, smooth skin that you want to touch. And, as a result, an abundance of compliments from others. Isn’t this what every woman dreams of? If you don’t know how to get rid of subcutaneous pimples on the face or acne, read our other articles.

Everyone strives for clean and beautiful facial skin, so the appearance of acne on it is always frustrating, brings embarrassment and discomfort, worsens the quality of life and leads to the development of complexes.

Particularly unpleasant are purulent formations that appear unexpectedly, always hurt, grow to large sizes and take a long time to mature.

What it is

Purulent acne (pustules) is a purulent inflammation of the hair follicle and the adjacent sebaceous or sweat gland. They appear either singly or en masse on any part of the body, but most often on the face.

Visually, edema, swelling and a small white head are visible at the site of their formation. There is a purulent core inside, which causes discomfort, itching, and pain throughout the entire development stage. Unpleasant symptoms disappear after the formation is opened and the purulent mass comes out.

Is it possible to press

Doctors also do not recommend this manipulation for the following reasons:

  1. You can become infected with furunculosis.
  2. Dirt and dust can get into the wound from unclean nails and hands, which will lead to infection of the deep layers of the skin and damage to the sebaceous glands.
  3. Inflammation can quickly spread to healthy areas or cause blood poisoning.
  4. Scars form.

Opening a pustule can only be trusted to a cosmetologist. For self-treatment, there are now a lot of products that can be freely purchased at the pharmacy.

Causes of purulent acne on the face

Usually the reason for the formation of purulent acne is skin irritation or clogging of pores with dust. But it is not only insufficient hygiene that is to blame for this.

Often, many internal and external conditions affect their appearance, even if hygiene procedures are carried out regularly and efficiently.

In men

At the age of up to 20 years, purulent rashes are provoked by hormonal activity, which is characteristic of puberty. Almost 60% of young people are susceptible to this phenomenon.

Factors that cause acne are also:

  1. disruption of hormone levels;
  2. hereditary predisposition;
  3. low sexual activity;
  4. pathologies of the digestive system;
  5. hyperkeratosis is a skin disease that is accompanied by thickening of the stratum corneum;
  6. physical weakness;
  7. psycho-emotional fatigue;
  8. long-term use of hormones (anabolic steroids) or certain medications (for example, antibiotics);
  9. poor nutrition, as well as violation of eating habits;
  10. skin irritation after shaving.

The child has

In babies under six months of age, neonatal pustulosis is considered normal and occurs in every second child. Usually pimples are located on the face and head, rarely on the neck and ears.

The exact reason for their appearance is not known. But doctors are considering 2 versions: changes in hormonal levels and adaptation of the child’s body in a new environment (anhydrous). The formations do not bother the child in any way and pass quickly.

The list of reasons why rashes appear in children under one and a half years old is expanding. These are mainly “childhood” diseases, although poor nutrition, poor hygiene and low immunity cannot be ruled out.

Conditions in which an abscess is one of the symptoms include:

  1. Milia – a skin disease that manifests itself due to weak functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  2. Diathesis - the predisposition of the child’s body to manifest a pathological reaction to an external stimulus or is a harbinger of a certain disease.
  3. Intertrigo - a skin disease that occurs when the skin is regularly exposed to a damp environment.

In children of kindergarten and primary school age, the rash appears due to:

  1. insufficient hygiene;
  2. microtraumas;
  3. poor nutrition;
  4. digestive problems.

Among women

The formation of pustules is explained:

  1. Wrong choice of caring and decorative cosmetics or their low quality.
  2. Hormonal changes in adolescence, before menstruation, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, and entering menopause.
  3. Skin infection.

Timely adoption of measures to eliminate many of these causes will help reduce the likelihood of the formation of purulent acne.


Doctors never cease to repeat that the best way to prevent disease is prevention. This also applies to the appearance of ulcers on the face.

