Balm for dry scalp


The photographs above show all three forms of Isis balm. From the very first to the newest.

Composition of Isis balm for dry scalp:

Contraindications for use balm for dry scalp Aisida: There are no contraindications, with the exception of individual allergies to substances included in the balm.

Manufacturer: LLC "AVZ S-P" Russia 141305.

Storage conditions: from +5 to +25 degrees Celsius.

Best before date: 24 months

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Balm for dry scalp “Isis” consists exclusively of natural ingredients. The unique composition of the balm prevents dandruff and dry scalp.

It is a soothing agent for hair follicles. With regular use, it prevents scalp psoriasis, hair fragility and hair loss.

Nettle and henna included in the composition have a beneficial effect on the scalp, softening it.

Glycerin promotes deep hydration, leaving your hair incredibly smooth and clean. Essential oils protect your hair from UV rays and other natural factors.

It differs from Aisida balm for oily scalp in the composition of oils and herbs.

How to use Isida balm for dry scalp:

The balm must be applied to damp hair, always before washing your hair, and left for 10-20 minutes, then rinsed well with warm water.

For psoriasis, it is recommended to use regularly and leave the balm on the head for up to 1 hour; first wash your hair.

Result: After 2-3 times of using the Isis balm, your hair will become silky and voluminous.

Available in a 250 ml tube.

Store in a cool, non-sunny place.

The shelf life of the package after opening is no more than 24 months.

A person with a dry scalp may have hair in poor condition. Over time, a loss of elasticity occurs and microcracks begin to appear on the head, allowing bacteria, dirt, and chemicals to penetrate deep into the skin.

Why does dry scalp form?

Women often have to dye their hair. This can lead to irritation, tingling, and hair loss. Now is the time to take action to eliminate dryness. Otherwise, the hair follicles will become inflamed. Then dandruff will appear and hair will fall out.

  1. Sebaceous glands work slowly
  2. from frequent hair wrinkles,
  3. periodic perm, coloring
  4. when they constantly use hot hair with a hairdryer
  5. due to dry air generated from switched on radiators and air conditioners
  6. from hormonal disorders, stressful conditions, unfavorable environmental factors.

Cells in the body begin to regenerate only during sleep, so you should sleep at least seven hours a day. Dry scalp turns into a disease over time.

Hair begins to thin and fall out, itching and redness appear on the skin.

How to cure dry scalp?

You can reduce itching and get rid of the symptoms of dry skin with the help of Aisida cosmetics. The active substance in this cosmetics is ASD-2. In addition to Dorogov's antiseptic stimulant, the balm contains additional natural ingredients: essential oils, extracts of medicinal herbs, and many healthy oils. Isis can be used to treat chronic, allergic skin disease.

Dry, irritated scalp calms down as a result of using ASD-2. After using it, dry, flaky skin with itching no longer bothers a person. The skin is intensively nourished and moisturized, dandruff also does not form, hair becomes strong and does not fall out.

The cream can be used to prevent the symptoms of the disease. Isis contains henna and nettle extract. These components restore damaged skin, soften and protect it. Glycerin deeply moisturizes and nourishes the hair, making it smooth and soft.

Thanks to the presence of natural essential oils, hair and scalp become more resistant to the effects of the external environment. ASD consists of organic and inorganic low-molecular components that affect every system in a living organism.

This powerful adaptogen mobilizes the skin's natural defenses and has a powerful antiseptic effect.

What do we know about s hair health?

More and more often we are faced with hair health problems.

The most common is oily scalp.

It makes no difference to men who prefer short haircuts, but the female population goes to great lengths to look chic with a neat hairstyle.

Women see daily morning water treatments for their hair as the main solution to this problem.

I got up an hour earlier than I should have, bathed, dried off and the beauty.

However, by evening the original appearance is lost.

Ways to combat oily scalp

Currently, there are many different shampoos and masks for hair care.

But how do you know which one is right for you? The best option would be to visit a dermatologist.

Prepare for the fact that you may be sent for additional studies and tests.

If visiting doctors is not part of your plans, then trust the pharmacy.

Shampoos such as onion or nettle will suit your skin type.

Additionally, you can use traditional methods of treatment. There are many recipes on the Internet for decoctions of various herbs, which can also be purchased at the pharmacy, namely:

-calendula tincture and its flowers;

This will not damage your hair if you rinse as directed.

If you’ve tried everything and the fat doesn’t go away, then the problem lies inside.

