Oxygenation Enteral Tubeless

Enteral oxygenation without probe, or the sirotinin method, is an effective way to saturate the blood with oxygen. This method is used to treat various diseases associated with a lack of oxygen in the body, such as hypoxia, coronary heart disease, pulmonary failure and others.

The essence of the method is that an oxygen-containing liquid is injected through a thin tube into the stomach or intestines. This fluid passes through the intestines and enters the blood through the walls of the intestines and stomach. The oxygen contained in the liquid enters the blood and saturates it with oxygen, thereby improving the oxygen supply to the body's tissues.

Tubeless enteral oxygenation is a safe and effective method that can be used as an additional treatment or prevention of various diseases. It can also be used to treat post-operative complications and recovery from severe injuries.

Oxygenation enteral tubeless therapy (oxygenation tracheotomy) is a method of oxygen therapy for patients with reduced oxygen saturation in the blood (saturation) and/or in the presence of respiratory failure. Typically, oxygenation tracheostomy is performed in those patients who have access to oxygen.