How does toothpaste help with acne?

What do we know about toothpaste? The fact that we use it daily. It helps prevent tooth decay, kills bacteria and finally gives you a pleasant breath. Did you know that you can fight acne with regular toothpaste?

Many questions arise: should I smear pimples with toothpaste or use a mask? Which pasta should you choose? The answers are in our article.

Why toothpaste?

If toothpaste had a wide range of actions, in addition to brushing teeth, advertising would have revealed these secrets to us long ago. But traditional medicine, distinguished by its careful study of everyday materials, has found very useful components in the paste, with the help of which we can get rid of rashes and acne:

  1. Herbal extracts included in many pastes (for example, mint, eucalyptus, chamomile, sage, oak bark) have an excellent anti-inflammatory effect.
  2. Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) is one of the best and safest acne treatments. It helps relieve puffiness, dries out inflammation, exfoliates the skin, and has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects.
  3. Essential oils - improve blood circulation, nourish and heal the skin.
  4. Polyhydric alcohol is a bactericidal agent, reduces fat content, regulates the secretions of the sebaceous glands.

Based on the above points, carrying out medical procedures using toothpaste leads to the following positive results:

  1. Cleansing and narrowing of pores occurs;
  2. Inflammations dry out;
  3. Skin oiliness decreases.

The main disadvantage of using the paste is that irritation or another allergic reaction may occur.

Anti-acne toothpaste

Let's start with the fact that there are 2 ways to fight pimples using toothpaste:

  1. Spot application directly on acne;
  2. Applying a mask.

Toothpaste can be applied pointwise as an independent mass, or in combination with other preparations. For example, mix streptocide powder and toothpaste in equal parts. Apply the resulting healing mixture to acne spots. In 20 minutes. rinse with water.

The main rules when applying toothpaste to the face

Toothpaste is far from a harmless drug. The chemical composition of any paste can have an extremely negative effect on your skin. Therefore, strictly follow the following recommendations:

  1. Before applying the drug to your skin, test yourself: rub a small amount of the mixture onto the inside of your arm (for example, your wrist) and leave for 1-2 hours. If there is no allergic reaction (rash, itching, burning, etc.), you can use it.
  2. Prepare your face: wash off your makeup. The product must be applied to skin cleansed of any cosmetics.
  3. Steam your face well over a steam bath to open your pores as much as possible.
  4. Wipe your skin with any antiseptic (lotion or toner you use).
  5. Apply a small amount of paste directly to the acne, being careful not to get it on the skin.
  6. The retention time of the drug on the skin is from 2 to 6 hours. Thus, the paste can be kept all night. Then, to avoid staining your bed, first let the paste dry on your face (a few minutes) and then go to bed.

For more sensitive skin, apply the product for 15-30 minutes!

  1. Rinse off the drug with water. Wipe with a cleansing tonic (you can use a herbal compress). Moisturize your skin well with cream.
  2. Do not carry out treatment more than 2 days a week.

People with either oily or combination skin can treat with toothpaste. Unfortunately, Sensitive skin can be extremely damaged!

We will repeat again:

!Sensitive skin can be very damaged!

Choosing the right toothpaste

Now let's pay attention to another point - is it possible to use absolutely any toothpaste against acne? And there are a number of subtleties in this issue:

  1. Use classic white paste. It is not recommended to use colored or gel paste, because... due to its composition, this is not what is needed to get rid of acne.
  2. Use an organic toothpaste that does not contain fluoride or a variety of harmful chemicals. As a rule, organic pastes contain baking soda, tea tree oil, natural soothing and antibacterial ingredients (aloe, myrrh, eucalyptus oil, etc.).
  3. Do not use whitening pastes, because... they can burn the skin, causing scarring. Especially not recommended for people with darker skin. Skin color depends on melanin content: the more melanin in the skin, the darker it is and the more susceptible it is to damage from bleaching. With fair skin, the opposite is true - there is less melanin, bleaching does not damage the dermis as much. Therefore, you can use this paste, but with caution.
  4. Choose toothpaste with low fluoride content (or no fluoride at all). Fluoride gets rid of plaque and prevents gum disease, but when applied to the face, it can easily cause skin rashes and other inflammation.
  5. Do not use the paste if there are severe inflammations or open wounds on your face.

After applying the product to your facial skin, you will feel a slight tolerable burning or cooling sensation. All this is normal. But we strongly recommend not to use this acne treatment method more than twice a week!

Tooth powder or toothpaste?