Unfortunately, you can’t do this without an individual appointment with a specialist.

The condition of your hair may reflect the condition of your body, so do not delay treatment.

Normal scalp is much less common than oily or dry scalp. Therefore, the problems of peeling, itching, hair loss and dryness are familiar to most people. Some have dealt with dryness themselves, some have had to deal with it, and there are those who make a lot of effort to get rid of it. Expensive skincare products are not a panacea. Often, after using expensive balms and medications, the situation only gets worse. Then folk remedies come to the rescue.

Dry skin: what is the reason

If you cannot cope with the situation on your own, you need to consult a trichologist and undergo an examination to find out the cause and find an effective treatment method.

Wrong care

There are many reasons, and one of them is an unbalanced diet. Convenience foods, fast food and canned food cause trouble to the entire body. Low mobility and bad habits are the second reason. Spending the whole day in a smoky room does not have the best effect on the condition of the skin. As for walking in winter without a hat, “thanks to” it the skin actively peels off and dries out. And you can’t put cream on it like you do on your hands or face. Therefore, you will have to decide what is better: to impress others, and then solve the problems that arise with your skin and hair, or to wear a fashionable headdress and maintain healthy skin and curls.

Illiterate care and the use of advertised products also contribute to dryness. No matter how advertised the drug is, no matter how amazing the aroma of the new product, if it does not suit the type of curls and skin and contains a real sea of ​​​​chemical additives, then it is strictly forbidden to use it. If you have Sodium Laureth Sulfate, you should forget about purchasing it.

Blow-drying has become a real tragedy for the skin. If there is no time for natural drying, it is recommended to use a terry towel or at least a cold setting. If your scalp is dry and itchy, it is advisable to use all types of beauty gadgets as little as possible.

Dye is also not good for your hair. In the desire to become the owner of curls of a rich, fashionable shade, ladies end up with skin burns, allergies, and hair loss. Coloring - once every one and a half or two months and only by a professional, and not at home on your own.

Lack of vitamins and hormonal imbalances

Hormonal imbalances – dry skin. Pregnancy, the postpartum period, feeding and diseases of the genital area are reasons to consult a doctor for advice.

Vitamin deficiency can be solved by taking the necessary substances in a course, but proper nutrition is also necessary here. And you should include foods without heat treatment in your diet: cereals, nuts, legumes.

Shampoo for dry scalp and home remedies

An important condition for maintaining skin in normal condition is proper washing. It is recommended to comb the strands before the procedure.

How to maintain normal skin condition

Shampoo - only appropriate for the type of curls. The product is applied to the palm, diluted with water, whipped into foam, and only after these steps is applied to the strands, starting from the back of the head to the top.

For rinsing - conditioner. Shampoo should not remain on your hair after washing: it will become dirty very quickly. When drying with a towel, do not rub the strands. The hair is wrapped and waited; almost dry curls can be combed.

When choosing a shampoo for dry scalp, you need to choose a product that gently removes impurities. You must first read the label to see the ingredients. Salicylic acid and coal tar are required. It is important to apply the product only to the hair. A high-quality shampoo does not foam, but this is not necessary. After washing, leave the conditioner on the curls for five minutes, rinse off and wash your hair again.

Ready-made products for dry skin

The Japanese product Kracie combines the achievements of modern technologies and phytoextracts. The development nourishes and moisturizes the skin. Plants from Japan and China, rice bran, soap root and the aroma of cherry blossoms are the main “characters” of the shampoo. When using, a rinse aid from the same Ichikami series is recommended.

The composition is applied to damp strands, foamed and washed off with warm water. If use causes redness, itching or other unpleasant sensations, it is important to stop use before consulting a dermatologist.

After using Cutrin BIO+ shampoo, the skin softens. The product belongs to the professional line, and therefore the result is guaranteed to be positive. Use is possible if dry skin is sensitive.

The product is equipped with a dispenser, which is very convenient, since the bottle is small. Skin tightness is eliminated after the first use, hair loss is reduced. A rinse aid from the same Dryness Relief series is also recommended.

Emolium moisturizer with shea butter and panthenol is designed specifically for dry scalp. It is suitable for both kids and adults. Sensitive skin is cleansed gently, and the water-fat balance is not disturbed. The shampoo is hypoallergenic. The product is applied by first scooping a little shampoo onto your palm. Distribute over the skin and then rinse with non-hot water.

