Is it possible to reduce pores on the face?

Most often, those with oily skin type face a variety of skin problems. Oily skin can ruin even the most attractive and blooming appearance: pimples, acne, inflammation. Let's look at how to tighten the pores on your face using various means at home.

Rules for caring for pores

You won’t be able to get rid of pores on your face forever, even by visiting beauty salons and doing expensive cleaning procedures. The fact is that natural processes constantly occur on the face, and it is not possible to radically change them. But if you regularly take care of your skin and follow all instructions, you can visually significantly reduce aesthetic problems.

For a productive result you need to follow the rules:

  1. Always cleanse the skin of cosmetics with foams, milk and other products;
  2. Wash your face twice a day: before bed and after;
  3. After using contracting tonics, micellar water or herbal decoctions;
  4. Cleanse your skin with a scrub 1-2 times a week, in addition to treatment with traditional methods;
  5. You need to use cosmetics for your skin type, which dries the surface and helps remove oily shine;
  6. If possible, visit a cosmetologist and dermatologist (once every two months is enough) or make masks at home.

For more information about how and with what products you need to care for your facial pores, you can watch our video.

Video: creams and masks that tighten pores

Tightening products for oily and normal skin

To narrow the pores on the face, astringent masks for problem skin are widely used. In this case, you can remove excess fat from the surface and cleanse the dermis of old particles. For example, a soda scrub for the face works wonders, perfectly removing the top stratum corneum.

#1: Blue, white or black clay mask.


In just half an hour, the skin will become noticeably lighter, and the pores will be less noticeable. It is very important not to leave the clay until it dries completely, especially for girls with sensitive skin. It is necessary to wash off immediately after the first chilling sensations. It helps some girls get rid of oily skin for a long time.

#2: Lemon-protein mass will help narrow and lighten enlarged pores on the face.
Lemon whitens damaged blemishes, and protein has an astringent effect. Proportions: for 1 teaspoon of juice you will need 1 egg white, whipped into foam.

#3: Steaming your face with almond peeling.
Almonds have wonderful healing properties and effectively cleanse sebaceous pores. But this method is absolutely contraindicated for young ladies with inflammation on the face.

#4: Berry whitening masks for normal skin.
Most often, the water or herbal base is replaced with a milk one, and this fruit paste is rubbed over the face with a sponge. Fruits with astringent properties:

  1. Strawberry;
  2. Apricot;
  3. Raspberries;
  4. Grape;
  5. Currant.


Strawberry mask

#5: Kaolin.
Mix a tablespoon of fennel oil with a teaspoon of kaolin, add glycerin and mineral water until a thick, dense mixture is formed. Apply the solution to especially noticeable facial pores and leave for 10 minutes (for sensitive skin) or 20 (to reduce oily combination skin).

#6: Linden decoction.
For half a liter of boiling water - 2-3 tablespoons of herbs. Leave for about half an hour. It is necessary to wash your face several times a day, it is advisable to continue the procedure for a long time. This way you can not only narrow pores, but also get rid of blackheads.

#8: Elderberry Constrictor.
These berries were popularly used to disinfect wounds and lighten skin. Boil chamomile, linden blossom and elderberry flowers over low heat, and after boiling, remove after three minutes. Proportions: take a spoonful of each herb for half a liter of boiling water. Mix the warm solution with heated flower honey (not hot, but pleasantly warm) and oatmeal. Add at your discretion, the mass should not be very steep or thick. Put it back on the fire and boil. Cool and apply several layers to the skin. Keep on the dermis for 20 minutes.


Pores before and after masks

#9: Orange zest actively tightens large pores on the face.
We grate the fresh skin of the fruit and mix it with its pulp. We carefully apply this porridge to problem areas. You can use the method to cleanse and whiten pores on the body. After twenty minutes, rinse well. Many cosmetics manufacturers have begun producing foundation creams based on orange extract; this is a very good decorative remedy.