Oddly enough, tooth powder that is not at all advertised is very popular among people. Therefore, it can be seen on almost all store shelves. The composition of toothpaste and tooth powder is almost identical. Therefore, both remedies can be used to treat acne. Before use, the powder should simply be diluted with water and thus turned into a paste.

Toothpaste masks

In addition to spot-applying toothpaste to inflamed areas of the face, you can create masks using various ingredients. Our health is an irreplaceable value, so there is no need to recklessly apply tons of toothpastes to your face. The main difference between using a mask is that it is applied in a thin layer and the minimum time of use! So, if the paste applied pointwise can be left on the face until the morning, then we wash off the mask after 10 minutes!

  1. The most popular anti-acne cleansing mask:
  2. ½ tsp. toothpaste;
  3. 1 aspirin tablet;
  4. 2 tsp lemon juice.

Mix the paste, crushed aspirin and lemon juice. Apply a thin layer to the skin of the face. In 10 minutes. rinse with water. Moisturize with cream.
In this case, lemon juice dissolves fats, and aspirin tightens pores.

Mix equal parts of paste and grated soap. Apply a small layer to the face. After 5 min. rinse with water. Moisturize with cream.

  1. The following mask is also recommended:
  2. Toothpaste (preferably with medicinal herbs);
  3. Baking soda.

Mix the paste with soda. Apply a thin layer to the skin of the face. After 5 min. rinse with water. Moisturize with cream.
For aging skin, apply a thicker layer. Rinse off after 5 minutes. Moisturize with cream.


Do not forget that toothpaste is not a cosmetic product and should be used with great care! It is effective only when pimples appear as a result of poor skin care or a protozoan bacteria has spread, and this is the initial stage of the development of the disease.

If the problem is deeper, and is caused by powerful hormonal changes or metabolic disorders, before fighting acne with folk remedies, you should consult a specialist, take the necessary tests and work on the specific cause of inflammation on the skin of the face. The most important thing is not to start the disease.

And remember: any disease is easier to overcome at its initial stage.

Amina Pirmanova / article author

Next you will learn:

  1. Does toothpaste help against acne and how to use it effectively for this purpose;
  2. What is the mechanism of action of the paste on the inflamed area of ​​skin;
  3. What components should be present in toothpaste for it to help fight acne, and what ingredients should you beware of;
  4. Safety rules during the procedure;

As well as other interesting and important practical nuances.

In general, we can say that toothpaste for acne is a remedy in approximately the same category of effectiveness as the use of vasoconstrictor drops to treat a runny nose (there is some effect, but there is no treatment as such). In other words: not a single dermatologist or endocrinologist will ever advise you to use this remedy, but at the same time, supporters of traditional medicine use it very actively and not always to no avail.

Accordingly, there are no serious studies that would prove that toothpaste against acne really helps - all the popularity of the method is based only on reviews of ordinary people who, so to speak, conducted experiments on themselves and evaluated the results. We will consider examples of such reviews, as well as interesting theoretical and practical aspects of using toothpastes to get rid of acne in more detail.

Today there is a very wide range of all kinds of toothpastes on sale, the composition of which can vary radically. For example, there are special whitening toothpastes, with and without fluoride, to combat inflammation and bleeding gums, with special enzymes that facilitate the removal of plaque, with and without powerful antiseptics, highly abrasive and low-abrasive, with herbal extracts, with strontium compounds, zinc and potassium - for sensitive teeth... Etc.

Thus, it is quite obvious that not every toothpaste is suitable for acne on the face. Keep in mind that using some of them for this purpose can simply be dangerous for the skin - we will also touch on this issue a little lower.

With that said, we can only talk about whether toothpaste helps with acne or not in relation to a specific toothpaste. Otherwise, it will be the same as saying: they say, pills help relieve high fever. Yes, they help, but only certain drugs.

It’s the same with toothpastes - when two different people try to use two different toothpastes to remove acne on their faces, their results can be completely opposite.

“I heard back at university that toothpaste is good for acne. A friend told me that she simply smears it on each pimple and then they quickly go away. I tried it too, but somehow I didn’t feel any special effect. The paste dries out the skin a lot, and if a pimple appears, it doesn’t care. Once I kept it smeared like that for the whole night, to no avail...”

Taking off the rose-colored glasses: how can paste really help against acne?

The ability of toothpaste to help against acne is rationally explained by the anti-inflammatory properties of the product - and they, these properties, must be determined by the appropriate component composition. Toothpaste and acne no longer have any “intersection points.”