The ready-made Zait Al Hayee Hemani mask is a natural and effective product. In addition to the valuable oils of sesame, cyperus, mustard, alkanes, castor beans, olives, jatamansi and laurel, it also contains cobra fat. It has moisturizing, nourishing and regenerating properties.

The product is massaged into the roots and left for a quarter of an hour, then distributed along the length. The head is insulated and left for a couple of hours. The composition is washed off with shampoo. Use it in three days. Can be applied at night. After such a mask, no conditioners are required.

Home Remedies for Dry Skin

However, ready-made remedies do not in all cases help to reduce the problem, much less solve it. And there is no guarantee against intolerance to one of their components. And the cost of such drugs is not budgetary. Home remedies do not have this disadvantage.

Oil masks

Oils moisturize and soothe dry skin. This tool is universal. Leadership preserves burdock oil. Mix it with olive or sea buckthorn oil in equal quantities, add a couple of tablespoons of honey to get a mask for dry scalp at home.

The mixture is slightly warmed up and applied to the skin along the partings. On top is a film with a scarf for an hour. Then the composition is thoroughly washed off. Since this is not an easy task, it is recommended to make such a mask on a day off. You can rinse the strands with mustard, a couple of tablespoons per liter of liquid. It is permissible to add salt water to the conditioner or soda to the shampoo in a ratio of one to three.

Oil care softens the skin and relieves dryness. A massage with high-quality olive or almond oil will perfectly nourish and restore the protective layer of the dermis. Warm oil works more efficiently. It is poured onto the palm and massaged into the skin, waiting for absorption. It is recommended to apply the product at night, rinsing off in the morning with shampoo under running water.

Tea tree oil works great. Ten to twenty drops of extract are added to half a glass of baby shampoo. Use the mixture daily until the skin condition improves.

Mix a couple of drops of tea tree ether with a tablespoon of vegetable oil and massage into the skin. In a week or two, such a massage will help restore its normal state.

Dry, itchy skin can benefit from a coconut oil mask. It forms a protective film to retain moisture. The product is massaged into clean skin and left for half an hour. Wash off with clean water without shampoo. You need to apply this mask once a week. There is another option - warm coconut oil and add it to shampoo.

Masks with fermented milk products

It’s easier to wash off the sour cream mask. It uses full-fat sour cream, preferably homemade. Add the same amount of lemon juice and an egg to a tablespoon. Whisk everything together, warm it up a little in a water bath and apply it to the skin parted for half an hour. Wash off with shampoo. It is necessary to rinse with a decoction of oak bark.

Lemon juice will also help cure excessive dryness. It is massaged in, left for five minutes and washed thoroughly with shampoo. If the problem of dandruff is not bothering you, then lemon juice is diluted with water.

Before washing, lemon juice and yogurt are massaged into the skin for a few minutes and washed off with a mild shampoo. Such procedures are repeated until the problem is completely eliminated.

Egg masks

Once a week - a mask with yolk. Beat it, add a little hot water, a tablespoon of vodka and apply it to the roots and skin for half an hour.

Add flour to one hundred grams of cream until a viscous mass is obtained and apply it to the skin and strands for half an hour. Then the composition is washed off without shampoo.

Water – warm, boiled. Ideal - infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs. This takes time, but it is advisable to carry out such procedures until the skin stops peeling and drying.

Soda, vinegar and aloe

Baking soda is recognized as a wonderful and affordable remedy for dry skin. As a moisturizing mask for the scalp, the product is mixed with water and massaged into the dermis. You can first apply olive oil to the skin, wait about ten minutes for absorption and rinse with water.

A powerful remedy for dryness is apple cider vinegar. With its help, the pH of the skin is normalized. The product is applied to clean and dry skin, mixing vinegar and water in equal parts, the mixture is applied only to the skin with cotton pads. The frequency of masks is once or twice a week.

Relieving excessive dryness is the job of aloe vera. If you cannot use fresh juice, aloe vera gel can be purchased at the pharmacy. Massage the product into the skin with your fingers, leave for a quarter of an hour and wash the strands with a mild shampoo.

Onions, garlic and herbs

A mask made from one hundred to one hundred and fifty grams of black bread crumb, soaked in a decoction of oak bark, prepared according to the recipe on the package, works great. Warm broth is added to the bread until a paste is obtained and beaten into the steamed skin after washing. The top is insulated and left overnight. In the morning, wash off the composition as usual and rinse with acidified water.

