Prevention of stretch marks during pregnancy

Many girls, especially those who often go on diets, know firsthand what stretch marks are. First, red scars appear on the body, which gradually turn white, but never disappear. From our article you will learn what prevention of stretch marks will help prevent the development of stretch marks, as well as the reasons for their appearance.

Causes of stretch marks

Prevention of striae formation involves a set of actions aimed at reducing the risk of their acquisition. After all, not only those who are losing weight, but also pregnant and nursing mothers dream that their body will always be beautiful and in perfect shape.

stretch mark prevention at OYomPr.webp

The main reasons for the formation of stretch marks are:

  1. modification of hormonal levels;
  2. taking hormone-based medications;
  3. pregnancy;
  4. heredity;
  5. playing sports;
  6. sudden weight gain or loss;
  7. skin prone to dryness.

Stretch marks on the body appear due to the weakening of collagen fibers. In other words, new cells do not have time to form in order to replace the old ones. This often happens due to the fact that there is not enough water in the body, you are taking certain types of medications, rapid stretching of the skin that occurs over a long period.

Stretch marks occur due to increased secretion of cortisol. The formation of stretch marks in the thighs, buttocks and abdomen can occur due to puberty, pregnancy, and significant weight changes.

Most often, stretch marks appear in those people who quickly gain weight. Heredity also plays a huge role in the formation of stretch marks; if someone in your family suffered from stretch marks, then you too can become a carrier of them.

Video: Prevention of stretch marks

Prevention of stretch marks during pregnancy

Prevention of stretch marks during pregnancy comes down to self-massage. After the bath, you should thoroughly rub the body with a dry towel, then use light pinches to treat the skin of the abdomen clockwise until slightly red. Self-massage improves blood circulation in this way, which helps avoid stretch marks.

Moisturize your skin with oil or spray to avoid dry skin. Elastic underwear and a bandage will protect your body from developing stretch marks. Even before pregnancy, you can carry out a number of activities that will allow you not to think about whether you will have stretch marks or not.

Sign up for a vacuum or general massage, use vegetable oils after taking a shower. Periodically perform mud and algae wraps, as they enrich skin cells with vitamins and minerals.

Try to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Stick to one weight. If you are not pregnant, then try to maintain your weight, but suddenly losing or gaining weight is prohibited.
  2. Follow the principles of proper nutrition. Avoid flour and sweet products, and minimize your carbohydrate intake. Eat vegetables and fruits more often, include foods containing protein in your diet. Eat enough dairy products.
  3. If you are keen on sports exercises, you should gradually increase the load so that new cells keep up with the stretching of the skin.
  4. Follow all these tips during pregnancy, paying special attention to contrast showers.
  5. From the second month of pregnancy, start using special care creams and oils for pregnant women, which are sold in large quantities in pharmacies. If you do not want to use such cosmetics, then use olive oil instead of cream.
  6. If you are breastfeeding, wear special underwear made from natural materials. Wash your breasts every day with water at room temperature, use only a rough towel.

At home, you can use a special oil that will protect you from developing stretch marks. To prepare it, take 4 large spoons of almond oil and a large spoon of avocado oil, add 7 drops of lavender oil and 5 drops of neroli oil. Apply a small amount of this mixture daily to your stomach, thighs and chest, paying special attention to areas where stretch marks have already appeared. You can use this oil after childbirth, until your body returns to normal and your weight stabilizes.

stretch mark prophylaxis at WtleiR.webp

Some scrubs that you can make at home will help you deal with stretch marks. Mix equal parts sugar, salt and olive oil. Rub into the skin for no more than 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

For another scrub you will need half a glass of ground coffee beans, half a small spoon of cinnamon, a couple of drops of olive oil. Mix everything and then apply to the body, rubbing in with light massaging movements.

Take sea salt and sugar, mix them in equal proportions, adding almond butter to the mixture. Pour in the oil until the mixture begins to resemble a paste. After this, rub the scrub into problem areas of the skin for 10 minutes. After each bath, the skin should be lubricated with baby or any moisturizer.

Perform periodic wraps that help effectively cope with skin imperfections. Pour 2 large spoons of chamomile into a mug of hot milk. Let the broth cool, then take a towel to wrap yourself with. Soak a towel in the broth, secure it with cellophane on top, wait 15 minutes, and then remove everything and dry the skin with a dry towel. After this, use any rich cream.

By following our recommendations, you can protect yourself from the appearance of unsightly white stripes on your skin. Health to you and good luck in everything!

stretch mark prophylaxis at VoBnNX.webp

Oh those stretch marks! Pregnancy, of course, beautifies a woman, but its consequences can hardly be assessed as a sign of beauty. Pearlescent scars or the consequences of stretch marks, unfortunately, remain with you for life. But you can resist this - if you prevent or identify stretch marks during pregnancy in time and take care of your skin.