Do you remember what pimples (acne) are? This is almost always an inflammation of the sebaceous gland or hair follicle: the secreted sebum can become excellent food for bacteria living on the surface of the skin, which ultimately causes a local inflammatory process.

Normally, the sebaceous secretion itself contains a sufficient amount of bactericidal components that do not allow bacteria to multiply too much. But sometimes this balance is upset. There may be several reasons for this:

  1. A decrease in the amount of bactericidal components in secretions due to a hormonal surge and changes in endocrine regulation (often occurs in adolescents);
  2. Too much sebum secretion (so-called “oily skin”);
  3. Creating a kind of greenhouse conditions for bacteria: for example, the skin is not washed for a long time, sweat and particles of dying epidermis accumulate on it (a normal situation for hiking). A person constantly sweats, the skin does not breathe. Bacteria multiply and cause inflammation of the sebaceous glands, since the bactericidal components no longer cope with their function.

As soon as bacteria “colonize” a hair follicle or sebaceous pore, their metabolic products and the remains of the dead microbes themselves begin to accumulate in the zone of active reproduction of microorganisms. In response to this, the protective mechanism of the immune system is launched here and local inflammation develops, accompanied by redness of the tissues and an even more increased influx of immune system cells. These cells, together with the remains of the bacteria themselves, form pus.

So what can a regular “average” toothpaste do in this situation? That's the thing, it's not very much.

Toothpaste cannot affect the functioning of the human endocrine system. It also cannot reduce the production of lard. The only way to influence is to suppress the activity of bacteria due to antiseptic and anti-inflammatory components.

From the above theoretical calculations, a simple practical conclusion follows: even if you try to regularly apply toothpaste to emerging pimples, this will not help get rid of their reappearance. In other words, if there are appropriate prerequisites, then acne will appear in any case.

So, we have come to an important idea: you can try to smear the pimple with toothpaste containing powerful antibacterial components (sometimes they are not entirely correctly called anti-inflammatory) - and this will help stop the process of further proliferation of bacteria, which means it will prevent the pimple from growing in size and even stronger fester.

It is important to understand that even when using toothpaste with effective antiseptics, existing inflammation and pus will not magically resolve immediately. The body will still need some time to undergo the natural processes of resolving pus and relieving inflammation. That is, it is pointless to hope that in place of a juicy pimple the next morning there will be a soft pink color of healthy skin.

“Toothpaste does not help get rid of acne on the face, that’s for sure, I tested it on myself. And not just once, but I’ve already checked four times, constantly relying on the statements of relatives, acquaintances, and all sorts of aunties from the forums. The first time I don’t remember what I tried, when I was 20 years old, after my first birth, there was no result. Pimples still appear. The second time I was treated with Blendamed, I specifically took the paste to treat gums. I was disappointed. Last year, after my second birth, a friend told me so convincingly about Amway paste that you could almost clean your shoes with it. I tried it twice. I thought maybe I had chosen the wrong pastes before. And also zero. The only effect is that if you smear an entire area on your cheek, where there are many small pimples, then the next day this entire area will be covered in small scabs. It seems that every pimple is covered with a crust on top, and it dries out. But the acne itself doesn’t go away.”

If the toothpaste is chosen correctly and contains antiseptic and anti-inflammatory components, then there are certain prerequisites for the fact that it will help quickly relieve inflammation in the place where the pimple originally was. And, perhaps, this is the only positive action that you can count on.

But there are many pitfalls and dangers here that are useful to know about in advance. Here are just a few of them:

  1. Some whitening pastes contain carbamide peroxide (sometimes they simply indicate hydrogen peroxide) - a powerful oxidizing agent, which, upon prolonged contact with the skin, can theoretically cause a chemical burn (but in practice, due to the low concentration of the substance, in most cases this will only result in redness of the skin after prolonged contact);
  2. Some “advanced” toothpastes contain various enzymes, for example, bromelain (derived from pineapple pulp), which can break down the protein matrix of dental plaque. However, with the same success, this enzyme will show its aggressive effect on the delicate skin of the face, so don’t even try to make a face mask from such a paste for the night!
  3. Certain plant extracts and essential oils can cause severe allergies. As a result, instead of a small pimple, you can get a large red spot or even raw material all over your cheek or forehead (for example, there are known cases of severe allergies to oak bark, which is often used in toothpastes designed to combat gum disease).

Judging by reviews on the Internet, quite a few people believe that if you completely cover your face with toothpaste from time to time and leave the mask on for a while (for example, overnight), you can destroy all bacteria and thus prevent the appearance of acne . But this is a misconception: firstly, most toothpastes greatly dry out the skin and will lead to peeling, irritation and even the appearance of microcracks and ulcers.

