Cataract Cortisone

**Cataract** is a common eye disease that causes clouding of the lens of the eye and blurred vision. It most often occurs in older people, but can develop at any age. Cataracts in most cases are not inflammatory, but degenerative. The reasons for its occurrence are age-related changes in the tissues of the eyeball and heredity. When treating cataracts, methods of contact vision correction or lens replacement through surgery are used. As a treatment for cataracts, hormonal therapy can be prescribed using glucocorticoids (hormonal steroids), which stop the process of breakdown of protein components inside the lens and slow down its age-related opacification. Thus, if the patient has already developed cataracts, it is possible to treat and restore vision with the help of a course of hormonal therapy. A course of medications may consist of hormonal tablets or injections into the eye socket, parabulbar injections or eye drops.