The onion-garlic mask perfectly softens the skin. For it, juice is taken from a head of garlic and onion, grated, and diluted with castor oil or burdock oil. The composition is applied to the skin, insulated on top and kept for a couple of hours. You will have to endure the burning sensation: the result is worth it.

Honey and fruit masks

In a ratio of two to one, mix olive oil with honey, warm the mixture slightly and apply to the skin. The top is insulated with a film and a scarf and left for twenty minutes. Wash off the mixture with shampoo and rinse effectively, judging by reviews, with a decoction of horsetail, nettles or oak bark.

To get rid of dry skin, add a tablespoon of honey, three tablespoons of milk and a couple of large spoons of almond oil to the pulp of a ripe banana. The composition is thoroughly mixed and applied to the roots and skin, distributed over the area. Leave for half an hour and wash off with shampoo.

The composition can be complicated. For a moisturizing mask, mix half a ripe banana, a quarter of avocado pulp, a tablespoon of natural yogurt with a tocopherol capsule and a tablespoon of almond, burdock, olive or castor oil. Mix everything in a blender until smooth and apply to the skin, distributing the remainder throughout the curls. On top is a film with a scarf. Leave the mixture for half an hour, and then rinse with plenty of water, rinse the strands as usual.

Dry skin is a permanent or temporary companion. Leaving her without care and treatment is an absolutely wrong decision. You can use both ready-made and homemade formulations. But in any case, if none of the remedies used gives positive results, it’s time to seek advice from a specialist trichologist or dermatologist. To treat very dry scalp, asking “what to do” and “how to do” is ineffective. There can be many reasons for the problem, and only a specialist can identify the real one.

Lush, voluminous, shiny hair is the dream of every girl. How to achieve this if you have dry scalp? We share tips for restoring beauty and health to your hair.

  1. Signs of dry scalp
  2. Causes of dryness
  3. How to solve the problem of dry scalp
  4. Care Tips
  5. Precautionary measures
  6. How to wash your hair correctly
  7. Dandruff and methods for its elimination
  8. Ingredients for dry scalp care
  9. Tools Overview

Signs of dry scalp

Brittle and dull hair, the desire to scratch your head are characteristic symptoms of a dry scalp. To see if this is really your problem, answer these five questions.

Do you often feel discomfort, itching and tightness of your scalp?

Are you worried about dandruff?

When combing, do the strands become electrified?

Is your hair brittle, dull, thinning?

Does the feeling of tightness return quickly after washing your hair?

If your scalp is dry, your hair will suffer from dryness © iStock

Causes of dryness

“Scalp type is most often an innate characteristic, since hormonal levels and the activity of the sebaceous glands are primarily associated with genetics,” says Elena Eliseeva, medical expert at Vichy. But sometimes dry scalp can be caused by:

unbalanced diet;

incorrect choice of care products;

thermal effects of styling devices;

diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, nervous and endocrine systems;

allergies, skin diseases;

non-compliance with drinking regime.

A dry scalp can feel itchy and tight © iStock

How to solve the problem of dry scalp

If the condition of your scalp leaves much to be desired, it’s time to take action. Sometimes it’s enough just to reconsider your lifestyle and change some habits.

Include foods rich in healthy fats in your diet: nuts, fatty fish, cheese, vegetable oils, avocados, eggs, red meat.

Watch your drinking regime - the daily norm is to consume 1.5–2 liters of clean still water.

Avoid drinking caffeinated drinks as they dehydrate you.

Eat less sweet and salty foods.

Skip the hair dryer.

Consult a trichologist to rule out scalp diseases.

Care Tips

“If the scalp is just dry, then care is not much of a problem. The main thing is to develop the right strategy,” says Elena Eliseeva.

Choose the right cleanser

Pay attention to sulfate-free shampoos. “Their detergent base is too weak for normal scalps,” explains a Vichy expert. “But for those who suffer from a lack of sebum, it is quite suitable, since it does not destroy the already unstable hydrolipidic film.”

It is good if the shampoo contains ceramides, vitamins B3 or B5, as well as natural oils rich in essential fatty acids.

Cosmetics with natural oils are suitable for dry scalp © iStock

Use extra hair care

Don't ignore masks, balms, and leave-in products designed specifically to solve your problem. These products contain substances that provide the scalp with the necessary components to maintain optimal moisture levels.

Scalp type is usually hereditary © iStock

Precautionary measures

When washing your hair, the water should be warm, but not hot. Rinse your hair with cool water. Due to temperature changes, the hair cuticle will close, trapping the active components of care products inside.

