Cosmetics with low molecular weight hyaluronic acid

Many women who have already tried face cream with hyaluronic acid on themselves have been able to verify that this miracle of cosmetology really has a wonderful effect. Even the first use allows you to notice a positive effect on the condition of the epidermis, because it receives a concentrated portion of a substance that can not only saturate the tissues with moisture, but also significantly reduce the impact of inexorable years on the skin - wrinkles are smoothed out, the shade improves, even age-related defects almost completely disappear. How to choose the right drug, what properties should it have, are there any peculiarities in its use?

Why is hyaluronic acid so effective for our skin?

Hyaluronic acid is a unique substance that is almost entirely responsible for the condition of our skin. It is able to prevent inexorable aging, moisturize the skin, maintain freshness and elasticity. Unfortunately, not everything in this world lasts forever, and the amount of this wonderful substance begins to decrease over time. The results of a lack of hyaluronic acid are the appearance of signs of aging, numerous folds, and an unhealthy shade.

There is only one way to avoid irreversible processes in the epidermis - saturate it with a substance, the amount of which is quickly reduced and is almost not produced. For the face, modern cosmetology offers moisturizing creams with hyaluronic acid that successfully fight aging. There are a lot of drugs, and choosing the most suitable composition is not difficult.

Synergy - or which components will enhance the effect

Each moisturizer with hyaluronic acid has its own characteristics and composition, so it is important not to make mistakes when purchasing it. What should be indicated on the packaging? There must be a list of ingredients, among them the recommended substances:

  1. hyaluronic acid (this must be a pure product; if the composition contains salts based on it, it is better not to purchase such a drug);
  2. retinol (there may be its derivatives, there is no difference here, they are equally useful for nourishing and moisturizing dermal tissues);
  3. oils (nourish and create a protective layer on the skin);
  4. vitamin complexes (necessary for the good condition of the skin, activate the production of collagen by its own cells).

An indispensable condition for a successful purchase is the presence of an SPF factor confirming the long-term effect of the drug. This ensures that the composition will protect the skin from harmful ultraviolet radiation throughout the day.

Which type to choose and why?

When purchasing a facial rejuvenation cream based on hyaluronic acid in pharmacies, you definitely need to know one more feature of the drugs - the main component in them can be of several types. High molecular weight and low molecular weight hyaluronic acid have different properties and have different effects on the face. How are they different?

Low molecular weight

Preparations with low molecular weight acid are quite expensive, so not every woman can afford to purchase such a cream. The peculiarity of the product is that its beneficial substances are able to penetrate into the tissues of the epidermis, acting not only on the surface, but also nourishing and moisturizing cells located far from the top layer of the skin.

Deep penetration occurs thanks to the smallest particles of hyaluronic acid. This is the advantage of the drug - it acts not only on the surface with a short-term effect, but also from the inside, which ensures long-term results.

High molecular weight

Such a cream based on hyaluronic acid has large molecules, due to which it is not able to provide proper nutrition and hydration in the deep tissues of the epidermis. Consequently, the effect will also not last long, because it can only be noticed on the surface of the skin.

Despite this, high-molecular preparations have their advantages - they prevent the evaporation of moisture from the surface of the skin, absorbing it from the outside. Another advantage is that the product does not clog pores, allowing the dermal tissues to receive precious air.

Find out the whole truth about hyaluronic acid:

Features of application

Having chosen the most effective hyaluronic face cream, you should not assume that all the difficulties are over. You definitely need to learn the basic rules for using this wonderful and necessary drug for ladies after 25 years of age. If you study all the features of the cream and apply it correctly, then with disbelief and satisfaction you will be able to observe how, after the first application, swelling is eliminated, the skin is refreshed, changes shade, becomes healthy, well-moisturized and elastic. A few more applications will confirm the effectiveness of the drug - wrinkles will gradually begin to smooth out.

How to apply it correctly?

