Vampire with black hair

Over the entire period of its existence, humanity has devoted so many scientific and poetic treatises, so many books, plays and films to vampires that all this material could be collected together and presented in a huge world museum, entirely dedicated to the phenomenon of vampirism. Many people are so attracted to this topic that they seriously wonder: “How to look like a vampire?” Let's find out!

A little about vampires...

In the culture of this or that people, in literature, in cinema, we from time to time encounter ambiguous and contradictory pseudo-people - vampires. According to legends, they originated from Eastern European legends and, fortunately, are not full-fledged people. It is generally accepted that vampires are dead bodies that feed on the blood of animals and, of course, people.

What are they afraid of?

Before we learn how to look like a vampire, let's get to know them better. According to legends and folklore, they hate daylight. They are simply afraid of it, because the light forces them to hide in dark shelters, in particular, in their coffins. By the way, a coffin is an invariable attribute of any vampire, according to the same legends.

What does a vampire look like?

According to world literature and cinema, the appearance of vampires practically does not distinguish them from living people: they do not have horns, wings, tails, hooves, etc. Their only difference from us is the presence of very pale skin and reddened eyes. An indispensable attribute of any vampire is fangs. As a rule, they are hidden from prying eyes. The vampire only uses them during his hunt.

How to kill a vampire?

So, now we know what a vampire looks like (photo presented in the article) in legends and allegories. Now let's find out how you can kill him. When darkness falls, these creatures come out of their hiding places to feed! Night for them is the only time to hunt mortals. To prevent the vampire from sucking your blood, kill him first.

According to legend, these bloodthirsty creatures can be destroyed using a wooden stake carved, say, from aspen or birch. This stake must be driven straight into the vampire's heart. You can scare away these creatures with the help of garlic and onions mixed together, as well as by pointing a crucifix with Jesus Christ at them or by sprinkling them with holy water.

How to look like a vampire?

You need to take care of your hair. The fact is that hair plays one of the main roles in the image of a vampire. Remember: according to legend, vampires take care of their hair - it is always styled and combed. You don't have to have dark hair, but if you want to look like a bloodsucker as much as possible, you can dye your hair black. Hairstyle plays a special role in the vampire subculture. By the way, you should not confuse gothic and vampirism, since these are two different subcultures.

How to look like a vampire? Monitor the condition of your skin! It is not at all necessary that she be pale. The main thing is that its color is not dark. If you are a “gourmet” in this matter, then you can use foundation. The main thing is that you don’t have any pimples on your skin, because vampires don’t have them.

Do you remember what a vampire looks like? We already told you about it: he has a “bloody” look. This needs to be given special attention. As a rule, the eyes of these creatures are very bright and focused (remember Brad Pitt’s character in the movie “Interview with the Vampire”). Purchase appropriate colored contact lenses. By the way, vampire makeup for your eyes can be either light or dark. This is not important. It all depends on personal preferences.

Lips are the most striking feature in the image of a vampire. They add a unique “zest” to this creature. It all depends on your skin tone and personal preference. You can choose a bright red or bloody shade for your lips. You shouldn’t paint them black, you’re not a goth, but a vampire!

Don't forget about the fangs. Of course, you don’t have to wear them, but you definitely need to monitor the condition of your teeth. They should be whitened if possible: vampires have snow-white teeth. If you want to give yourself vampire fangs, there are several options here. You can wear false pointed crowns, or you can wear dentures. Some fanatics give their teeth the shape of fangs by grinding them in special clinics. It’s better not to do this, because health is more important!

None of us knows for sure what a real vampire looks like, since there are still no officially registered cases of meeting them, but we all know that their image is unthinkable without long nails. Grow them out, then carefully file them down. Don't forget to coat your nails with clear polish. This will make them stronger and more natural.

Most people are sure that they can only come face to face with the “terrible bloodsucker” on Halloween. Those planning to create this look are interested in how to look like a vampire in order to impress everyone. There are a lot of heroes in literature who drink human blood. The ancient Sumerians, Assyrians, and Greeks reported about them, and each people had their own descriptions of their appearance. This image gained the greatest popularity thanks to Bram Stoker and his novel “Dracula”. In cinema, there are about three hundred films about vampires, in which directors portray them as completely different - from creepy monsters to quite nice, charming people, no different from you and me. Therefore, those preparing for a masquerade have a lot of options on how to look. No one knows what a vampire really looks like. We offer detailed instructions for creating an irresistible image of the immortal bloodsucker. We will also tell you what these people look like in real life.