#10: Famous mask with starch.
To prepare the ancient starch remedy, we need two spoons of potato powder, a little flower honey, heated to a pleasant warmth and a couple of spoons of warm milk. Mix all the ingredients and apply the mixture to the dermis. Keep it for no more than half an hour.

#11: Cryomassage with ice cubes.
A very good remedy is to rub pieces of ice over the skin. Particularly effective after steaming and cleaning pores. You can do this morning and evening, or pour cold water over your face in the morning.


#13: Blackhead strips from a napkin with whipped egg white.
Beat part of the egg into foam and apply to problem areas, but not to the entire face (otherwise it will be painful to peel off). We tear pieces of napkins and stick them on the same problem areas. Apply again to the whipped mass on a napkin and wait 15 minutes until everything dries. Then, with sharp movements, we tear the napkins off the face. The procedure may be a little painful if you have sensitive skin. We recommend applying to a small area first.


Napkin with protein

#14: Cooked potatoes.
Enlarged pores can be easily removed with a mixture of premium wheat flour, whipped egg whites and mashed potatoes. The same method will help cleanse mature skin, give it elasticity and get rid of age spots with regular use.

#15: Tomato mask.
We cut the fresh vegetable into slices and put it on the face. Tomatoes not only help to tighten the very visible pores of the face, but also cleanse the pores of old cells and remove toxins.

Tighten pores on dry skin

Thin skin with insufficient secretion of subcutaneous sebum is quite difficult to treat. Most traditional remedies irritate it and increase sensitivity. You can tighten the pores on your face if you have dry skin by using blue clay. Just before applying the mineral base, you need to treat the surface of the dermis with a nourishing cream.

#16: On mature dry skin, rosehip tincture works well to tighten pores.
A few drops of essence are mixed with two tablespoons of a decoction of these berries. Apply to the face as a compress and keep for at least 10 minutes. Apply 2 times a week.


#17: Decoction of burdock root and nettle leaves.
For half a liter of boiling water, the proportions in tablespoons are 1:1. Leave for one day in a dark place at room temperature, and wipe your face with this liquid several times a day. If you are worried about enlarged pores and acne on your back, you can take baths with this decoction; the water should be yellowish in color, but not very concentrated.

A step-by-step process for narrowing pores on the cheeks:

  1. Steam your face and inhale essential oils;
  2. Cleanse the skin with tonic or chamomile infusion;
  3. Apply a mask;
  4. Nourish the skin with cream;
  5. Several times a day, wipe the pores on your face with a swab soaked in herbal infusions or fruit juices.

Moreover, an integrated approach also includes a special diet. Every day you need to drink at least two glasses of special herbal tea. His recipe: lavender, coltsfoot, chamomile, sweet clover, rosemary, star anise are mixed in equal quantities and poured with hot water (not boiling water!). Infuse for a day in a cool, dark place. Dilute the resulting brew with warm water to the usual tea concentration and drink. If you really want to tighten the pores on your face, you can add a little sage and thyme.

Due to enlarged pores on the face, the skin looks uneven and rough, but it is impossible to completely get rid of this problem. Let's talk about how to visually narrow and even hide pores, and what products will help with this.

  1. Reasons for enlarged pores
  2. Is it possible to narrow pores
  3. How to tighten pores on your face at home
  4. Tools Overview

Reasons for enlarged pores

Sometimes the pores on the face are barely noticeable, and sometimes they resemble lunar craters. This happens due to the accumulation of fat and impurities in the ducts of the sebaceous glands, because pores are nothing more than their exit points to the surface of the skin. Toxins and salts are removed through the pores along with sweat, so they cannot be “closed.” But you can keep them clean and, to the best of your ability, fight the factors that provoke their expansion.

Hormonal imbalance. During adolescence and pregnancy, changes in the endocrine system can cause excess sebum production and enlarged pores.

Acne disease. Due to excess androgens, the keratinization process is disrupted, and dead skin flakes clog the pores.

