
The modern world is developing rapidly, and this inevitably affects the language. New technologies, changes in culture and society lead to the emergence of new words and expressions that were previously unknown. However, when these words become common, they are not always clear to everyone.

Megaloglossia is a term that describes the process of the emergence of new words and phrases that are incomprehensible to most people. This is due to the fact that new terms are rapidly spreading in various areas of life, but not everyone understands their meaning. The word "megaloglossia" is derived from two Greek roots: "megalo", meaning large number, and "glossa", meaning "tongue". Thus, the term describes the process of the emergence of a huge number of incomprehensible words used everywhere.

The main problem with megalogy is that due to the constant emergence of new terms, many people no longer understand the meaning of the expressions they previously used. As a result, we lose touch with the language and its traditions, which can lead to poor vocabulary and poor understanding between people of different cultures.

One of the main reasons for megalogy is globalization. Modern technology, media and social networks have made the world more integrated and accessible to all people. This means that many people around the world use words that first appeared in some other culture. For example, the word "check-in" came into English from Spanish, and the word "lightbox" was originally invented in Japan.

In addition, many of the words we use every day have different meanings and applications depending on the region. For example, the term “broker” has a different meaning in Russia, where it is a person engaged in intermediary in trade, and in the UK, where this is the name for intermediaries in the provision of financial services. Moreover, in some countries such terms are not official or are not used at all.

The reason for the appearance of megaloglogy is also changes in social relations and education. The development of information technology has led to the fact that many people today do not have a broad outlook and often cannot correctly