
Capnoangiogarphy is one of the methods for non-invasive diagnosis of the condition of the human pulmonary and cardiovascular system. The method is based on monitoring gases and blood flow in the pulmonary vessels using special equipment - a capnograph. Indicators of blood oxygen saturation and gases provide information about the efficiency of gas exchange and ensuring the supply of oxygen to the blood for normal life processes.

Carrying out this procedure contributes not only to the diagnosis of the patient’s condition, but also to the diagnosis of vascular patency. The data obtained during the study is used to determine the development of cardiovascular diseases, such as arrhythmia, heart failure, etc. The study allows us to assess the degree and nature of pulmonary dysfunction. Capnography reveals pathologies of the respiratory, cardiopulmonary systems, and circulatory disorders. An IV catheter is inserted into the patient's circulation. At the same time, the person breathes air from a special device that can analyze its composition and transmit the received information to the monitor. With each subsequent second, the medical specialist receives more and more accurate data and can quickly diagnose the patient’s condition.