How to Apply Thick Hair Oil

Benefit and action

Hair density is a genetic feature of the body. No cosmetic or medicinal product can increase the number of follicles provided by nature.

It often happens that the bulbs fall into a sleep phase and do not show their activity for a long time. Because of this, the hair begins to thin out, becomes weakened and prone to brittleness.

Hair thickening oil will help solve the problem. Herbal products do not contain chemicals that have an extremely negative impact on hair and human health in general. In addition, they allow you to normalize the growth of strands.

The drugs perform the following functions:

  1. slow down the loss, until it stops completely;
  2. prolong the active growth phase;
  3. regulate the production of sebum by the sebaceous glands;
  4. relieve inflammation and itching, promote healing of microtraumas;
  5. eliminate dandruff;
  6. restore hairs along the entire length;
  7. Give the hair rich shine, brightness and elasticity.

How to choose

To choose a quality product to quickly thicken your hair, you need to focus on several indicators at once. First of all, you need to determine your hair type.

Everyone knows that hair can be normal, dry, oily or combination. Based on this, products are selected that moisturize the skin, dry it, or regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

It is also recommended to consider the following criteria when purchasing oils:

  1. Compound. Sometimes manufacturers add preservatives and other chemicals that do not have the best effect on curls.
  2. Best before date. The drugs can be stored for quite a long time. However, expired oils can be not only useless, but also harmful.
  3. Loss of color. The presence of a large amount of organic acids in products gives them brightening properties. They are perfect for blondes. But girls painted in dark shades should avoid them.
  4. Personal tolerance. Despite their natural origin, the products can cause allergies. Before starting rehabilitation therapy, make sure that your body responds normally to the selected composition.

Basic tools

To make your hair thicker, the easiest way is to use a base oil. They can be arranged together depending on your wishes.

Before use, the compositions are heated to body temperature in a water bath. This is necessary so that they are well absorbed into the strands and penetrate into the deep layers of the dermis.

You can get good results if you keep oil masks under an insulating cap. The procedures are carried out 1-2 times a week, focusing on the condition of the strands.

Let's look at what products will help make your hair thick and voluminous.

Oil name Active components Action
Castor oil Oleic, stearic, ricinoleic, linoleic acid, tocopherol, triterpenes. Triggers hair growth and strengthens roots. Moisturizes and softens the skin, relieves inflammation, saturates cells with oxygen. Eliminates dandruff. Protects strands from destruction. Stimulates collagen production and gives shine to hair.
Sea buckthorn Vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, carotenoids. Intensively fights hair loss and accelerates the growth of strands. Awakens dormant follicles. Protects strands from the negative influence of the external environment.
Mustard Vitamins, natural antibiotics, minerals, biologically active components. Irritating to the skin. Accelerates lymph flow and blood circulation. Stimulates the saturation of follicles with oxygen and nutrients, triggering the growth of curls. Not suitable for use if there is a rash, scratches, abrasions or other damage to the scalp.
Linen Vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, proteins. Accelerates hair growth and cares for its entire length. Helps get rid of split ends. Removes static tension from strands and envelops them with a protective film.
Coconut Vitamins A and E, minerals, antioxidants, protein compounds. Regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Saturates follicles with nutritional components, awakens them from sleep. Triggers increased growth of strands and protects them from the negative effects of external factors.
Burdock Vitamins A, B, E and C, inulin, fatty acids, minerals. Gives strength to roots and thickness to hair. Effectively restores the entire surface of the hairs, moisturizes them and prevents splitting of the ends.
Peach Polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins A, E, PP, C, group B, carotenoids, phospholipids, tocopherols, potassium, calcium, phosphorus and iron. Nourishes the bulbs with useful components. Moisturizes when applied to the scalp. When distributed along the length, it promotes regeneration and alignment of the keratin layer of hairs.

Valuable ethers

Essential oils are distinguished by a high concentration of active components and a pronounced aroma. They will become reliable assistants in hair care.

These products are not used in their pure form. One hundred percent product can cause burns.

You can enrich cosmetics or base oils with essential oils. They go well with the nutritional ingredients included in the masks (honey, dairy products, liquid vitamins, eggs).

