An IV is a medical device that is used to introduce fluids into the human body. It is a tube that is connected to a vial or bottle of liquid and has a needle at the end to pierce the skin.

The dropper is used for infusion therapy - administering medications intravenously. Infusion therapy can be carried out both in a hospital and at home.

To conduct infusion therapy, you must have special medical training and equipment. The dropper must be sterile and clean, and the liquid must be clear and free of impurities.

Depending on the type of dropper, it may have different sizes and needle shapes. Some IVs may have a built-in pump that allows you to accurately measure the amount of liquid being injected.

It is important to remember that an IV is not a replacement for medical personnel. If you have any questions or concerns about receiving infusion therapy, it is recommended that you contact your doctor.

Droppers are devices for introducing liquids into the human body through the skin or mucous membranes by creating a constant flow of drops or microdoses of a substance. They are used for various purposes such as therapy for various diseases, drug treatment and diagnosis, cosmetic procedures and other forms of treatment.

The dropper consists of