Kaposi Multiple Hemorrhagic Sarcoma

Kaposi Sarcoma is a malignant tumor belonging to the group of soft tissue sarcomas. In rare cases, it occurs not only in soft tissue cells, but also in internal organs (for example, the stomach). One of the characteristic signs of this sarcoma is the appearance of numerous red spots (or café au lait spots) in the body. This is caused by hemorrhages in the patient's skin and organs.

But what causes the red spots to appear and how does this tumor develop? Kaposi's sarcoma is associated with herpes simplex virus type 8 (HTLV-8), which often causes various types of leukemia, including acute lymphocytic leukemia non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. HTLV-8 infects T cell lines and more specifically hypermethylates DNA.

One of the chronic lymphoma syndromes caused by HTLV-I is the sarcoma-like syndrome, which is associated with Kaposi's sarcoma.

Kaposi's multiple hemorrhagic sarcoma (Kaposipapillosis, Kaposipelpakliosis) is a rare and serious disease that affects the blood vessels and lymph nodes. It is also known as multifocal/multilocular migratory sarcoma and Kaposi angiosarcoma.

Kaposi's sarcoma multiple (kapozi sarcoma, ks), can be caused by different viruses. It is more common in men than in women or children. Sometimes the disease is congenital. The exact reasons are not fully understood. According to American doctors, the pathological process is provoked simultaneously by the Epstein-Barr virus and cytomegalovirus. Each of them activates cellular immunity, which responds with the formation of antibodies. Without protective factors, the infection enters the active phase. The pathogen penetrates the generative cells and triggers the synthesis of various cytokines and pathogenic proteins.

Symptoms of Capoisi sarcoma:

* First, marked weakness. * Unreasonable fatigue. * Lack of appetite. * Night sweats * Unreasonable increase in temperature above normal 37 degrees, etc.

The formation of Kapogi carcinoma is often accompanied by itching of the entire