How to restore skin under the eyes

Good afternoon. The skin under the eyes has deteriorated sharply. I have oily skin, I used baziron, not under my eyes, of course, but it may have had some effect. I also used Rock cream, it contains some kind of acid, apparently it turned out to be quite aggressive. Allergy may. The rays of wrinkles have become very noticeable, the skin is thinner, there is discomfort, burning and slight peeling. How can you restore your skin? I'm not very good with products for the skin around the eyes. Age 30. Thank you experts

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Leave your skin alone for now. I wash off my makeup with grape seed oil and leave it overnight

Brew calendula if you have allergies - it should help.
I had this happen, and calendula took it away.

Don’t you practice black magic for an hour? They say it is very harmful for both beauty and health.

Natural coconut oil every day at night. In a week, the skin of the eyes will become soft, moisturized, elastic, and wrinkles will begin to decrease. In 3 weeks you won’t even remember the problems you have now

Natural coconut oil every day at night. In a week, the skin of the eyes will become soft, moisturized, elastic, and wrinkles will begin to decrease. In 3 weeks you won’t even remember the problems you have now

In such a situation, the Evening Cream from the Freedom Factory helped me (even though I always used only luxury skincare and cosmetics), I put on a mask for a couple of days and everything returned to normal. Well, or do biorevitalization at this age, it definitely won’t be superfluous

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In such a situation, the Evening Cream from the Freedom Factory helped me (even though I always used only luxury skincare and cosmetics), I put on a mask for a couple of days and everything returned to normal. Well, or do biorevitalization at this age, it definitely won’t be superfluous

An ordinary baby cream will help 100%!

Girls, curiosin gel helps very well, I smear it under my eyes every evening, it’s very cool, and also on the nasolabium, forehead and nose, and it’s great)))

I actually had a nightmare! I always used eyeliner, then “felt pen” became popular - I’ve been treating my eyelids for about a year now, they constantly break out, itch, and have become hypersensitive.
HYDROCORTISONE ointment saves me, relieves swelling and irritation.

Angelina, be careful with hydrocortisone hormonal cream, it gradually thins the skin

Author, you solved your problem, I have the same problem. The skin under my eyes burned, I had an allergy

Try shea butter.

I switched to Ic-lab a long time ago. It solves all problems

I love coconut oil
A very good remedy.


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Recently I noticed that the skin around the eyes is too dry and it is impossible to restore it with creams, it looks like an old lady, what to do, how to solve this problem?

From my arsenal of skin care products around the eyes, I can praise cosmetic oils (jojoba, avocado, almond - by the way, these oils also strengthen the eyelashes and become thicker) - but I recommend applying the oils for about forty minutes before going to bed in the evening, and then rinsing off carefully with a cotton sponge and warm water without any means, otherwise you risk waking up in the morning with puffy eyes, this is how oil works on your eyelids, which is not very aesthetically pleasing if you keep it on for a long time; The caffeine gel roller from Garnier is also not bad (however, it does not eliminate dark circles under the eyes, but it does remove swelling, and it also provides a cooling massage.)

I can also recommend a massage with cold spoons. I read it a long time ago in some magazine, and now I periodically use this method.

Take two teaspoons and place them in the freezer for five minutes. Take it out and apply it to your eyelids with the convex side. Do not move the skin! We have very thin skin on our eyelids, prone to rapid aging, unfortunately, precisely because of its thinness, so apply spoons carefully, around the entire eye, for about a minute to a minute and a half. A fresh look is guaranteed with regular massages like this.

I also use parsley ice. I freeze a fresh infusion of parsley, and every morning after washing my face I rub this ice along the massage lines - dark circles become less noticeable, and the beneficial elements that parsley contains nourish the skin of the eyelids.

Unfortunately, foundation does not always help hide skin imperfections. Folk remedies come to the aid of foundation.

You can relieve inflammation around the eyes with regular green tea. The most important thing is to use pure green tea, without additives. You need to soak a cotton pad in tea and place it on your eyes. Keep the mask on for 10 minutes.

Parsley fights swelling well. You need to prepare a decoction of parsley and freeze it. In the morning and evening, wipe the area around the eyes with an ice cube and parsley.

When you don’t have time for procedures, you can hide imperfections with eye corrector. Don't use dry powder, you'll only ruin everything. It is better to use a thick corrector or foundation. After applying the corrector, you need to apply shades of pink tones, they will help make your look fresh and natural.

There are various creams and roll-ons available for the skin around the eyes. Constant use of cosmetic products will help to eliminate imperfections in the eye area.

A well-known and effective folk remedy is fresh cucumber. Soak cotton swabs in cucumber juice and apply to your eyes. After twenty minutes, remove the compress and wash. You can use thin cucumber slices. After this procedure, the skin becomes tightened and fine wrinkles disappear.

To prepare a nourishing and moisturizing compress, you can use boiled milk cooled to room temperature. This is a very effective method, as a result of which the skin smoothes out and takes on a fresh look.

Herbal infusions are an amazing moisturizer. To prepare, take equal parts lemon balm, mint, parsley, chamomile and sage. Pour 1 tbsp. the resulting collection with a glass of boiling water. Cover the container with a tight lid and wait for the liquid to cool to room temperature. Soak cotton pads in the infusion and apply to the eyelids for ten minutes.

You can add a couple of drops of glycerin and 2 tablets of activated carbon and glucose to the herbal infusion. The result is a nourishing and moisturizing infusion. It should be stored in the refrigerator for a month.

A compress of walnut leaves and cornflower flowers will help moisturize the skin and relieve eye fatigue. Take 1 tbsp. each component and pour 500 ml of boiling water. Place the container in a water bath for ten minutes. Then strain and cool to room temperature. Use the decoction to make compresses.