When heated, most of the beneficial substances evaporate. Therefore, drugs are added to formulations that have already been brought to a comfortable temperature.

You can choose among the following products:

  1. Rosemary. One of the most effective esters. Has warming properties. Accelerates metabolism at the cellular level, which helps awaken follicles and strengthen roots. Regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Suitable for oily and dry hair.
  2. American laurel (Bay oil). Nourishes hair follicles with beneficial substances. Strengthens the root system, stops hair loss and stimulates the growth of healthy strands. Soothes and moisturizes the skin. With regular use, it makes strands thicker.
  3. Cinnamon. Has irritating properties. Accelerates blood circulation in the dermis. Promotes active nutrition of follicles and their normal development. Prolongs the hair growth phase and stops hair loss by strengthening the roots. Makes strands bouncy, shiny and healthy.
  4. Juniper. It has a positive effect on the dermis, nourishes it, promotes the healing of microdamages, relieves itching and inflammation. Accelerating metabolism at the cellular level awakens the follicles. The product also normalizes sebum production.

Homemade masks

You can get a pronounced effect from treatment at home by mixing several oils at once. It is recommended to supplement them with other useful ingredients - from the refrigerator, store or pharmacy.

Reviews confirm that such compositions not only allow you to restore the thickness of your hair. They can also solve many related problems with hair strands and scalp.

Let's look at the recipes that, according to users, are the most effective.

Nutrition and growth stimulation

Take two tablespoons of red pepper tincture, one and a half tablespoons of castor oil and 5 drops of Bay oil. Mix everything thoroughly.

Before washing your hair, distribute the composition using a brush over the partings.. The distance between them should be approximately 1 cm. Treat the ends with argan, coconut or other favorite base oil.

Warm your head for half an hour. Then wash off the product with shampoo.

The mask may cause a slight tingling and warm sensation - this is normal. If a burning sensation occurs, the composition should be washed off immediately.

The product stimulates hair growth well. In addition, it nourishes the scalp and hair length, moisturizes and protects it from damage.

Density and elimination of fat content

Dilute two tablespoons of mustard powder with warm water to a mushy consistency. Add two tablespoons of sea buckthorn oil and one yolk. Stir thoroughly.

Distribute the composition only on the scalp, massaging it with your fingertips. Lubricate the length and roots with base oil so as not to dry out the strands. We keep it under the insulating cap for an hour. Then wash off with shampoo.

In addition to accelerating blood circulation in tissues and enhancing metabolism, mustard also dries out the dermis. It reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands, giving curls cleanliness and freshness for a long time. Using the composition you can grow long, thick and strong hair.

Moisturizing and plumping

Mix a tablespoon each of olive and linseed oil. Warm up in a water bath. Add 7 drops of juniper ether to the composition.

Distribute the product immediately onto the skin and at the roots. Then, using a comb, apply to the length. Leave in a warm place for 1 hour, then wash off with shampoo.

Basic oils actively moisturize and nourish strands, and ether triggers enhanced growth. The mask forms a transparent film on the surface of the hairs, which evens them out, makes them more elastic and shiny, and visually thickens the curls.

Drawing conclusions

Basic oils and esters are the best that nature has given us for caring for the scalp and strands. With the help of simple and affordable drugs, you can restore the thickness of your hair, make it more voluminous, healthy, shiny and flexible.

Of particular benefit is the use of masks, which contain several active ingredients. Choose hair products based on your personal wishes and enjoy the positive changes.

If previously girls only wanted to cleanse their hair from shampoo, now more and more representatives of the fair sex are also looking at the composition. Not every product can boast of the absence of dyes, harmful chemicals and without perabens. Natural cosmetics are quite expensive and not everyone can afford to use them. Phytocosmetic thick nettle hair oil is a natural cosmetic without harmful substances.

Phytocosmetics is a popular brand known for its natural ingredients. The products are manufactured in Russia and are inexpensive. Oils “Folk Recipes” can restore hair even in the most advanced cases, as well as give it shine and a healthy look.

There are more than ten types of hair care from this company. Oils are available in liquid and thick form. There are special small packages of 20 ml that will help you make your choice without spending a lot of money.