Vampire costume

Popular wisdom, known to everyone since childhood, says that people are greeted by their clothes. How to look like a vampire, for example, going to a carnival? Of course, come up with a spectacular costume! For males, it is best to choose dark (preferably black) trousers, the same shoes, a shirt with ruffles on the sleeves or other details that were popular many years ago (after all, vampires live for millennia).

For females, dark, but not necessarily black, dresses, black gloves, stockings and shoes are ideal. Complete the outfit with a cape, red, burgundy or purple on the inside and black on the outside. This is the classic costume of an elegant vampire who knows his worth, is unpredictable and insidious. You can complement the look with accessories, such as a necklace, pendant or ring with vampire symbols; for men, a bow tie and a cane would be appropriate; for women, an unusual hair clip and choker would be appropriate.


How to look like a vampire? You can't focus only on clothes. A person's appearance is also very important. There is an opinion that vampires have thin and pale skin. When going to a masquerade, it is not at all necessary to destroy this stereotype. Pale skin is easy to achieve with the current variety of cosmetics. You just need to cover it with a light foundation or powder. Outlining your eyes with a black pencil will help you highlight your eyes more clearly. You can add gloominess with the help of dark shadows applied to the upper eyelids and light “bruises” under the eyes. Complete the makeup with bright red lipstick. If desired, you can insert characteristic vampire fangs into your mouth, and contact lenses that match the image into your eyes.

Attention should also be paid to the hairstyle. Classic vampires are always neat; men's hair often reaches their shoulders; women's hair is beautifully styled. Vampires need this appearance in order not to scare away, but to win over potential victims.

What does a vampire look like on Halloween?

If the image of a vampire is chosen for this holiday, it would be nice if there were some deviations from the “classics” in the outfit and appearance. On the face, you can add drops of blood around the mouth to skin lightened with cosmetics, eyes with black eyeliner, red lips and fang teeth, and on your hands you can get a manicure with long false nails covered with black or bright red varnish. But “vampires” don’t have to have stylish hairstyles for Halloween. In this case, some kind of dark hat or wig would be more suitable.

Real harmless vampires

Whether you believe it or not, there really are real vampires living among us. Some of them are not dangerous to society. These are people suffering from porphyria in the 3rd degree. Want to know what real vampires look like? Quite deplorable, one might say. With porphyria, too many porphyrins are synthesized in the blood, which are destroyed in light. Those suffering from this disease, from exposure to sunlight, the skin becomes covered with blisters and ulcers, so they have to lead a nocturnal lifestyle, and during the day carefully cover their entire body with clothing. Often the destruction affects not only the skin, but also the cartilage, which leads to ugly deformities of the nose and limbs. In addition, porphyria patients do not produce hemes (non-protein hemoglobin), which makes their skin pale and thin. Porphyria is inherited. That is, it is impossible to become infected with it from a vampire bite. Such patients are treated only with medication.

The second group of real vampires includes people who believe that they need blood. They create closed groups in which they do not hide their identity. In society, they do not give themselves away in any way, neither by clothes, nor makeup, nor behavior. Such vampires necessarily drink blood, for which they use volunteers (donors) or buy blood from medical institutions. They don't kill anyone either.

Real dangerous vampires

There are people among us who strive to be vampires. Based on the reasons that led them to adopt this lifestyle, they are divided into three types:

1. I like the essence of vampirism.

2. They believe in immortality with the help of human blood.

3. They love thrills.

What does a vampire look like today if he belongs to one of these three types? As a rule, such people support their image in every possible way - they sleep in coffins, are active at night, are aggressive, wear dark clothes (without a cape), do “vampire” makeup and tattoos, some even sharpen their teeth into fangs. These vampires are extremely dangerous because their rituals often include killing and drinking the blood of their victims.

Energy vampires

Even official science has recognized that such people exist. They feed their body with energy sucked from those around them. What do energy vampires look like? Just like non-vampires, that is, usually. You can calculate them by their behavior. Such people try to stir up quarrels and scandals out of nothing, so that their opponents begin to get nervous and become an excellent source of energy. After communicating with an energy vampire (even if the quarrel did not work out), you always feel tired, incomprehensible anxiety, despondency, apathy, weakness, loss of strength, sometimes headache and lack of appetite.

Anyone who wants to meet this evil spirits or turn into it, to find a real vampire, it is advisable to know what he looks like.

What a vampire looks like - the main signs

To turn into evil spirits or identify them, you need to know the features that distinguish a monster from an ordinary person. There are many myths related to appearance.

