Hemiplegia Flaccid

Hemiplegia flaccid (h.flaccida - hemiplegia flaccid / flaxen), Landry-Lemon neuritis - a syndrome in young children caused by hypoxic-ischemic damage to the cervical spinal cord, characterized by cerebellar disorders, mainly hemiparesis, balance and muscle tone with subsequent expansion of reflex reactions , ataxic phenomena, mild mental retardation.

It stands out as a variant of the symptoms of cervical-cerebral infarction. It is observed equally in male and female patients, develops in critical conditions during childbirth caused by septic shock, for other reasons, but is also associated with women taking oral contraceptives (estrogens). In children with severe asphyxia, or even more so with short neck syndrome, characteristic signs are observed already at birth (hypoacusis or deafness, VEP and other neurological problems); in rare cases, convulsions and diencephalic disorders develop. In the acute course of Landry-Lemon neuritis from one to two years (30% of cases), the child can fully recover.