How to choose oil?

  1. Almond oil will help with split ends and strengthen the roots. It is also used to prevent dandruff.
  2. Pepper promotes rapid hair growth. Thanks to it, blood flow improves and hair loss decreases. This oil is recommended for thin and weak hair.
  3. Tar with castor oil. Suitable for oily hair. It normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands and strengthens the roots.
  4. Nettle helps restore hair, reduce split ends and prevent dandruff.
  5. Castor oil will help give the strands the desired volume and strengthen them. It also combats hair loss.
  6. Burdock is a well-known oil that helps restore structure and makes curls stronger.
  7. Thick pepper. Makes hair thicker and acts like bio-lamination.
  8. Thick burdock - thickens each hair and makes it stronger. Also acts as bio-lamination.
  9. Thick nettle hair oil greatly simplifies the combing process. Performs a protective function and nourishes hair. After use, the keratin straightening effect is noticeable.
  10. Thick mustard - reduces fragility and restores color.

You no longer need to use traditional recipes at home, because it is much easier to buy a ready-made remedy. Everyone decides for themselves which oil to choose, thick or regular.

Thick nettle oil

Phytocosmetic thick nettle hair oil is very popular and many people know about it. It can make your hair shiny and healthy-looking without chemicals.

  1. Reviews about thick nettle hair oil are mostly positive. A large number of girls praise it and are very glad that they tried it. The first thing that is noted is the budget. Such an effective remedy is available to everyone.
  2. It’s convenient that you don’t have to do any cooking. The oil is now ready for use.
  3. One product contains many useful components that are so necessary for hair.
  4. The consumption is economical and therefore one package of 155 ml lasts for a very long time.
  5. The result can be seen after the first use.
  6. The oil is easy to apply and does not require much time.
  7. Wash off quickly with warm water.
  8. Noticeable lamination result. The special composition fills all the voids and has a positive effect on the hair structure.
  9. Significant volume is noticeable and installation after use takes much less time.

Nettle hair oil phytocosmetics reviews say that it is suitable for almost everyone. Not suitable only for girls with individual intolerance to certain components in the composition. Some also note that the design is not beautiful or the packaging is simple. Nettle copes well with oiliness.

Mode of application

It's simple and the process only takes a couple of minutes.

  1. Wash your hair as usual.
  2. Dry them with a towel.
  3. Take a small amount of oil and distribute it over the strands.
  4. Wait a few minutes (3-5).
  5. Rinse off with warm water.

But there are a few tricks that will make the effect much better:

  1. You should use the oil only on pre-cleansed hair, otherwise there will be no effect. For good cleansing, shampoo should be applied to the head twice. Then the result after use will be much better.
  2. Do not apply the product to very wet hair. So the consumption will not be economical, and the efficiency will be lower. For best results, you need to squeeze them out and blot them with a towel.
  3. It is very convenient that the oil does not need to be heated, but can be used as usual.
  4. Oil can be applied not only along the entire length, but also on the roots. This is a significant difference from other masks and care products. This is an excellent prevention against dandruff. The volume is also noticeable after use. At the same time, the roots do not get dirty faster. Suitable even for oily hair types.

The frequency of use depends on the stage of hair damage. The manufacturer does not provide exact data.

If they are brittle and dull, then the optimal amount of application is 2 times a week. For prevention, once every 7 days will be enough. Duration of use is approximately 2 months.

Phytocosmetic thick hair oil nettle reviews note a noticeable improvement in hair condition:

  1. The result completely coincides with that declared by the manufacturer.
  2. Noticeable hydration and nutrition.
  3. Good result after the first use.
  4. No side effects - the hair is not greasy and there is no film left behind.
  5. Budget price. Few cheap products can boast such effectiveness. You can forget about expensive hair treatments.

But don't forget about the precautions:

  1. In case of contact with eyes, rinse quickly with plenty of water.
  2. Keep away from children
  3. Cannot be used internally.

The components that are included in the thick oil penetrate deep into the hair structure and thanks to this the lamination effect is very noticeable. The strands shine beautifully in the sun and look healthy.