To prevent their occurrence, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Do not use expired cosmetics.
  2. Maintain cleanliness and promptly change sponges, powder, and brushes.
  3. Remove all makeup at night.
  4. Do not squeeze pimples yourself.
  5. Adjust your diet by eliminating or reducing “harmful” foods.
  6. Use antibacterial skin care products regularly.
  7. Lead an active and healthy lifestyle.

How to use acne gel on face? More details here.

How to treat

Treatment of ulcers involves an integrated approach to the problem, and in addition to eliminating the external manifestation, it implies getting rid of the cause that caused their appearance.


The choice of medications is extensive, and without the help of a doctor you can get lost in their range. All funds are selected individually. Also, a treatment regimen is developed for each patient, depending on the causative factor.

External means

Vishnevsky ointment

Has strong healing and regenerating effects. The principle of its action is to warm the abscess and skin area, which accelerates the breakout of the pimple and draws out pus from the wound.

Used according to the scheme:

  1. Fold sterile gauze into 4 layers.
  2. Apply a little ointment to it.
  3. Apply a compress to the problem area.
  4. Cover the top with polyethylene and secure with adhesive tape.

The ointment is also used to prevent the formation of pustules: you need to lubricate the area that is bothered by pain and itching, and after 30-40 minutes. wash off. The product is not recommended for use with highly sensitive skin.

Video: Vishnevsky ointment - all about the drug

Baziron AS

The gel stops the proliferation of bacteria and pathogenic microorganisms, thereby eliminating the main cause of acne.

The application rules are the same as the previous product with the only difference that “Baziron AS” is applied with massage movements 2 times a day: in the morning and at night.

In addition to the above mentioned remedies, you can use ichthyol, synthomycin and salicylic ointments to eliminate ulcers. Metrogyl, Levomekol, Zinerit, Skinoren-gel dry and heal the wound well.


The following medications are prescribed for internal use:

  1. Antibiotics: Erythromycin, Levomycetin, Metronidazole.
  2. Hormones in birth control pills: “Yarina”, “Jess”.
  3. Retinoids: Roaccutane, Retinol Palmitate.
  4. Probiotics: “Lactofiltrum”, Linex.”
  5. Vitamin and mineral complexes.

The results of using each remedy are individual and depend on the cause, characteristics of the body, immunity, and also on the severity of the condition.

Folk remedies

In alternative medicine, there are recipes that help eliminate purulent acne on the face. But their use is possible only after consultation with a doctor and his approval.

Well proven:

  1. St. John's wort. Prepare a decoction: 2 tbsp. l. pour the flowers of the plant with 2 tbsp. water, simmer over low heat for 15-20 minutes. After cooling, strain and wipe the skin twice a day.
  2. Sagebrush. To prepare the infusion 2 tbsp. l. 500 ml of dried plant is poured. boiling water, infuse for 8-9 hours. Afterwards, the product is filtered and used as directed 4 times a day.
  3. Plantain. The juice of the plant is a strong antiseptic and has an effect on wound healing. It can be used to treat both the inflamed area and the entire face for preventive purposes 4-6 times a day.

To combat purulent formations, you can also take mustard powder, iodine, tar soap, chamomile, oatmeal with lemon juice, calendula, aloe, etc.

What not to do

To at least somehow protect yourself from the occurrence of rashes on your face, you cannot:

  1. ignore proper hygiene;
  2. use other people's brushes, brushes and expired cosmetics;
  3. touching your face with dirty hands;
  4. delay treatment of systemic diseases;
  5. self-medicate, as well as exceed the dosage and course of taking medications prescribed by a doctor;
  6. eat “junk” food.

Skin care

Measures to prevent the formation of pustules also include proper skin care.

To keep it healthy and beautiful, it is enough to understand a few simple rules:

  1. Drink at least 2 liters. water every day.
  2. Don't forget to remove your makeup before going to bed.
  3. Regularly moisturize your skin with special products.
  4. Be careful and moderate when applying makeup.
  5. Use cosmetics that are suitable for your age and skin type.
  6. Protect skin from ultraviolet rays.
  7. Clean it regularly.