Oily skin type. Unfortunately, increased sebum production is often genetically programmed.

Incorrect care. To prevent sebum from clogging pores, the skin must be cleansed properly and regularly.

Nutrition. A love of spicy and fatty foods, a passion for sweet carbonated drinks and baked goods does not have the best effect on the condition of the skin.

Passion for the sun. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, as a natural protective measure, the stratum corneum thickens, and it becomes more difficult for the pores to free themselves from impurities.

Age. Due to the destruction of collagen and elastin, the skin loses its elasticity, becomes loose, and the pores remain enlarged.

Is it possible to narrow pores

The bad news: once and for all - no. Good news: temporarily and visually - quite. But this problem will require constant attention, some effort and consistent action.

To make pores less noticeable, they need to be cleaned regularly. © iStock

Cleanse your skin properly. And don’t neglect washing your face with a pore-tightening gel, foam or cream.

If the problem is internal, consult a doctor and follow his recommendations. When treating acne, you may need special medications, a certain diet, etc.

Use care products that have the effect of narrowing pores.

Protect yourself from the sun. If the problem has worsened greatly during the holidays, make an appointment with a cosmetologist for a consultation and procedures.

How to tighten pores on your face at home

To make pores less noticeable, you will need a whole beauty arsenal.

Scrubs. The abrasive particles included in them perfectly remove accumulations of fat, dirt and dead cells. The skin becomes smoother, pores become less noticeable.

Creams with hydroxy acids (salicylic, lactic, glycolic).

Contracting masks.

Care products with the effect of narrowing pores.

The latter usually contain:

fruit acids (glycolic, lactic, salicylic);

oils with gamma-linoleic acid: black currant, borage, evening primrose (evening primrose);

astringent components: calamus, white willow, birch, beech, witch hazel, laurel, myrtle, sage, eucalyptus, black currant leaves.

Cosmetics that tighten pores


Reduces comedones and pimples, frees the skin from dead cells, tightens pores.

Product name Components Effect
Ultra-cleansing gel with anti-acne brush “Clean skin. Active", Garnier 2% salicylic acid, complex of plant extracts
Pore-tightening cleansing lotion Normaderm, Vichy thermal water, glycolic acid, salicylic acid, glycerin Removes particles of dirt, sebum, and cosmetics that clog pores. Tightens pores and has a tonic effect.
Pore ​​tightening lotion Effaclar, La Roche-Posay thermal water, lipohydroxy acid Reduces the number of imperfections and evens out the skin.
Product name Components Effect
Cleansing toner against blackheads and oily shine “CLEAN skin”, Garnier salicylic acid, zinc Regulates excess sebum production, minimizes pores, mattifies the skin.
Serum for mature skin against imperfections Blemish & Age, SkinCeuticals complex of dioic, salicylic, capryloyl-salicylic, glycolic and citric acids Cleanses and tightens pores, reduces the number of imperfections, evens out the skin, lightens age spots.
Corrective care against imperfections 24 hours moisturizing, Normaderm, Vichy complex of moisturizing components, salicylic acid Makes pores invisible, eliminates oily shine, prevents imperfections and moisturizes the skin.

Deep impact masks

Product name Components Effect
Steaming face mask with zinc, Garnier clay, zinc Thanks to its steaming effect, it perfectly cleanses and tightens pores. The effect lasts for 7 days.
Face mask “Magic of clay. Cleansing and Mattifying”, L’Oréal Paris three types of clay (kaolin, gassoul, montmorillonite), eucalyptus extract Pulls out impurities from pores, eliminates oily shine, mattifies, improves complexion.
Cleansing mattifying mask Effaclar, La Roche-Posay thermal water, two types of mineral clay, selenium Cleanses pores and helps tighten them.

Folk remedies

These recipes are great for exfoliating your skin and tightening your pores.