Natural vegetable oils are perhaps the best thing you can give your hair. Regular use of this type of product completely transforms your curls. It is only important to know how to use hair oil correctly.

What does oil do to hair?

Before wondering how to use hair oil, it is important to understand what effect you can expect. Here are the benefits such products bring to your hair:

  1. Deep nutrition. During the procedure, the roots and hair shafts are saturated with vitamins and other beneficial substances. Due to this, the curls become more vibrant and elastic.
  2. Hydration. After the procedure, an invisible film is formed on the hair, which prevents the evaporation of moisture from the hair shaft.
  3. Strengthening. Weakened hair simply transforms and becomes denser.
  4. Protection. Oil glues hair scales, making it less vulnerable to thermal and chemical effects.

Popular oils and their functions

Pharmacies and specialty stores offer a wide range of herbal cosmetic oils. Each of them is useful for hair in some way and has a specific purpose. The table will help you understand this issue:

Oil Effect
  1. acceleration of growth;
  2. stopping the loss;
  3. combating dryness and itching.
  1. strengthening roots;
  2. stimulating growth;
  3. fight against dandruff;
  4. giving curls shine and softness.
  1. strengthening roots;
  2. smoothing and straightening strands;
  3. treatment of split ends.
  1. facilitating the combing process;
  2. getting rid of dryness;
  3. prevention of electrification;
  4. fight against section;
  5. strengthening roots;
  6. giving hair volume and healthy shine.
  1. giving curls a healthy shine;
  2. easier combing and styling;
  3. enhancing the intensity of natural hair color.
  1. treatment of split ends;
  2. smoothing strands.
  1. thickening of lifeless strands;
  2. protection from negative environmental influences.
Wheat germ
  1. intensive nutrition of roots;
  2. stimulating growth;
  3. prevention of loss.
  1. restoration of the structure of the hair shaft;
  2. regulation of the activity of the sebaceous glands;
  3. giving hair smoothness and healthy shine.
  1. stimulating active growth;
  2. nutrition and strengthening of the bulbs;
  3. thickening of the hair shaft;
  4. increase in density;
  5. giving curls volume and healthy shine;
  6. prevention of fragility and sectioning.
  1. fight against baldness;
  2. regulation of the process of sebum production.
  1. active strengthening of the bulbs;
  2. dandruff treatment.

Oil mask

The first thing that comes to mind when answering the question of how to use hair oil is a mask. By regularly applying the product to your hair before washing your hair, you can achieve amazing results: elasticity, shine and spectacular volume. The procedure is carried out as follows:

  1. Lightly heat vegetable oil or a mixture of oils for better penetration into the scalp. You can do this in a water bath or in the microwave.
  2. Comb your hair well and distribute the bulk of the oil along the partings. During application, lightly massage the skin to increase blood circulation.
  3. Distribute the remaining oil over the entire length. Pay the most attention to dry and split ends.
  4. Gently gather your hair into a bun and place a cellophane shower cap on your head. You can use a regular plastic bag instead.
  5. Insulate your head with a terry towel, twisting it into a turban, or put on a warm knitted hat.
  6. Keep the mask on your head for at least 1 hour. If your hair is severely damaged and needs intensive nourishment, you can leave the product on overnight.
  7. Rinse your hair with shampoo two or three times. It is better to use a sulfate-free product so as not to dry out your curls.

Enrichment of shampoos

Hard water is one of the negative factors that has a destructive effect on hair. Therefore, when thinking about how to use hair oil, the idea comes to adding it to shampoo. Here's how it's done:

  1. Wet your hair well.
  2. Dilute the shampoo half and half with water to create a soft foam. This is necessary in order to wash away surface impurities from the scalp.
  3. Squeeze another portion of shampoo into your palm and mix with a teaspoon of your chosen vegetable oil.
  4. Lather your curls for one to two minutes, gently massaging the skin.
  5. Rinse your hair well and rinse with water slightly acidified with vinegar or lemon juice.