There are several rules that should be strictly followed when applying the drug, only this guarantees that the effect will not take long to appear. Cosmetologists advise carrying out manipulations in this order:

  1. wash your face and be sure to apply a tonic composition;
  2. moisturize the skin with thermal water - this will allow the cream to penetrate into the dermis tissue;
  3. Apply an hour before going outside - the product should have time to be completely absorbed;
  4. before applying the composition to your face, first hold it for a few seconds on your fingertips - the warm product is absorbed faster;
  5. Apply over the entire face along massage lines, and around the eyes using clear circular movements;
  6. after an hour, remove any remaining drug that did not have time to penetrate the dermis.

Important! It should be remembered that some drugs are intended for daytime use, others - before going to bed. Under no circumstances should you apply them at an inappropriate time - this will only harm the skin.

Application period

How often should I use the drug so that the use of hyaluronic cream gives the long-awaited results? Cosmetologists advise using them regularly, taking short breaks. You can use the product in long courses - a month of using the composition, a week off.

Helpful advice! Cosmetologists also advise not to experiment with products and use formulations from the same brand. This need is due to the fact that manufacturers usually try to complement each other’s effects with drugs of the same brand.

List of effective creams

Hyaluronic acid in face cream is far from uncommon, but few manufacturers are conscientious about their product and offer ladies truly useful products. In order to avoid mistakes in choosing a cream with hyaluronic acid, you definitely need to study the rating of the drugs - these are not necessarily expensive foreign brands; domestic manufacturers offer several equally useful formulations.

Pharmacies offer their own list of face creams, among them you can find many decent formulations with hyaluronic acid, and their considerable advantage is their low cost. If you have doubts about choosing effective products, you can first visit a cosmetologist, who will tell you which drug to give preference to.

Russian funds

Domestic cosmetology is trying to keep up with its foreign colleagues, so you can find quite effective drugs on the shelves, which, if used correctly, will certainly allow you to enjoy a wonderful effect. The main thing is to carefully study not only the rules of use specified in the instructions, but also the contraindications, careless attitude to which can lead to unpleasant consequences and a complete lack of results.

Libriderm - a Russian-made product, which is based on low molecular weight hyaluronic acid, which allows beneficial components to penetrate deep into the dermis. The cream has an amazing texture - without fragrances, synthetics, or parabens. Absorbs with virtually no residue.

The unique component of the drug is camelina oil, which contains a huge amount of fatty acids. This substance can relieve inflammatory processes, eliminate wilting, and improve turgor. It is recommended to use daily - only this will allow you to notice the effect of the product.

Bark - another wonderful remedy that has found its fans among the fairer sex. The peculiarity of the cream is its pleasant consistency, wonderful smell, and texture that does not allow the drug to spread over the skin. There is absolutely no discomfort during application; even the feeling of tightness that often accompanies the use of creams is not felt. The peculiarity of the composition is the content of seaweed extract. This allows you to improve the condition of the skin, relieve inflammation, narrow pores and even get rid of unpleasant oily shine.

Laura – the best cream with hyaluronic acid from Russian cosmetics manufacturers. The peculiarity of the product is that it creates the thinnest film that protects the skin from adverse external influences throughout the day and does not allow precious moisture to evaporate. A unique component of the product is yam extract. This plant is considered a source of substances that may prevent aging. In combination with hyaluronic acid, this ingredient can work a miracle - prevent aging and even restore youth by smoothing out wrinkles and restoring turgor and elasticity to the skin.

Foreign production

The peculiarity of cosmetic products from foreign manufacturers is their cost. Often, professional cosmetics with hyaluronic acid are equal in price to effective procedures in an expensive beauty salon, so only ladies can decide what is preferable for them - to take care of their face on their own, or to put themselves in the hands of an experienced cosmetologist.

Merz – a German cream in the form of a light foam, which easily allows its beneficial substances to penetrate into the dermal tissue with an immediate effect on the cells. The peculiarity of the product is that it can activate the production of hyaluronic acid by the body. The consequence of using the drug is that the skin begins to independently get rid of age-related changes. The only drawback of the composition is that it takes too long to absorb. You need to wait about an hour to remove the residue.