Baking soda scrub

Take 1 tbsp. l. baking soda. Add some water or milk to it to make a paste. Then massage the skin with your fingertips, paying special attention to the areas where blackheads most often form - the wings of the nose, chin, forehead. However, avoid the area around the eyes. Rinse off with warm water. The pores should be cleaned and become almost invisible.

Honey mask with gelatin

Dilute 2 tsp. gelatin with 4 tsp. water and let it brew. Bring to a homogeneous consistency in a water bath, avoiding boiling. Add 2 tsp. liquid honey and 2 tsp. l. glycerin. Wait until it cools, stir and apply to cleansed facial skin in several layers. After 30 min. Rinse off the mask with warm water and apply your usual moisturizer. The pores will become barely noticeable.

Do not forget that honey is a fairly strong allergen. Therefore, we advise you to use it with caution!

Herbal lotion to tighten pores

Take 2 tsp. chamomile, calendula and St. John's wort flowers. Pour a glass of boiling water and let it brew for about an hour. This lotion is a natural remedy for tightening pores. You can also wash your face with it. Don't forget to apply moisturizer after this.

How to tighten pores with salon treatments

There are several suitable procedures; your cosmetologist will advise you on the right one.

Peeling. A special chemical composition is applied to the skin, exfoliating dead cells and tightening pores. A course of 6–8 weekly procedures is required.

Cryotherapy. “Freezing” with liquid nitrogen is what you need to instantly narrow enlarged pores. For a lasting effect, 15–20 sessions are required.

Disincrustation. Exposure to electric current frees the skin from metabolic products. The procedure is performed once every 15 days.

Microdermabrasion. The surface layer of skin is removed with a special microcrystalline attachment. As a rule, up to 10 procedures are required, one per week.

Darsonvalization. This type of electrotherapy accelerates the elimination of toxins and normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands.

Regular visits to a cosmetologist are the key to excellent condition of the pores on your face! © iStock

If you have oily skin that looks unsightly, don't worry. There are many different techniques for how to narrow pores on the face using salon techniques offered by modern cosmetology and home remedies of traditional medicine. Be sure to try several recipes.

Oily facial skin is characterized not only by a greasy, unpleasant shine and constant rashes, but also by enlarged pores. They make the skin texture lumpy and uneven, which spoils its appearance.

However, modern cosmetology in Chelyabinsk and traditional medicine have in their arsenal many techniques and methods for solving this problem. Find out how to tighten the pores on your face quickly, safely and efficiently. And start by figuring out why you have them too wide.

Causes of enlarged pores

The skin is very elastic, so few people are born with enlarged pores. Most often, they open and do not return to their original state under the influence of any external factors.

If you suffer from this scourge, be sure to find out why your face resembles a dishwashing sponge and not a pouring apple. If you know the enemy, it will be much easier to deal with him. So, the pores expand in the following cases.


If you are used to using cheap decorative cosmetics or have not changed them for a long time, in the end you will not be able to escape from enlarged, large pores on your face. This will also happen to those who have not trained themselves to remove makeup before going to bed. This is especially true for powder and foundation.


A controversial issue, but existing. Many cosmetologists believe that if your parents have oily skin characterized by enlarged pores, then there is every chance of inheriting this scourge from them and fighting it all their lives. After all, this factor can no longer be changed or eliminated.


There are several periods in a woman’s life when her hormonal levels undergo major changes. It is at these moments that pores tend to expand the most.

Firstly, This is puberty. This is not difficult to verify if you look at teenage girls.

Secondly, this is pregnancy. Thirdly, menopause. There is no need to despair, because with proper care and preventive measures, this problem at these moments will not be so relevant.


Unfortunately, this is the most common reason why pores are in a constantly enlarged state. Few people lead a healthy lifestyle and eat right. Fatty, fried, pickled food, after processing, creates a mass of unnecessary, harmful substances in the body that seek release through the pores and settle, clogging them.

Bad habits

Alcohol and nicotine, especially in large quantities, will never allow you to narrow the pores on your face. The only way out is to drink less alcohol and limit your smoking.


