Septum of the Musculo-Tubal Canal

The myotubal canal is one of the important anatomical formations located between muscles and bone structures. It plays an important role in the movement and functioning of muscles, ensuring their mobility and flexibility.

The musculotubal septum (Septum canalis musculotubarii) is a thin membrane that divides the musculotubal canal into two halves. It consists of fibrous structures such as tendons, ligaments and fascia that form the framework of the septum.

The functions of the musculotubal canal septum include:

  1. Limiting muscle movements and controlling their movement. The septum provides mechanical support to the muscles and prevents them from overstretching or contracting.
  2. Ensuring joint stability. The septum plays an important role in maintaining joint stability by preventing excessive movement.
  3. Regulation of blood flow. The musculotubal septum regulates blood flow to the muscles, providing the necessary oxygen and nutrients for their function.

However, under certain conditions, such as injury or illness, the septum can be damaged or destroyed. This can lead to dysfunction of the myotubal canals and cause various problems such as muscle pain, weakness and limited mobility.

In general, the musculotubal septum plays an important role in the normal functioning of muscles and joints. Its functions and importance for human health and well-being should be well known and taken into account in the diagnosis and treatment of various diseases.

Septum of the Musculotubal Canal: Main Aspects and Functions


The septum canalis musculotubarii, also known as the septum canalis musculotubarii, is a structure found inside the human ear. This anatomical feature serves an important function related to pressure regulation and ventilation of the middle ear. In this article we will look at the main aspects and functions of the musculotubal canal septum.

Anatomical features:

The septum of the muscular-tubal canal is located inside the tympanic cavity of the ear and is a thin membrane separating two structures: the tympanic cavity and the nasopharynx. It is made up of muscles and connective tissue, which gives it flexibility and functionality. The septum has villi and holes that allow air to circulate freely between the middle ear and the nasopharynx.


  1. Pressure regulation: One of the main functions of the musculotubal septum is to regulate pressure in the middle ear. When we swallow, the muscles in the septum contract, opening the Eustachian tube and allowing air to enter the middle ear. This helps balance the pressure between the outside environment and the middle ear, which is important for the ear to function properly and prevent pain or discomfort from occurring.

  2. Ventilation of the middle ear: The musculotubal septum also plays a role in ventilation of the middle ear. By opening and closing the Eustachian tube, it controls the flow of air inside the middle ear. This helps maintain an optimal environment for the eardrum and ossicles to function, and prevents problems associated with uneven pressure.

  3. Protection from Infections: Another function of the musculotubal septum is protection from infections. Its openings and villi help prevent bacteria, viruses or other microorganisms from entering the middle ear from the nasopharynx. This is especially important because the middle ear is potentially vulnerable to infections, which can cause otitis media or other inflammatory conditions.


The septum of the myotubal canal plays an important role in regulating pressure and ventilation of the middle ear. Its functionality and flexibility allow this structure to effectively perform its tasks. Pressure regulation and ventilation of the middle ear help maintain comfort and normal functioning of the human hearing system. In addition, the septum of the myotubal canal also serves as a protective barrier, preventing the penetration of infections from the nasopharynx into the middle ear.

Understanding the anatomy and function of the musculotubal septum is important for otolaryngology and audiology professionals. The study of this structure helps determine the causes and treatment of various ear diseases related to pressure and ventilation of the middle ear.

Further study of the musculotubal canal septum may reveal new aspects of its functions and connections with other structures of the ear. This could lead to the development of new treatments and prevention of problems associated with pressure and infections in the middle ear.

Overall, the musculotubal septum is an important component of the ear, performing a number of functions related to pressure regulation, ventilation, and protection against infection. Its understanding and study are of great importance for ensuring the health of the human auditory system.