
Cardiac cinematogram is a method of studying the heart using special equipment, which allows you to get a visual representation of its work in real time. This method is widely used in medicine to diagnose various heart diseases, such as coronary heart disease, arrhythmias, heart failure, etc.

To conduct a cardiac cinematogram, special equipment is used - an electrocardiograph, which records the electrical signals that arise in the heart during its operation. Then these signals are converted into a visual image - a cardiac cinematogram.

Cardiac cinematogram allows you to obtain information about the heart rate, amplitude and duration of individual waves and intervals on the ECG. In addition, it can show the presence of arrhythmias or heart blocks that may not be noticeable on a regular ECG.

The cardiac cinematography method has a number of advantages over conventional ECG:

  1. Possibility of obtaining more detailed information about the work of the heart.
  2. Speed ​​and ease of research.
  3. There is less likelihood of errors when interpreting the results, since the cardiac cinematogram is a visual image, and not just a set of numbers.
  4. The ability to monitor the work of the heart over time, which allows you to evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment.

In conclusion, we can say that cardiac cinematography is an important method for studying the heart, which allows you to obtain more detailed information about its work and evaluate the effectiveness of the therapy.

Cardiac cinematography or cardiography (from “cardia”, from the Greek - “heart”, “kinometr” - “movement” + “gram” - “record”) is the study of cardiac activity using special devices that allow you to visually record changes in contractions cardiac muscle during various physical activities of the patient. Cardiotrachogram is used to assess the functional state of the heart and to monitor the dynamics of cardiac diseases. A cardiokinemotogram is a kind of human passport, and in the case of heart disease, it can show the timing of any disturbances with an accuracy of tenths of a second. This occurs due to the recording of the work of the cardiovascular system throughout the day. To obtain more accurate information, three components of a cardiogram are used - synchronous ECG recording, using a phonocardiogram and a tetradachonogram.

Cardiac cinematogram: description and concept

Cardiac cinematography is a new term in medicine to describe the relationship between cardiac activity (the number of heartbeats per minute and the diameter of blood vessels) and physical exercise, the dynamics of body movement and changes in physical load on the body. This is a young term, but it is already showing promise for use in various fields of medicine.

**What are cardiac cinematograms?**

So, cardiac kinematogram is a continuous visualization of the activity of the cardiovascular system in real time during physical exercise or certain dynamic loads. Thanks to the cardiac cinematogram, it is possible to study the quality and efficiency of muscle energy supply, the rate of contraction of the heart muscle and other important indicators of the cardiac system. The data obtained help to judge the state of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

Cardiac cinematic examination is based on recording and analysis of biometric parameters reflecting heart rhythm and systemic hemodynamics in real time. For this purpose, a special