Evelyn - a product produced by Polish companies. The drug with collagen and hyaluronic acid has the ability to be absorbed in a matter of seconds. Already the first use of the composition provides positive results - the skin becomes smooth, elastic, wrinkles begin to smooth out. The product can be used at any age and on any type of skin – it has no restrictions.

Vichy – this brand offers several preparations that can be used during the day, in the evening, and on the areas around the eyes. This is especially convenient for ladies who prefer to use products from one brand for facial care. Application of the composition is quite simple - it penetrates perfectly into the dermis and practically does not remain on the surface.

Creams with hyaluronic acid in the pharmacy

You don’t have to try to purchase expensive branded formulations - at the pharmacy you can buy not only effective, but also inexpensive cream based on hyaluronic acid. Which creams contain hyaluronic acid?

Alpika - an inexpensive drug that, in addition to hyaluronic acid, contains aloe extract. This allows you not only to get rid of age-related defects that bring a lot of trouble, but also to refresh the shade, restore elasticity, restore damaged tissue, and relieve inflammatory processes.

Dr. Stern - another wonderful remedy that will certainly be offered at the pharmacy. Its peculiarity is a combination of several fats and vitamins, which allows you to fully care for the skin and provide its nutrition and hydration. The only rule is not to use it before the age of 30.

Premium - a product that has a composition, the effect of which can be aimed at combating age-related changes, improving the appearance of the skin, and restoring turgor to it. The drug creates a barrier that prevents moisture evaporation and adverse effects from the outside.

A visit to a beauty salon will certainly smooth out your face, rid your skin of wrinkles and unpleasant manifestations, but you don’t have to spend money on expensive services - you can use creams that will help cope with age-related problems just as well. The main thing is to use them constantly, otherwise you will have to wait a long time for positive results.

Low molecular weight hyaluronic acid is a substance of synthetic or natural origin that can penetrate all layers of the skin, nourish and moisturize the dermis from the inside, launch rejuvenation processes, accelerate regeneration and metabolism at the cellular level. It is most often used for the production of external cosmetic care products - serums, creams.

The composition can be enriched with collagen, peptides, amino acids. The main active ingredient is included in tablets (dietary supplements), which enhance the effect of caring cosmetics. The average duration of the course to obtain the desired results is 30 days. The cost of products with low molecular weight hyaluronic acid ranges from 200-2000 rubles.

Read more in this article

Features of low molecular weight hyaluronic acid

Low molecular weight hyaluronic acid is a substance of synthetic or natural origin that is adequately perceived by the body. In cosmetology, this type is most often used, because high molecular weight is not able to affect the middle and deep layers of the dermis.

Hyaluronic acid molecule size and other characteristics

Scientists have minimized the size of hyaluronic acid molecules by using hydrolysis. By doing this, they ensured that the substance was absorbed by the dermis when applied externally.

Sodium hyaluronate belongs to the category of complex polysaccharides; its molecules are not able to penetrate the epidermis, but form a dense film on its surface, which prevents moisture evaporation.

It was experimentally found that this type of hyaluronic acid penetrates perfectly into the cells of the dermis without damaging the skin, and if the substance is injected, then in the deepest layers of the skin it begins to work to improve the appearance, rejuvenation and acceleration of regeneration and metabolic processes.

The drug with low molecular weight hyaluronic acid has such a small molecular size that it is difficult for it to retain moisture inside the cells, but it has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect.

And here is more information about whether there is an effect from taking hyaluronic acid orally.

Tasks of substances in the body

The task of hyaluronic acid is to retain moisture in the dermal cells and slow down the aging process of the skin. The substance “works” together with collagen, elastin, amino acids and protein compounds. As soon as a lack of hyaluronic acid begins, the skin becomes noticeably dry, age spots, wrinkles and folds form.

