Baths Subaquatic

Subaquatic baths are procedures that are used to improve the functioning of the digestive system and prevent various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. These baths are based on the principles of intestinal lavage, which is performed in waters at a temperature higher than body temperature to achieve optimal temperature and fluid flow through the intestines to remove toxins and waste from the intestines.

Taking such baths requires special equipment and conditions, but they have many advantages. Firstly, subaqueous baths help improve the condition of the skin, reducing pigmentation, acne and other skin diseases. They also help cope with the problems of excess weight and diabetes. As part of the treatment, subaquatic baths can be performed for various diseases related to digestion, such as peptic ulcers and metabolic disorders.

There are many types of subaqueous baths, varying in temperature, water flow rate, use of additives and other parameters. One of the popular types of baths is a sub-aqueous shower, which uses the same principle as sub-aqua, but allows you to make the procedure more comfortable and inviting for a person.

However, it is worth noting that subaquatics are a rather complex procedure that requires special equipment, monitoring the patient’s health condition and professional assistance. Therefore, although sub-aquatics can provide great benefits, they are not a simple treatment option and should be treated as a serious medical procedure.