Qatar Serozny

Serous catarrh (catarrhus serosus), also known as “serous” or “purulent catarrh,” is one of the most common types of catarrh that affects the mucous membrane of the nose and throat. This disease manifests itself in the form of nasal discharge, nasal congestion, cough and sore throat.

Serous catarrh is caused by the bacterium Streptococcus pyogenes, which usually lives on the skin and mucous membranes of humans. Under certain conditions, such as decreased immunity, stress or hypothermia, the bacterium can penetrate the mucous membranes and cause catarrh.

Symptoms of serous catarrh may vary depending on the severity of the disease. Typically, patients complain of nasal discharge, which may be clear or yellowish. The discharge can be copious and irritating, especially if it comes into contact with the mucous membrane of the throat.

Patients may also experience nasal congestion, difficulty breathing, cough and sore throat. In severe cases of the disease, there may be an increase in body temperature and general malaise.

Antibiotics are usually used to treat serous catarrh. The choice of antibiotic depends on the sensitivity of the bacteria to the drugs. Treatment may include oral antibiotics and topical ointments or sprays.

It is important to remember that serous catarrh can be contagious to others, so it is necessary to take precautions such as regular hand washing and avoiding contact with sick people.

In general, serous catarrh is a fairly common disease that can occur in any person. However, if you notice symptoms of this disease, consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.