Do you like to bask in the solarium and at the same time wonder why the pores on your face are constantly enlarged? Give your skin a break from ultraviolet radiation - and a pleasant result will not take long to arrive.

If you correctly determine why you constantly have to tighten the pores on your face, you can eliminate the triggers from your life. This will be the best prevention. Only after this is it advisable to seek help from modern cosmetology and once and for all forget that you have encountered such a problem. We will now talk about preventive, and not yet curative, measures.

Do you know that pores Is this the respiratory organ of our skin? Through it, most of the oxygen enters our skin cells. On the one hand, if the pores are too narrow, through them the saturation of tissues with this useful substance will be minimal, which is also bad. On the other hand, through enlarged pores, toxins and dirt from the atmosphere around us enter the dermis.

Prevention for narrowing pores

How to minimize the negative impact of external factors on the pores of our face? A few useful tips will help you in this matter. All this needs to be done before going to the salon or using folk remedies. Without preventative measures, pores will continue to enlarge again and again if the root cause is not addressed.

  1. Avoid smoky, stuffy rooms. Take more walks in the fresh air.
  2. Visit either the bathhouse, the swimming pool, or the sauna every week.
  3. Try to drink and smoke less.
  4. Train your face to contrast washes.
  5. Use cleansing cosmetics regularly: toner, scrub, foam.
  6. Stress is also very bad for the skin. Therefore, try to maintain peace of mind and good mood.

Now you know what to do if the pores on your face are constantly expanding. Train yourself to care for your skin correctly, in accordance with the recommendations given above, and then the problem will go away by itself. Remember: without prevention, treatment will turn out to be a temporary measure that will save only for a limited period. Make sure this doesn't happen.

Some scientists believe that pores cannot expand or contract because they are not muscles. Some people naturally have more, and some have less. Therefore, all preventive, therapeutic and cosmetic measures are aimed only at cleaning them and making them visually smaller.

True, most cosmetologists do not share this opinion and claim that the pores on the face both narrow and expand, since the skin is very elastic.

Salon techniques for narrowing pores

By turning to a professional cosmetologist for help, you can significantly improve the condition of your skin. You will be offered several methods on how to narrow enlarged pores, because this problem is effectively solved by many salon procedures.

Their choice will depend on the individual characteristics of your skin and the financial capabilities of your wallet. Most often, cosmetologists recommend using the following techniques:

  1. cryotherapy - exposure to cold on the skin, as a result of which it reflexively narrows the pores, sebum production slows down, the color becomes lighter and more natural, acne disappears;
  2. chemical peeling various acids, most often fruit ones: malic, tartaric, acetic; as a result of this procedure, the bottom of the pore is raised, which is why it becomes visually much smaller;
  3. mechanical peeling is also capable of narrowing pores, but cosmetologists in salons are in no hurry to offer this procedure because of its pain and high invasiveness;
  4. photorejuvenation — hardware laser technique that allows you to even out skin texture, narrow pores, and remove dead skin cells;
  5. microdermabrasion — elimination of dead cells using a diamond tip, as a result of which pores narrow, collagen production is stimulated, and fine wrinkles are smoothed out;
  6. darsonvalization - ultrasonic effect on enlarged pores.

As practice shows, not everyone rushes to beauty salons for help. Most of the owners oily skin I’m interested in how to tighten pores at home using folk and natural remedies. Well, traditional medicine answers this question with a large number of recipes for masks and compresses that intensively narrow pores.

Don't get too carried away with pore-cleaning cosmetics. This is, of course, a necessary thing, but going too far here is very dangerous. By aggressively affecting cells, they thereby provoke even greater expansion of pores.

So, clean it no more than once a week. And if you have to choose, it’s better to give preference to steam baths.

Home Remedies

Homemade facilities, narrowing pores on the face, are very effective due to their naturalness and regular use. If you regularly use them to care for your porous skin, it will look much better.

