Carharta Notch

The Carharta notch (also known as the Carharta dimple) is an anatomical feature that occurs in some people. It is a small indentation on the back of the nose, located directly above the top of the nostrils.

Carhart's notch usually does not cause any problems or diseases, and its presence is not considered a pathology. However, some people may experience discomfort or even pain in the nose area due to this dimple.

The origins of notch carharta are still unknown, but it is thought that it may be an inherited trait or the result of genetic changes. Additionally, many people note that the presence of a carharta notch is related to the shape of the nose and its size.

Some people believe that a carhart notch can look attractive or even add a personal touch to the appearance. However, if this dimple causes discomfort or pain, then you should see a doctor for advice and possible treatment.

In general, carharta notch is not a serious health problem, but it may cause some discomfort in some people. If you notice this feature in yourself, then there is no need to worry, but if it causes pain or other problems, then you should consult a specialist.


Carhart's notch or Carhart's dimple is a small depression that is located on the anterior wall of the nasal cavity. It belongs to a category of diseases called "hypertrophic subapinal tonsils" and is characterized by hyperplasia of the mucous membranes of this area but