Digestion External

Many creatures, especially microscopic ones, have special digestive mechanisms - external digestion, which occurs outside the animal or human body. Such organisms are characterized by the release of digestive juices into the environment, where all food processing processes take place. This method of nutrition allows you to increase the efficiency of digestion of nutrients and avoid competition for them with other organisms.

The main difference between the external type of digestion and the internal one is that with internal digestion, digestion takes place inside the body, in the digestive system. This method of feeding gives the animal greater control over the digestion of food and allows it to obtain the necessary nutrients for growth and development. On the other hand, the external type of digestion does not require such

External digestion is a form of extracellular digestion that involves the release of digestive juices into the environment. Such digestion is found in various insects and arachnids, as well as in many microbes.

Extracellular digestion allows microbes and insects to save energy and do their “work” more efficiently. This form of digestion is less expensive for the body, since digestive enzymes are released into the environment in small quantities, but the amount of processed food increases due to the release of these enzymes onto it. In addition, since most juices absorb nutrients into the body in small quantities, it can help save resources in the metabolic process