Ultraviolet rays (if they affect the skin uncontrollably), constant stress and depression can accelerate the process of decay and subsequent lack of own hyaluronic acid.

How to use the facial product

You can replenish the amount of hyaluronic acid in dermal cells in different ways:

  1. Special preparations - tablets, ampoules, capsules, powders.
  2. Applying cosmetics containing this substance to the face - creams, gels for home use.
  3. The subcutaneous administration of biorevitalizants, the active substance of which is low molecular weight hyaluronic acid, is carried out using ultrasound, laser, ions or electrophoresis.
  4. The use of fillers, which are distinguished by a high level of hyaluronic acid concentration, viscosity and the ability to fill existing voids in the subcutaneous space, solves the problems of deep wrinkles, scars or irregularly shaped lips and facial contours.

Examples of cream, gel

If the cream contains low molecular weight hyaluronic acid, then you can count not only on maximum skin hydration, but also on its rejuvenation. The most popular are:


In addition to the main active substance, the composition contains vitamins, panthenol and phospholipids.

It is optimally suited for skin with severe signs of dehydration; if it is also aged, then the best effect can be obtained by using the product simultaneously with the use of tablets with the same name.

Cost – 300-400 rubles per 50 ml.


The composition contains stem cells, suitable for facial skin care aged 30 years and older. It has a light gel texture and instant absorption; can be used as a base for day/night makeup.

The cream only moisturizes the dermal cells, their rejuvenation does not occur. The price of the product is within 200 rubles per bottle of 50 ml.

Mizon Intensive Skin Barrier

It is characterized by a high concentration of the main active ingredient, which ensures its instant absorption and lifting effect.

The composition contains ceramides, which improve complexion, and peptides, which inhibit aging. The price fluctuates around 500 rubles for 70 ml.


A German cream in the form of a mousse that spreads easily over the surface of the face, but takes a very long time to absorb.

The composition contains seaweed extracts and glucosamines, together these substances activate the production of their own collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid by dermal cells.

50 ml of cream costs about 800 rubles.


The most effective cream, the composition is enhanced with retinol, the line includes products for day and night facial care.

Results can be assessed after just 3 weeks of regular use. The cost of 30 ml reaches 2000 rubles.

Recommendations for use

Creams and gels with hyaluronic acid should be used in accordance with the recommendations:

  1. at low air temperatures, the cream can crystallize on the face, so in winter it should be applied at least 30 minutes before going outside;
  2. You can additionally nourish the skin and enhance the rejuvenation effect of products using masks and the use of vitamin complexes;
  3. You can add pharmacy vitamins (from ampoules) to creams/gels at the rate of 2 ml per 1 teaspoon of the main cosmetic product.

Is it possible to buy powder at a pharmacy?

Sodium hyaluronate is sold in pharmacies in powder form, which can be used to prepare caring cosmetics at home. The concentration of the main active substance in it is 0.5-1%.

You can buy hyaluronic acid powder at the pharmacy for 140 rubles. A 1 g package is enough to prepare 70 ml of gel.

Sodium hyaluronate powder

High molecular weight and low molecular weight hyaluronic acid: what is the difference

In cosmetology, high and low molecular weight hyaluronic acid is used with equal frequency. The difference between them is the size of the molecules and the methods of using products based on these substances. High molecular weight hyaluronic acid does not have the ability to penetrate the epidermis, but has a positive effect on its surface.

Most often it is used for injection procedures; it does not increase the elasticity of the skin, but is a powerful antioxidant and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

This type of hyaluronic acid is distinguished by its ability to penetrate into the deep layers of the dermis and at the cellular level influence the processes of regeneration, collagen and elastin synthesis. Its main purpose is to moisturize and nourish the skin from the inside, which has a positive effect on its appearance.