Secondly, along with pathogenic bacteria, toothpaste (for example, containing triclosan) is quite capable of destroying those microorganisms that the skin absolutely needs to carry out various protective and metabolic processes. This can ultimately only contribute to the emergence of new skin problems.

We conclude: you cannot completely get rid of acne on your face with toothpaste. You can only smear the inflamed points with a properly selected paste so that the resulting inflammation goes away as quickly as possible.

But it’s worth talking separately about which toothpaste is best for smearing acne...

Which pastes to choose to fight acne?

As we have already found out above, toothpaste containing antiseptic and anti-inflammatory components can help quickly get rid of inflammation at the site of acne. For dental purposes, such pastes are usually used to treat gums.

Here are some examples:

  1. Lacalut Activ Herbal - the chlorhexidine it contains is a classic antiseptic, the action of which is complemented by the anti-inflammatory effect of such components as bisabolol, myrrh, eucalyptus, sage and chamomile.
  2. Forest Balsam Forte with a high concentration of decoctions of medicinal herbs (oak bark, fir, chamomile, St. John's wort, celandine, etc.);
  3. Splat Medicinal Herbs – with extracts of sage, chamomile, sea buckthorn and hawthorn, as well as geranium essential oil;
  4. Rox Bionics;
  5. Pomorin Anti Parodontosis;

In general, the following components of toothpastes help suppress the activity of pathogenic microorganisms:

  1. Triclosan (by the way, this is too powerful an antiseptic, so you should not regularly brush your teeth with such pastes in order to avoid oral dysbacteriosis);
  2. Chlorhexidine (the same point applies to triclosan);
  3. Bisabolol;
  4. Mexidol;
  5. Extract of oak bark, chamomile, sage;
  6. Hydrogen peroxide and carbamide peroxide (remember the 3% hydrogen peroxide sold in the pharmacy, which is used to disinfect wounds);

Toothpastes containing just such components could, in certain cases, help get rid of acne. At the same time, you should always remember about a possible allergic reaction to certain compounds, so it is recommended to first carry out the following test:

  1. Apply a small amount of toothpaste to your wrist;
  2. if after 1 hour the skin under the paste layer turns red and a burning sensation is felt, then it is quite obvious that it is better not to apply such toothpaste to the face, since the redness at the site of the pimple will only worsen;
  3. if there are no unpleasant sensations and the skin on the wrist does not turn red, then the paste is suitable for an experiment to quickly get rid of acne, although some side effects cannot be ruled out (for example, the appearance of local dry skin).

It is important to understand that special acne lotions such as Acnevert or Normaderm will generally cope more effectively with the task of relieving inflammation than any toothpaste. And although none of these lotions will help get rid of acne at all, they eliminate inflammation quite well.

“Last week I tried to remove acne with toothpaste and decided to find out if it really works. It dried out the skin very much, many pimples just dried out and that’s it. The result was clearly visible. Those pimples that I squeezed out and then applied were almost invisible the next morning; I didn’t even have to apply toner. But already at lunchtime at work, spots and even a small irritated area appeared again in the same places. I applied Aquafresh Ultimate paste.”

Traditional medicine tips for using acne paste

In accordance with popular “recipes” of traditional medicine, it is usually recommended to apply toothpaste to the surface of acne for at least one hour. This means that it will not be enough to lubricate the sore in the toilet with it, hold it for a couple of minutes and rinse it off. Based on reviews online, many people try to leave toothpaste on the acne area for about 2-3 hours.

Often the paste is applied to the skin immediately before bed so that it acts on the inflamed area throughout the night. It is believed that the effect will be greater if you smear pimples from which pus has already been squeezed out.

Let us remind you once again that applying toothpaste to acne all night can be dangerous, since during 6-7 hours of sleep, active ingredients (for example, enzymes and peroxides) can seriously damage the skin, as a result of which scars will form on it in the future.

“A couple of times I made myself masks with toothpaste. They say they are good for acne. But I didn’t like that my skin was very dry; in the morning my whole face felt tight. I don't have enough acne to risk it. If you simply smear it on each pimple, it dries out immediately, but this is dangerous, because pus is preserved there, and it is then difficult to remove. For this I prefer to simply anoint the skin with alcohol lotion.”

It is safest to apply toothpaste to acne in the evening, 2-3 hours before bedtime, and wash it off just before bed. In this case, a thin layer of paste is applied to the skin and gently rubbed into the inflamed area.

