Tooth Caries Acute


Acute dental caries is an inflammatory process that can lead to serious oral disease. The inflammatory reaction occurs due to the fact that bacteria, fungi or microbes enter damaged areas of the teeth and begin to multiply. This can cause pain and discomfort and deteriorate the appearance of your teeth.

Tooth caries. Spicy.

Acute caries: general information Outpatient studies are often faced with the fact that already in the first year of dispensary observation, more than 50% of patients suffer from such a complication as acute caries. Most often, a person seeks help with already inflamed areas of the teeth, gums, and jaws. Among the first complaints of patients is not only pain, but also a burning sensation before going to bed. It seems to them that the painful sensations do not subside after their onset, but, on the contrary, intensify. For some, it all starts with a putrid odor coming from the mouth. Toothache. In some cases, after just a few hours, the tooth may hurt or hurt very badly, in others it can be tolerable, and then it can even be difficult to determine where it is. Almost always, when gums become inflamed, they become swollen. Sometimes patients report an unbearable burning sensation on the mucous surface of the cheek next to the problem tooth. The chewing elements are most often affected. An acute disease, in fact, turns into a chronic one.