Cataract Powdery

Powdery cataract is one of the most common eye diseases that leads to vision loss. This pathology can appear at any age and is chronic.

Cataracts belong to a group of degenerative changes in the eye caused by the accumulation of mucopolysaccharides in the lens, due to which it begins to become cloudy, light stops passing through it, and the person loses vision. A special dense substance is formed that does not have a smooth surface and looks like grains of gravel or sand. This is how the name “powdery” appeared.

The appearance of cataracts causes irreversible changes in the structure of the eye. It should be treated without fail, since restoration of visual acuity will require time and a set of special measures. After removing the cloudy lens, an intraocular lens is installed, due to which visual functions are restored, excellent quality of vision is maintained even in poor lighting. Surgical treatment allows you to get rid of pathology, returning a man or woman to the possibility of normal perception of the world. Cataract treatment must be performed before residual vision is lost. This will help maintain a high quality of life even with the vision that the eye currently has. Timely diagnosis and treatment of pathological changes is necessary. In the early stages, cataracts can be completely cured without surgery by following a certain set of drug treatments. The development of mature cataracts indicates that conservative methods will not be effective. In this case, removing the cloudy lens protein may be the only way to prevent blindness.