Not a single doctor can claim that it is better to use it for rejuvenation and hydration. The choice is made depending on what problems need to be solved for a particular patient - instant hydration, short-term smoothing of the relief (high molecular weight hyaluronic acid) or rejuvenation with long-term preservation of the result.

Which hyaluronic acid is best for the face?

A hyaluronic acid with the following characteristics is best suited for the face:

  1. cleaning is as high as possible;
  2. molecular weight should not be lower than 700 and higher than 900 kDa;
  3. the concentration of the main active ingredient in the product is at least 1.5%.

A substance with such indicators can give the desired results - skin tightening, skin healing, reducing the intensity of aging, moisturizing all layers of the dermis.

Ready-made serums with low molecular weight hyaluronic acid

A cheap way to use products with low molecular weight hyaluronic acid is serums, which differ from creams in their richness and higher concentration of the main active ingredient. The most popular are:


The composition is supplemented with snail mucus, excellent for caring for dry skin; regular use provides hydration and reduces the intensity of acne.

Can be used by ages 20 and older. Cost – 400-1200 rubles per 30 ml bottle.

The serum is enriched with green tea extract and vitamins, natural oils (Brazil nut and macadamia).

It has a light texture that resembles a cream - it is used sparingly, spreads easily over the surface of the face, and is quickly absorbed. At the same time moisturizes and nourishes the dermis.

The price of a 30 ml package ranges from 500-800 rubles.

A multicomponent composition of vitamins, peptides, amino acids that tighten the skin, make it elastic and well-hydrated. The lifting effect is especially visible at the age of 30 and older.

The cost of 30 ml is about 1500 rubles.

Korean product has an immediate effect, maximally moisturizes the skin.

Hyaluronic acid in the serum is in high concentration (up to 2%), together with peptides, they accelerate the processes of metabolism, regeneration and rejuvenation at the cellular level.

Price 50 ml – no more than 900 rubles.

Collagen with low molecular weight hyaluronic acid

Collagen in combination with low molecular weight hyaluronic acid has the best effect - the first results of using products with this composition can be assessed after 2 weeks of use. Creams with the following composition:

Holy Land Vitalis
Mizon Intensive
"Aquagel" from Novosvit

Moisturizes the skin, smoothes out fine wrinkles, stimulates the production of its own collagen and hyaluronic acid by dermal cells.

It is hypoallergenic and can be used by people aged 25 years and older. The price of the product is 200 rubles on average.

The composition is additionally enriched with lactic acid and ginger extract, excellent for the care of overly sensitive skin, but is contraindicated in case of pronounced vascular changes (there are “mesh”, “star”, rosacea on the face).

On the official website this cream costs 429 rubles.

The cosmetic effect is so pronounced that these products can be used for skin care at the age of 45 years and older, when the aging process is especially active.

How to prepare serum with low molecular weight hyaluronic acid yourself

You can prepare a serum with low molecular weight hyaluronic acid using powder from the pharmacy:

  1. 1 g of concentrate is poured into 65 ml of warm water;
  2. stir thoroughly, cover with a lid and leave for 24 hours at room temperature;
  3. after the specified time, mix again, transfer to a glass bottle and store in a cool place.

It is important that the powder dissolves completely in water and does not form a lump. The finished serum can be used to care for facial skin in its “pure” form or added to creams, shampoos and other cosmetics to enhance their effect.

Watch this video on how to prepare hyaluronic acid serum at home:

Is there any effect from using tablets?

Tablets with hyaluronic acid will not give the desired effect if taken as a stand-alone product. In combination with external agents, they enhance the result and accelerate the rejuvenation process. The most popular drugs of this type are:

  1. Laura – smoothes wrinkles, improves skin tone. Take 1 tablet per day with meals, the course of treatment is 30 days. The cost of a package, which is enough for a full course, is 300 rubles.
  2. Solgar – 1 capsule contains 120 ml of the main active ingredient, which is the daily dose for an adult. Take 1 piece 1 time per day for a month. The cost of the full course is 2000 rubles.
  3. K.W.C. – a dietary supplement from Japan that has a pronounced rejuvenating effect. Take 3 capsules per day with meals for a month. A package of 90 capsules costs 5,000-8,000 rubles.