You can do this comprehensively, choosing several procedures at once, or you can use a single, but very effective recipe. At home, you can narrow the pores on your face as follows:

  1. regularly wipe the skin of the face (it is better to do this in the morning) with ice cubes with herbs, fruits and berries - this is a kind of home cryotherapy, in no way inferior in its effectiveness to salon techniques;
  2. peeling: there are scrubs specially designed for skin with enlarged pores;
  3. washing with rose water and herbal decoctions;
  4. homemade masks made from cosmetic clay, fruits, berries, protein;
  5. adding essential oils of dill, fennel, caraway, cedar, pine, spruce to the products, and you can also make multi-component aromatic mixtures from them;
  6. contrast washes: first wash with cool water and then hot;
  7. exclude from your diet fatty, pickled, smoked foods and carbonated drinks, which contribute to an even greater expansion of the pores on the face.

Now you know how to remove pores on your face using folk remedies at home, what procedures to use for this, and what recipes are best to choose. The most popular are all kinds of masks made from natural, fresh products, medicinal herbs and oils.

By choosing a specific recipe for your skin, you can improve its condition in a short period of time. Usually the result is noticeable after the first procedure.

Those women who have enlarged pores combined with dry skin are very unlucky. There is such nonsense. Masks for narrowing pores, as a rule, have a drying effect, which can cause a feeling of tightness and discomfort.

Recipes for masks to tighten pores

The best mask to tighten pores on the face is the one that suits your skin most effectively. That is, it should not cause allergies and contain familiar, familiar components.

Don't chase exotic ingredients that don't always live up to their purpose. Therefore, take the choice of a recipe for such a mask very seriously.

Mask with cosmetic clay

Mix and beat kaolin (1 tablespoon), glycerin (1 teaspoon), fennel essential oil (2 drops), mineral water (2-3 tablespoons) until creamy. Apply the mask to a cleansed face for 20 minutes, sprinkling with water from time to time to prevent drying. Rinse off with warm water.

Aromatic mask made from essential oils

Mix essential oils of mint, lemon (1 drop each), jojoba and hazelnut (5 ml each), leave for an hour, apply to face for 15 minutes, remove excess with a dry paper towel.

Linden flower mask

Chop fresh linden inflorescences, pour 1 tablespoon of the raw material with hot (but not boiling) water (100 ml). Place on low heat and heat until thick. Apply it warm in a thick layer on the face for 20 minutes. Remove with a dry cotton pad, then wash with cool water and lubricate the skin with regular cream.

Orange mask

Many people are interested in how to tighten the pores on the nose, because this part of the face is sometimes the most problematic. On the cheeks, forehead and even chin, the pores look normal, but on the nose they are enlarged. In this case, an orange mask will perfectly cope with the deficiency, perfectly narrowing pores and eliminating comedones. To prepare it, you need to finely chop the orange slices, mash them to a puree with a masher or a wooden spoon. Apply the resulting mixture to your nose, cover with a paper napkin and keep it there for 15 minutes. Rinse off with water at room temperature.

Berry mask

Mash fresh strawberries to a puree, mix them (2 tablespoons) with 1 egg white of a homemade chicken egg, starch and unrefined vegetable oil (1 teaspoon each). Apply to face for 15-20 minutes, rinse first with warm and then cool water.

Oatmeal mask

Grind oatmeal in a coffee grinder to flour, mix (1 tablespoon) with pre-dried lemon zest crushed into powder (the same amount), add egg white whipped into foam, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. Apply to face for 20 minutes. Remove with a paper towel soaked in warm water, then wash with cold water.

Knowing how to clean and tighten the pores on your face at home, you can no longer feel complex about the condition of your skin. Its relief will be significantly leveled, the color will improve, and the pores will become less noticeable.

Thanks to the cleansing properties of such masks, blackheads and pimples will form much less frequently. Feel the beauty of these products by regularly using them to maintain the beauty and health of your skin.