Monster thin and tallmyth. Legends say that vampires, like witches, weighed little, were tall and thin. This is what the ancient creatures looked like. But today there can be any build - tall and thin, or stocky and plump.

Absolute paleness. Opinions vary. Yes, a vampire can be identified by his skin, it looks like that of a dead person. But not all the time. Eyewitnesses claim that after the monster drinks blood, its cheeks turn pink and its pale lips turn scarlet.

Protruding fangs. Also it is impossible to give a definite answer. Some are inclined to believe that the eye teeth always protrude above the lip, even when the mouth is closed. But there is an opinion that the enlargement of fangs occurs in evil spirits only when it sees the victim, feels blood and is ready to attack. Then the teeth become larger due to thirst.

Fear of lightmyth. It is a common belief that, as soon as a vampire is exposed to direct sunlight, he begins to hiss, his skin peels off, and the bloodsucker turns to dust.

Perhaps this description was suitable for the ancestors of evil spirits, but its modern representatives have already adapted and do not react to light. But they still do not like to appear under the scorching sun and willingly spend the hot season in a closed, cool room.

What do vampires look like nowadays - is it easy to distinguish them from humans?

Finding out whether there is such a creature among your friends is not easy.

Many live for hundreds of years, and they, like the heroes of Sheridan Le Fanu, Théophile Gautier, John William Polidori and Bram Stoker, have retained a touch of sophistication, aristocracy and look like idealized egoists.

Pay attention to people who, despite their cold and indifferent appearance, attract others. A vampire will never attack the first victim he comes across, even if he is very hungry. The older he gets, the more pleasure he gets from the attack process.

But what does it look like?vampire hunt"? This is not just stalking the victim, but charming her. Monsters are not content with blood that is obtained by force. The greatest pleasure is when you voluntarily do anything for them.

Monsters take care of themselves. After all, their appearance is a weapon that they use for hunting. They behave with restraint, are mysterious and love to be the center of attention.

Your friend is pale-skinned, looks perfect, smart, seductive and, when appearing in the company of people, is looking for a new victim? It's possible he's a vampire.

Watch the suspect's behavior. He will avoid those who wear a cross, use amulets to protect against evil spirits and have a strong biofield. But the older and more experienced the creature, the more freely it behaves in society, and the more difficult it is to detect.

The monster will be given away by negative energy. If he has not learned to control information flows, you can recognize him by tuning into the energy of the people present. If a person is a strong source of negativity, he may turn out to be a vampire.

Determination by date of birth - test

The method does not apply to real monsters. It is possible to conduct a test that will show whether you are an energy vampire, but it does not apply to evil spirits that drink blood.

You can only identify a monster by its birthday using its real data. If a person was born many years ago, but looks great, perhaps he remains young at the expense of the blood of others.

Another test will show how likely it is that someone you know is a real vampire. It consists of 9 questions. For each answer you receive from 0 to 2 points. So check the suspect:

  1. Do you have pale skin and don't tan?

Do you often feel the need to bite someone?

- Yes (2).
— Never (0).
— Rarely (1).

Do you believe that the modern generation is spoiled, and would prefer to travel several centuries into the past?

- Yes 1).
- No, everything suits me (0).

Do you prefer short-term but stormy romances, and are you not interested in tender long-term relationships?

— Absolute truth (1).
- This is not about me (0).

You have unnaturally large eye teeth.

If you were offered to taste blood (human or animal), would you refuse?

- Yes, this is unacceptable! (0).
— Perhaps I would try (1).

Do you have photophobia?

Do you go to church? If yes, how do you feel in the temple?

- I don’t go. I feel bad there (2).
“I don’t go there unless necessary.” Such places are depressing (1).
- Yes, I feel good there (0).

How do you feel about burial sites?

— I like their energy, it fills me with strength (2).
— Neutral (0).
— I don’t feel comfortable there (0).

Test results

Vampire with black hair

From 7 to 9 points - it's worth taking a closer look. Vampirism is possible, but it is not worth judging prematurely. Arm yourself with a talisman (aspen crucifix) for confidence and wear it on yourself.

From 10 to 14 points - there is a monster in front of you. Stop communicating and don't forget to wear your talisman.

Remember, if a friend is a real vampire, and not an energy one, you need to save yourself immediately. If you can cope with evil spirits that feed on emotions and suppress their abilities, then it is difficult to reason with a monster accustomed to the blood of people. Be careful, take care of yourself and your loved ones.