The tablets have a number of contraindications for use:

  1. disruption of the blood clotting system;
  2. autoimmune diseases;
  3. allergy to the components of each product.

Features of application

In order for cosmetics with low molecular weight hyaluronic acid to bring real benefits, they must be used correctly:

  1. apply regularly 1-2 times a day;
  2. Pre-clean the skin of decorative cosmetics, dust and sweat/grease;
  3. Apply in a thin layer, spreading evenly over the surface;
  4. do not rub in, do not “drive in”;
  5. Be sure to remain at rest for 10-20 minutes after applying the product - this is enough for it to penetrate the epidermis.

Cosmetology expert

Can there be a negative reaction to hyaluronic acid?

Very rarely, people are allergic to hyaluronic acid, even of synthetic origin. It manifests itself as redness of the skin, swelling, itching, burning sensations and bursting from the inside.

A negative reaction to hyaluronic acid in pregnant women is possible, because no studies have been conducted on how the body perceives the active substance during pregnancy.

And here is more information about the use of hyaluronic acid in medicine and cosmetology.

Low molecular weight hyaluronic acid is the only substance that affects the condition of the skin from the inside. Regardless of the form in which it will be introduced into the cells (serum, cream), the effect of rejuvenation and lifting, smoothing the relief and solving acne problems is guaranteed.

Useful video

Watch this video about whether hyaluronic acid in tablets, creams and serums can rejuvenate the skin:

YaluPro biorevitalization is suitable for both young and aged skin. There are two drugs, the effect of which will be better in the first case. The composition is complex - hyaluronic acid and amino acids. Is it suitable after 45 years?

Mesotherapy serums based on hyaluronic acid are almost always used. But they are different for fractional, non-injection. There are also those that can be used on the face at home without a mesoscooter.

With Hial Amin, biorevitalization gives good results against fine wrinkles, for skin correction and other age-related imperfections. The drug from Beautypharma helps slow down aging and improve the appearance even in delicate areas of the face.

Quite often, hyaluronic acid is used, the properties of which, such as chemical and biochemical, are completely identical to human ones. Its benefits are appreciated in cosmetology for the face and scalp, and it also has a general positive effect on the body.

Hyaloronic acid is often chosen; it can be used for hair, face, and joints. It can be for outdoor and outdoor use. There are indications for use in cosmetology, dentistry, and medicine. There is also a way to use it at home - in ampoules for masks, for example, in tablets for oral administration.

Hyaluronic acid can now be found not only in moisturizing creams, but also in almost all beauty products, from facial washes to anti-aging serums. It's time to figure out the reasons for this demand.

  1. The role of hyaluronic acid in skin care
  2. Types of cosmetics with hyaluronic acid
  3. How to choose cosmetics with hyaluronic acid
  4. When is the best time to start using it?
  5. Beauty products with hyaluronic acid

The role of hyaluronic acid in skin care

The name “hyaluronic acid” comes from the words hyalos (Greek for “vitreous,” as the molecule was isolated from the vitreous humor of the bovine eye) and “uronic acid.” German biochemist Karl Mayer first obtained this substance at the beginning of the twentieth century, but worldwide beauty fame came to him much later.

The human body produces hyaluronic acid independently. It is contained both in the surface layer of the skin - the epidermis, and in the intercellular substance of the deep layer of the skin - the dermis. The main function of this substance is to retain moisture in skin cells.

With age, the synthesis of hyaluronic acid slows down, which leads to the appearance of signs of aging:

dry and dehydrated skin;

Unlike glycolic and salicylic acids, hyaluronic acid does not have an exfoliating effect. It works as a hygroscopic agent, attracting moisture, and is responsible for skin turgor.

Having a large molecular weight, hyaluronic acid is capable of holding an amount of water that is a thousand times greater than its own weight.