After washing off the paste, it is advisable to wipe the skin with a moisturizing lotion so that it is softened throughout the night.

Security measures

If you carefully use the right toothpaste, it rarely gives any side effects on the skin (and how to choose the right one - see above). Usually it is the wrong choice and abuse in the hope of a quick and pronounced result that leads to various troubles.

To avoid them, you should:

  1. Keep the paste on the skin for no longer than 3-4 hours;
  2. Apply pointwise, only to the areas where pimples have been squeezed out. Making masks with toothpaste is not recommended;
  3. At the first sign of burning, allergies or skin tightness, stop using the product.

It is definitely not recommended to treat acne with toothpaste for people with dry skin. For them, even the rare application of small amounts of paste to the skin causes it to become rougher and the appearance of additional cracks and crusts.

“I didn’t believe at the time that they would even think of something like this - applying toothpaste to acne! I recently went to the dentist to find out if it was true that you can get rid of acne with toothpaste. The doctor said that this was the first time he had heard this, and that the paste does not penetrate the body from the skin and does not change the metabolism. That is, acne will happen anyway. And if you keep it on the skin for a long time, it can cause irritation. So I wouldn’t risk using...”

In a certain sense, the use of toothpastes for acne is another folk method of psychotherapy, which rarely gives a pronounced result, but allows a person not to sit idly by, but to do something seemingly useful. For those who plan to get rid of acne with toothpaste, it is useful to accept the fact that it is better to do this with the help of special cosmetics. And toothpaste will bring much more benefits if you use it for its intended purpose.

Toothpaste is a non-standard method of fighting acne

To combat skin rashes, you should use white toothpaste: gels and colored toothpastes are not suitable. In addition, whitening toothpaste is not used for these purposes: the fact is that the active components present in its composition can cause skin irritation, which will only worsen the situation.

The effectiveness of white toothpaste is due to the fact that it contains soda, essential oils, triclosan, menthol, alcohol and other components that reduce inflammation and have a drying effect. It is better if the toothpaste contains extracts of chamomile, sage, eucalyptus, oak bark and other medicinal plants.

Features of fighting acne with toothpaste

To get rid of acne, it is recommended to apply a little white toothpaste to the pimple using a cotton swab (first, the skin of the face must be thoroughly cleansed, that is, remove remnants of makeup and particles of dirt). It is important that the paste does not get into the eyes, otherwise irritation of the mucous membrane may occur. This “mask” is left on overnight, and in the morning washed with warm boiled water.

It is better to rinse your face with a decoction made from chamomile or sage flowers.

Usually, after the first use of toothpaste, a lasting improvement in the condition of the skin is observed: redness decreases. Such procedures should be done until complete healing, although it is important not to overdo it, because constant use of toothpaste can lead to the development of dermatitis. This is why the use of toothpaste to combat acne is contraindicated for people with sensitive skin.

If an allergic reaction occurs, procedures should be stopped immediately.

When applying this anti-inflammatory agent, it is important to observe the rules of personal hygiene: hands should be washed before the procedure, otherwise the infection will spread from unwashed hands to the inflamed skin. In this case, the toothpaste used should not be expired, and the cotton swabs should be sterile.

In general, success in the fight against acne is maximum with an integrated approach: this means that you need to reconsider your diet (eliminate unhealthy foods), spend more time in the fresh air, give up bad habits, engage in moderate physical activity, etc. If home methods of combating acne are ineffective, you should seek qualified help from a dermatologist or cosmetologist.

Naturally, first of all, toothpaste was intended for cleaning teeth, and not treating skin problems. However, someone's inquisitive mind once thought of using this product for cosmetic purposes, and the result was amazing. Since then, the paste has been used as a treatment for acne.

How to choose the right pasta

Before you start treating your skin with toothpaste, you need to study all the nuances. For example, you need to choose the right pasta. Any one will not be suitable for these purposes. A number of pastes include alcohol or menthol, which are strong disinfectants. They help dry out acne and get rid of inflammation.

It is worth remembering that there are a number of substances that cannot help in removing acne, but will make the skin even worse - cause irritation, etc.

Experts say that it is best to treat local rashes with the paste, and not those that have already appeared on the entire face, neck or body.

If you decide to use this treatment method, try to choose a white paste - it contains the least amount of various additives, fragrances, etc. But gel and colored pastes are useless in getting rid of acne. They contain more dyes and flavors than nutrients. Also, you should not use whitening paste - it is too aggressive and will only ruin your skin even more.

