Kaposi Hemangiosarcoma

Kaposi hemangioinvasion is a rare and aggressive cancer that affects the lymphatic vessels. This disease is the most common on the list of malignant tumors developing in young patients.

Kaposi's disease is characterized by chaotic, antisocial behavior of patients, as a result of which they often ignore calls to the doctor and self-medicate. Older people are more likely to develop kaposi. In advanced cases, the malignant process appears on the skin in the form of dense tubercles. The situation is aggravated by the fact that due to frequent relapses, the patient quickly loses his ability to work and also becomes a source of danger to others.

Patients go to medical institutions most often after advanced kaposi - when the skin, liver and kidneys are sick. In this case, the patient experiences swelling and redness of the feet and hands, itching and pain in the sternum, and digestive disorders. As the disease progresses, swollen limbs acquire an unnatural purple color, and fistulas with a fetid odor appear on the skin. If Kaposi's sarcoma develops, the mammary glands swell, which are subsequently opened with wounds and pus flows out.

Treatment for kaposi depends on the form