Simple Tooth Caries

Dental caries is damage to tooth enamel and dentin that occurs due to exposure to acids in food and bacterial enzymes. This process can lead to tooth decay and, as a result, pain and the need for dental treatment. In this article we will look at what simple dental caries is, its causes and methods of treatment.

Simple caries is the most common form of dental caries, which is characterized by the destruction of tooth enamel without the penetration of bacteria into the tooth tissue. Typically, simple tooth decay appears as white spots or darkened areas on the surface of the teeth. The causes of simple caries can be: improper oral hygiene, eating large amounts of

Dental caries is the destruction of hard tooth tissue that occurs as a result of the influence of the microbial environment in the mouth on the organic substances contained in dental plaque. Most often, carces teeth are found in children, adolescents and adults under the age of 25 years. In Russia, the problem of caries is acute in children aged 3-5 years and adolescents aged 13-14 years.

Tooth decay can lead to many problems such as pain, gum inflammation, bleeding, and sometimes tooth loss. But how to prevent it?

Most people in the world suffer from dental caries. The most common cause of tooth decay is bacterial plaque. It forms on teeth and gums and contains microorganisms that can break down the sugar found in many foods. This can lead to tooth decay. The bacteria that cause tooth decay are called actinobacteria and streptococci.

Another cause of dental caries is insufficient oral hygiene. Thus, if toothbrushes and floss are not used regularly, bacteria can grow more rapidly, which