Carcinomatosis [Carcinomatosis; Carcinoma (Basis Carcinomat-) + -O]

The definition of carcinomatosis is extensive damage to organs by cancer tumors. Each organ “lives” separately, namely: - lungs - adrenal glands - intestines (rectum) - liver The reason for the appearance of carcinotome is metastases from the primary tumor. A primary tumor is the occurrence of a tumor in an organ or tissue and spreads throughout the body. Carcinomas spread throughout the body due to their blood supply. This process is very fast, so timely diagnosis and treatment reduce the risk of the disease. If there is no treatment, you can expect a very painful death. The organs in which the largest tumors develop are the liver and lungs. There are three stages of carcinomas: · I- carcinomas do not extend beyond their organ; · II- tumors spread metastases throughout their own and neighboring organs · III- 3 focal tumor lesions occur.

Carcinomatosis is a tumor process that affects the internal organs of a person as a result of the release of atypical cells from the primary focus. This is an extremely serious, rapidly progressing and poorly treatable disease associated with the metastatic growth of cancer cells throughout the body. In simple terms, this is