Head massage

If you don’t know how to use hair oils, reviews will tell you that one of the most pleasant and effective procedures is massage. It is performed as follows:

  1. Heat the oil in a water bath or in the microwave. The optimal temperature is 40 degrees.
  2. Warm your hands. Just rub your palms together vigorously.
  3. Comb your hair well and distribute the oil along the partings.
  4. Gently massage the skin with your fingers or a comb for 10-15 minutes.
  5. Now you can wash your hair with sulfate-free shampoo.

Best oils for split ends

Dry and split ends are one of the most common problems that spoil the appearance of the hair and force beauties to cut off precious centimeters. The following vegetable oils are best suited for revitalizing curls:

  1. Linen. Suitable for any type of hair. About an hour before washing your hair, apply a thick layer of oil to the ends or entire length of your curls. Twist your hair into a plait and wait the allotted time. To enhance the effect, you can insulate your head with a bag and a towel.
  2. Olive. Pour the heated oil into a glass or small jar. Gather your hair in a ponytail or braid. Immerse the split ends in a container with oil and leave for 10 to 30 minutes. Wash your curls with shampoo.
  3. Coconut. This is simply an ideal remedy for damaged curls. How to use coconut oil for hair? First, wash your hair. Rub a small amount of product into your palms. Run your hands through your hair to about mid-length. The oil will be absorbed into the hair shafts without weighing them down or making them greasy.

Useful tips for using oils

It is important to choose a high-quality and effective oil for hair growth. How to use it is an equally important question. Here are some tips you should follow during cosmetic procedures:

  1. Before applying the oil to your scalp, give it a gentle five-minute massage to get the blood flowing.
  2. Owners of oily hair should limit themselves to only applying the product to the ends and mid-lengths.
  3. Don't be alarmed by more intense hair loss after the first treatments. The oil accelerates regeneration processes, removing dead bulbs and making room for new ones.
  4. Long-term use of vegetable oils causes clogged scalp pores. To avoid this problem, do a salt peel once a week.

How to wash off oil?

You may encounter a number of problems when using hair oil. How to use it correctly so that the hair after the procedure is not greasy and heavy? Use these tricks:

  1. Just before applying the oil mask, add egg yolk to it.
  2. When using saturated oils (such as almond), add one-third of the amount of castor oil or olive oil. The product will be less greasy.
  3. Before using burdock oil for hair growth, add a little mustard powder to the product. It will additionally stimulate the work of the roots and make rinsing much easier. But it is strictly forbidden to apply such a product to the ends.

Burdock oil for hair: how to use?

One of the most common products for caring for problematic hair is burdock oil. In its pure form it is used for massage, as masks, and also added to shampoo. If you want to enhance the effect of this effective remedy, try preparing the following formulations:

  1. If you want to make your curls grow faster, mix a couple of tablespoons of oil with the same amount of pepper and cognac. To soften the effect of aggressive components on the skin, add egg yolk. Apply the mask to the roots, insulate and leave for no longer than 40 minutes. If the burning sensation is unbearable, wash off the composition earlier.
  2. To give your hair volume, mix a couple of tablespoons of burdock oil with the same amount of liquid honey and half the amount of ground cinnamon. Send a raw egg here (for dry hair, only the yolk). Apply for half an hour.
  3. If you want to make your hair shine, mix burdock oil, lemon juice, honey and agave pulp in equal quantities. You can keep this composition on your curls for 1-2 hours.

Reviews about the use of burdock oil

Many women prefer to use burdock oil for their hair. Reviews (how to use and what results to expect) are as follows:

  1. an excellent product that saves hair from severe hair loss in autumn and spring;
  2. it is impossible to achieve results in two or three procedures; you need to use the oil for a month;
  3. after two months of regular use of burdock masks, hair growth accelerates significantly;
  4. burdock oil helps save even the driest and most brittle hair;
  5. After using the product in its pure form, the hair remains greasy.


Surely, you have repeatedly wondered what is the secret of the beautiful and thick hair of oriental beauties. Of course, dietary traditions and genetic characteristics play an important role.

But the most important thing is that Asian women, Arab women and other representatives of the Eastern world actively use vegetable oils in hair care. Treat your curls with luxurious natural gifts. The first positive results will be noticeable within a month. And the tips described above will definitely appeal to your friends and relatives.