Kaolin (White Clay)

Kaolin, also known as white clay, is an important substance used in various industries, including pharmaceuticals. This mineral is widely used as an auxiliary substance and has a number of beneficial properties. Kaolin is produced in Russia by the company Mikrotalkmed NPP and has the international name “white clay”, as well as synonyms indicating its white color and composition.

Kaolin is a natural mineral formed as a result of a long process of decomposition of rocks rich in aluminum. It has a white or almost white color and differs from other clays in its delicate texture. Kaolin has a high degree of purity and low impurity content, making it a valuable material for a variety of industrial and medical applications.

In the pharmaceutical industry, kaolin is widely used as an excipient. It is used in the production process of drugs to improve their physical and chemical properties. Kaolin is added to tablets, capsules and powders as a binder and adsorbent. It has the ability to absorb toxins and harmful substances, making it useful in treating poisoning and gastrointestinal disorders.

Apart from pharmaceuticals, kaolin has applications in various other industries. It is used as a component in the production of ceramics, glass, paper and paints. Due to its high whiteness, kaolin is widely used in the production of glossy paper and cosmetic products, including powders, creams and face masks. Its ability to absorb excess oil and cleanse the skin makes it a popular ingredient in the cosmetics industry.

Kaolin, or white clay, is an important and versatile material that has applications in various fields. Its properties of purity, adsorption and softness make it a valuable component in pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and industry. The production of kaolin in Russia by Microtalkmed NPP guarantees the high quality and availability of this useful material.