What are stretch marks?

Your skin is quite elastic and can stretch and contract again like rubber. But, like any material, it has a certain limit.

Your tummy is growing so quickly that the skin simply does not have time to renew itself and is stretched to its limit.

In addition, stretch marks may appear on the breasts during pregnancy.

stretch mark prevention at napdWO.webp

First, you notice stripes of pinkish or purple hues, which after a few months take on a pearlescent hue and the shape of subcutaneous scars.

Know! So that you understand the importance of this topic, it is worth clarifying that stretch marks are not just stretched skin, but a violation and rupture of the next layer of skin after the epidermis - the dermis.

But lilac or violet shades are given to stretched stripes by burst capillaries, which are located in this layer of skin.

You should know that stretch marks or stretch marks, as they are commonly called in everyday life, may appear not during pregnancy. A jump in weight or impaired metabolism contributes to the appearance of unwanted furrows. Because of this, you should learn more about the reasons for the appearance of stretch marks.

Causes of stretch marks

There are about a dozen reasons why stretch marks appear on your body. Study each to identify the one that is relevant to you.

  1. Progressive growth of the abdomen and body weight;

Starting from the third or fourth month, your baby enters a phase of active growth, and along with it, your tummy grows. Most often, at this point, your skin cannot keep up with all these changes, and stretch marks may occur. Read about how a baby grows and develops during pregnancy in the article Development of a child in the womb>>>

With poor nutrition and little physical activity, gaining extra pounds will not be difficult. If you gain more than one kilogram per month, you should reconsider your diet, otherwise purple grooves may appear not only on the stomach, but also on the thighs or buttocks.

The main hormone of your pregnancy is progesterone. It is he who relaxes the smooth muscles and the uterus, preventing it from becoming toned. But at the same time, all other muscles, as well as the connective tissues of the dermis, lose their tone; accordingly, in the case of skin tension, this layer cannot withstand and ruptures.

You know that a pregnant woman's menu should be fortified and balanced. If your diet does not contain enough vitamins A and E, proteins and vegetable fats, then collagen, which is responsible for the elasticity of fibers, simply will not be produced. Well, you’ve heard enough about the dangers of fast food and commercial carbonated drinks to remove them from the menu yourself.

If you still have doubts, read the article Nutrition during pregnancy>>>

The topic of bad habits continues, but now smoking and alcohol are on the black list. And the reason is the same collagen and elastin, which are not produced under the harmful effects of nicotine and alcohol. The skin becomes vulnerable and fragile.

You have heard about the ideal childbearing age, and it is by no means connected with moral norms or social frameworks, but has a physiological explanation. Until the age of 18, a woman’s hormonal background and body are simply not ready for such stress as pregnancy. But after 30 years, the same collagen that is responsible for your skin loses its position somewhat and is not produced as actively.

If you decide to become pregnant again, you should listen to the advice of specialists in white coats and take a two-year pause. This is exactly how much your body needs to replenish vitamins, microelements and improve hormonal levels.

  1. General physical condition;

If your lifestyle is characterized as “sofa-like,” then you are guaranteed stretch marks on your stomach during pregnancy. Low physical activity threatens oxygen starvation of tissues, and also leads to weakening of muscles, including the abdominal muscles.

Before you read further, a reminder: breastfeeding is the ideal option for your baby. Stretch marks in the breast area can, of course, appear, especially in the first weeks, when milk is actively flowing in, and unprepared skin simply cannot withstand the stress. But this is not a reason to stop breastfeeding, you just need to prepare in advance and wear the right clothes.

Risk factors

In addition to the causes of stretch marks described above, there are so-called risk factors. In this case, little depends on you personally, but this information will allow you to take the necessary preventive measures and, at least, reduce the number of stretch marks on your body.

  1. Heredity. Your mother awarded you not only with the color of your eyes or hair, but also with your skin type. Find out if your close female relatives have a problem with stretch marks, and decide whether you are at risk. If you notice stretch marks during pregnancy in a photo of your relatives, most likely the same fate awaits you;
  2. Large fruit. If your family or your spouse’s family had rich babies, then most likely your baby will also not be a weakling. A large fruit, of course, will also provoke a large tummy;
  3. Twins. If the stork is preparing a double or even triple gift for you, then your belly will be somewhat larger;
  4. Polyhydramnios. This purely physiological feature can also provoke an increase in diameters and, as a result, unwanted stretch marks;
  5. Accompanying illnesses. Obesity, diabetes, various skin diseases are all risk factors;
  6. Bad habits and unhealthy diet. One of the few risk factors for which only you are responsible are bad habits, by giving up which you will remove the reasons why stretch marks appear during pregnancy;
  7. Age limit. The ideal age for the first pregnancy is from 18 to 30 years. Before and after is already a risk zone;
  8. Interbirth interval. If the next pregnancy occurs before the two-year pause, the risk of stretch marks increases significantly.