Experts recommend, whenever possible, to give preference to pastes that contain oak bark extracts, chamomile extract, etc.

How to use

For the paste to have its effect, it must be applied to problem areas in 2 stages. To begin, apply a thin layer of the product to local rashes before going to bed at night and do not wash off, just go to bed.

The second stage is washing the skin in the morning. This procedure must be performed with warm water, carefully removing all remaining paste from the skin.

The specialist compares the use of the paste with the use of a cleansing face mask. The effect achieved is almost the same.

However, it is worth considering that the paste itself is only a means to eliminate acne from the outside. But the problem comes from within. Therefore, it is worth making adjustments to some other points.

For example, it is advisable to adhere to either a therapeutic diet (if the case is advanced) or a healthy eating system. It is imperative to follow the rules of personal hygiene - use your own towel, choose the right care products, etc.

The folk method of getting rid of acne and pimples is accessible, simple and effective. For treatment of rashes with toothpaste to be most effective, it is worth combining this method with a healthy diet, proper skin care, and quitting smoking.

Anti-acne toothpaste

Modern toothpastes include various anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial components that can have a beneficial effect on skin with acne and acne. Toothpaste has a drying and cleansing effect, which is necessary for acne-prone skin.

Toothpaste is a convenient solution for eliminating pimples and blackheads while traveling or on the road.

Also popular today are pastes with herbal extracts, essential oils, vitamins; all these therapeutic, preventive and medicinal products can help in the fight against acne. For pronounced drying of pimples, you should choose a paste with menthol, lemon, or tea tree oil.

Multi-colored gel pastes are not suitable for treating acne using toothpaste. It is not recommended to use whitening products; a simple white paste would be the ideal choice. It is best if it contains mint, oak bark, chamomile, calendula and other ingredients of plant origin.

How to use toothpaste for acne?

In order not to harm your skin, you need to use toothpaste wisely to treat acne. To do this, the mass is applied exclusively locally, only to the affected areas. After applying the paste to the pimple, you need to wait about five minutes, then rinse off the product with warm water and treat the skin with lotion. Over time, the effect of toothpaste on rashes can be increased.

There is also a common method for getting rid of acne, which involves applying toothpaste to the spots on the inflammation throughout the night. This method is very drying to the skin, so it is not recommended for sensitive or dry skin.

When treating acne with toothpaste, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of an allergic reaction. It is recommended to conduct a test before using the product.

The optimal solution is not to use toothpaste to treat acne constantly, but only once to remove inflammation. If you choose a paste to improve the condition of the skin as the main product, it must be applied in a thin layer for two weeks. After this period, you need to evaluate the condition of the skin - if the effect is visible, treatment can be continued for another two weeks, and if there is no proper result, it is better to abandon this method.

The content of the article

Toothpaste, as it turns out, can not only tidy up the entire oral cavity, but also permanently rid the face of annoying acne and even herpes, which is especially important for people with oily skin and teenagers.

Pasta selection

Despite all the skepticism that such a statement causes, practice proves that it is difficult to find a more effective and efficient means in the fight against microinflammation. Experts say that to fight acne, it is best to arm yourself with an undistinguished, classic white herbal paste, saturated with a complex of beneficial herbs and microelements, such as chamomile, eucalyptus or oak bark. You should not be overzealous with bleaching agents, because such pastes can penetrate into the smallest wounds and cracks, only causing additional problems with the skin.

It is believed that in just one night the paste can not only dry out problem areas of the skin, but also have a positive effect on enlarged pores, cleanse the face, and neutralize or reduce the size of the most active pimples. To obtain a stronger effect, it is recommended to cool the treated area with ice before using the paste.


The procedure for working with toothpaste is extremely simple and clear: wash your face with cool water, apply the paste pointwise to microinflammations. After this, a slight but not too depressing burning sensation is usually felt on the skin. In the morning, it is necessary to thoroughly cleanse the skin of the product used and moisturize the skin so that the face feels fresh and practically gets rid of unwanted rashes.

Interestingly, this method only works on small areas; it is not recommended to treat serious rashes in this way. When carrying out the procedure, you should not expose nearby healthy areas of the skin, and it would be even better to test the composition squeezed out of the tube for an allergic reaction. The paste can also be used as an invigorating mask of freshness, applying it to the entire surface of the face for no more than five minutes.

So, low price, proven effectiveness - these are the main points that prove the right to exist of such a method of treating enlarged and inflamed pores and wounds.