Genetic Dose Limit

Genetic Dose Limit: Concept and Implications for Genetic Testing

- Today, genetic testing is becoming more accessible and widespread, but the effectiveness of its use is limited due to the presence of a genetic dose limit - this is the maximum number of genetic changes that the test can detect. - Genetic studies show that an excess of genetic modifications in one cell can lead to disruption of body functions at the system level. - For example, when identifying an excess of gene polymorphisms associated with the risk of developing various diseases, it is not always possible to predict the risk of developing a specific disease in a specific person, since many genetic diseases are based on many mutations that affect the functioning of a specific gene. - Another limitation of genetic testing is the need to accurately and successfully perform a given genetic analysis, which can be difficult in cases of complex genetic combinations and mutations. In this regard, it is necessary to be able to determine the feasibility of genetic tests and their limits for each specific case. - In conclusion, it should be noted that the results of genetic testing provide important information about the state of health and susceptibility to certain diseases, but the interpretation of the results in combination with medical knowledge and data about the individual patient and his family members should not be neglected. This allows you to avoid erroneous or insufficient identification of risk factors, increase the accuracy of diagnosis and develop a personalized plan for treatment and prevention of diseases.