But the risk zone is not a diagnosis yet. There are measures to avoid stretch marks before and during pregnancy.

When do stretch marks appear during pregnancy?

You will not find exact dates when there is the greatest risk of stretch marks. For some, this problem occurs already in the first months of pregnancy, while others may notice grooves already during feeding or after returning to their original weight after childbirth.

Considering this fact, you need to take care of your skin and carry out preventive measures throughout pregnancy and after it, then you will definitely not miss the time when stretch marks appear.

Means for prevention

All means to prevent the appearance of stretch marks during pregnancy can be divided into specific and nonspecific. The first are all kinds of creams and oils for applying to the skin, but the second relate to lifestyle and clothes that need to be worn during pregnancy.

Specific means of prevention

There are plenty of options for how to smear the stomach during pregnancy against stretch marks. There is a lot of popular advice; you can buy a ready-made remedy at the pharmacy.

  1. Crema. When choosing a cream to smear the stomach during pregnancy against stretch marks, pay attention to the presence of vitamins A or E, as well as elastin and collagen;
  2. Oils. A good way to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy is with oils. You can use a special line designed for pregnant women, or use olive, peach or almond oils;
  3. Masks. Homemade moisturizing masks will also help you cope with unwanted stretch marks. When deciding what to apply to stretch marks during pregnancy, opt for ingredients such as oils and vitamin E.

Nonspecific means of preventing stretch marks

Although these products do not provide a 100% guarantee, they significantly reduce the risk of subcutaneous ruptures.

  1. Nutrition adjustments. With proper nutrition, rich in vitamins, microelements and proteins, your skin will be smooth and elastic, and, therefore, the risk of stretch marks is significantly reduced;

For more information about nutrition during pregnancy, as well as about the three most important components of nutrition that help you give birth without gaps, read the book Secrets of proper nutrition for the expectant mother>>>

  1. Maternity underwear. You must change not only your lifestyle, but also the clothes you wore before pregnancy. The fabrics for the bodice are natural, the straps are wide, there are no underwires, the size is accurate. As for panties, you can choose special underwear with a tightening effect on the hips;
  2. Exercise stress. Don’t be afraid, no one sends you to the gym, but taking regular walks in the fresh air or swimming in the pool will be very useful (read a related article: Bath during pregnancy >>>);
  3. Fitness for bellies. You can sign up for special classes for pregnant women or do simple exercises at home. 3 main tasks - cat pose, butterfly exercise and crunches while standing or sitting with a fixed pelvis;
  4. Fitball. There are many options - rocking from side to side while sitting on the ball, squeezing the ball with your hands, rocking the ball with your foot from a position lying on your back;
  5. Massage. You will definitely enjoy a massage with a shower: circular rotations, contrast shower. You can stroke your tummy with a massage mitten made from natural fabrics. Another option is a massage using natural oils.

Please note that any of the recommended preventive measures is acceptable in the absence of contraindications or threats of termination of pregnancy. If you feel discomfort when performing any of the steps, you should abandon it.

Stretch marks, also called striae, are inclusions of abnormal, irregular tissue. This tissue has a different combination of fibers and cells than normal skin, and there are noticeable breaks in the collagen and elastin fibers. Simply put, these are internal scars that show through the thinning top layer of skin. Unfortunately, the only way to avoid them is to “enlist” suitable heredity. If this attack has passed your mother and grandmother, your chances of avoiding stretch marks are quite high. Otherwise, they are completely unpredictable, and their appearance does not depend on the number of kilograms gained, or even on personal experience. It may happen that after several pregnancies women may have them only once.

Physiologically, the appearance of stretch marks is caused by three reasons: a rapid change in weight (the elastic fibers of the skin are torn), a hormonal explosion (hormones change the structure of part of the connective tissue in the “childbearing” areas), and an increase in the sensitivity of the skin to corcosteroids (the body reacts inadequately to corcosteroids by changing the connective tissue).

You will hear complaints about stretch marks more than once, but there are many women who are not burdened with them (as well as those who are burdened without any pregnancy). There are simple methods of prevention, which, of course, do not provide a 100% guarantee, but, following the well-known principle “It is better to do and regret than to regret not having done,” it is worth listening to them.