Hyaluronic acid moisturizes and rejuvenates the skin. © L'Oreal Paris

In addition to hydration, it performs several other important functions.

In the epidermis, where there is no active microcirculation, it serves as a conductor of active components - vitamins and microelements necessary to maintain the process of cellular renewal.

It is an antioxidant: it takes on the blow after exposure to the open sun and neutralizes free radicals if there is no photoprotective agent on the skin. When receiving a minimum dose of UV radiation, the concentration of hyaluronic acid drops by 20%, and during this period it works as an antioxidant, not a hydrofix. This is why moisturizers with hyaluronic acid are especially necessary in the summer.

Types of cosmetics with hyaluronic acid

This substance is found in most skin and hair moisturizing products. Main categories:


tonics and lotions;

moisturizing and anti-aging serums;

moisturizing and anti-aging creams for face and body;

masks and hair balms;

eye creams and patches;

moisturizing face masks.

With age, the synthesis of hyaluronic acid slows down. © L'Oreal Paris

How to choose cosmetics with hyaluronic acid

There is only one - admittedly very important - aspect that you should pay attention to. Such products must contain water. In addition, all cosmetic products with moisture-retaining components (hyaluronic acid, glycerin, propylene glycol) are applied only to slightly damp skin, for example, after washing or applying toner.

It’s up to you to choose a mask, serum or cream. We remind you that most serums must be “covered” with cream or oil (otherwise they will not work with the desired effectiveness). Except for those where the manufacturer indicated the possibility of use in its pure form.

For aging or extremely dry skin, it makes sense to apply oil even after moisturizer. The main thing is not to smear it all over your face, but to “stamp” it into the skin.

When is the best time to start using it?

As a component related to the human body, hyaluronic acid is safe even for allergy sufferers. You can use products with it starting from a young age, since the production of your own hyaluronic acid begins to slow down after 20 years.

We especially recommend trying creams and serums with hyaluronic acid for those whose skin is dehydrated or does not retain moisture well (dry skin).

Beauty products with hyaluronic acid

Soothing cream for all skin types Hydra Zen, SPF 15, Lancôme

One of the brand's bestsellers. Among the active substances in the composition are extracts of French rose, moringa, and Chinese peony, which give the skin a feeling of comfort. The main moisturizer is hyaluronic acid, and its action is secured by ceramides - lipids that lock moisture in skin cells. The cream protects from the sun, which is a nice bonus for those who want to protect their skin from photoaging.

Corrective serum to increase the content of hyaluronic acid in the skin H.A. Intensifier, SkinCeuticals

Powerful formula for dry and mature skin: 1.3% hyaluronic acid and 10% proxylane provide optimal hydration and correction of age-related signs. The area and depth of wrinkles are reduced and elasticity increases.

Aquafluid for the face “Genius of Moisturizing” for normal and sensitive skin, L’Oréal Paris

The brand calls the fluid “an innovative alternative to conventional moisturizer.” The formula is 80% water, which gives the product a super light texture. The product intensively moisturizes the skin, but does not clog pores and does not provoke the appearance of comedones.

Three hygroscopic components work simultaneously to maintain an optimal level of moisture in skin cells: hyaluronic acid, glycerin and aloe extract.

Fabric mask “Aquabomb. Hydration+”, Garnier

We fell in love with sheet masks several years ago. Now they are easy to find in any large supermarket. First of all, this is an excellent option for traveling when the skin needs to recover after a train or plane. Impregnation serum with pomegranate extract and hyaluronic acid quickly normalizes skin hydrobalance.

Intensely moisturizing soothing mask Hydraphase Intense Masque, La Roche-Posay

A product based on low molecular weight hyaluronic acid with shea butter, waxes and thermal water saturates the skin with moisture, smoothing wrinkles and adding radiance. Apply for 10 minutes, then remove any residue with a cotton pad. Use 1-2 times a week.
