Ovarian carcinoma embryonal

Ovarian carcinoma is a cancer that affects the epithelial cells of the genital organs, mainly the ovaries. It can develop in one or both ovaries, and goes through several stages of development.

Ovarian embryonic carcinoma (ovary

Ovarian embryonal carcinoma is a rare cancer caused by the presence of malignant cells in the epithelial tissue of the ovary. It is one of the most common cancers among women diagnosed with ovarian cancer, and is characterized by aggressive development and rapid growth of tumor formations. This disease ranks second among the most common malignant tumors of the ovaries in women after serous carcinoma and accounts for up to 4% of cases of all malignant neoplasms of the female genital organs. The frequency of its detection ranges from 5 to 7 for every 105 women. Cancer cells form compactions of varying sizes and densities that protrude forward into the abdominal cavity. The main danger of the disease lies in the fact that its symptoms practically do not appear, even in the later stages, when treatment is almost ineffective. Spa