Be careful when using a hair dryer. Avoid too hot air and watch the blowing angle: drying at a right angle or from bottom to top leads to dryness. “The air flow coming from the hair dryer should pass along the strands, and not press the hair to the head,” explains Elena Eliseeva.

Beware of the sun's rays. Hair suffers from UV radiation, becoming dry and brittle. In summer, don't forget about your hat.

How to wash your hair correctly

“If your scalp is dry, the frequency of washing does not matter,” Elena Eliseeva is sure. — If the shampoo is mild enough, you can use it as often as needed. Usually a couple of times a week.”

Squeeze a little shampoo into your palm and whip into foam, diluting with water. Apply to scalp. Lather gently, as if you were doing a gentle massage: the habit of scratching and scratching the skin with your nails can cause irritation and increase peeling and itching.

Rinse your hair and apply the mask to the scalp, and conditioner along the entire length of the strands.

Gently wring out your hair and wrap it in a terry towel, never rubbing it.

Remove the towel and let your strands dry naturally.

Dandruff and methods for its elimination

In the language of dermatologists and trichologists, dandruff is called “seborrheic dermatitis.” Among the main reasons for its appearance:

hormonal imbalance and metabolic disorders;

change in the scalp microbiome.

Microbiome is a broad concept that includes not only microflora, but also the totality of microbial genes. If changes occur in the microbiome, this leads to the growth of the Malassezia fungus, which causes dandruff.

To get rid of the problem, the product should be used in a course of 2-3 times a week for a month. And as a preventive measure - once a week, combined with another mild shampoo.

One of the problems with dry scalp is split ends © iStock

Ingredients for dry scalp care

“There are several products to correct dry scalp,” says Elena Eliseeva. — First of all, shampoos. Their formula should be sulfate-free, with soothing and moisturizing additives (panthenol, niacinamide, allantoin)».

Sometimes manufacturers add to the composition ceramides or natural oilsto soften the scalp. And instead of the usual gel base, they use a cream base: the shampoo turns out to be thicker and more comfortable for dry skin.

Soothing, softening scalp masks that don't weigh hair down thanks to a lightweight formula based on... light silicones. Silicones evaporate when heated to body temperature, and only a thin protective film of ceramides and oils remains on the scalp, imitating the natural hydrolipid layer.

Tools Overview


Product name Active Ingredients Effect
Nourishing shampoo with olive oil, Kiehl’s olive and avocado oils, lemon extract Gently cleanses, softens and saturates with moisture, helping to retain it inside the hair. Makes strands manageable.
Intensively nourishing shampoo “Legendary Olive” Botanic Therapy, Garnier olive oil Nourishes hair without weighing it down, restores along the entire length.
Nourishing shampoo “Luxury 6 oils” Elsève, L’Oréal Paris lotus oil, tiare flower, rose, chamomile, flax, sunflower Provides intensive nutrition.
Intensive anti-dandruff care shampoo for dry hair DErcos, Vichy Selenium DS, Ceramide P, Salicylic Acid, Vitamin E For scalp prone to itching. Eliminates visible dandruff and soothes the scalp.

Additional care

Nourishes hair, strengthens, adds shine. No weight effect.


Product name Active Ingredients Effect
Scrub for intensive cleansing of the scalp, Kiehl’s thermal plankton extract, rosemary oil, apricot kernel and argan nut shell powder, menthol Cleanses and exfoliates, restoring the balance of the scalp.
Oil-elixir “Triple restoration. Transfiguration" Fructis, Garnier argan oil Nourishes hair.
Oil “Extraordinary” ElsÈve, L’Oréal Paris lotus oil, tiare flower, rose, chamomile, flax, sunflower

almond, safflower and rose nourishing oils; arginine, glutamine, serine, cysteine ​​and proline

Product name Active Ingredients Effect
Light nourishing balm “Luxury of 6 oils” ElsÈve, L’Oréal Paris lotus oil, tiare flower, rose, chamomile, flax, sunflower Moisturizes the scalp and provides intensive nutrition.
Universal oil-mask “Triple restoration 3-in-1” Fructis, Garnier shea butter, macadamia, jojoba Nourishes hair, restores, gives softness.
Nourishing and restorative balm Dercos, Vichy Restores hair and gives it shine.


almond, safflower and rose nourishing oils; arginine, glutamine, serine, cysteine ​​and proline

Product name Active Ingredients Effect
Intensive nourishing and restorative mask Dercos hair care, Vichy