Corpus cavernosum of the penis

The corpora cavernosa or corpora cavernosa of the penis or its cavernous bodies are 2 sponges, consisting of 3 main layers separated from each other. The place where the penis is formed by its cavernous part is in the inner half of the pubis. The right part of this place forms 2/3 of the left side of the body, and the left - 1/2 of the right.

In men, the cavernous bodies of the penis can lie either on both sides of the cavernous bodies, or only in the area of ​​​​the head of the penis. The bundles on the venous and arterial sides are located both inside the penis and close to it. The first corpus cavernosum is larger and forms the inner head of the penis. The second cavernous forms the cavernous penis: on one side it forms the paragenital gland, and on the other, the scrotum area. The internal bundle vessels of the first cavernous body are directed from the lower part of the posterior surface of the penis towards the anterior wall, the second - from the anterior wall into the vaginal cavity and into the testicles. During fear, sex and exposure to the half-head of the genital organ, the pressure of the growing mixture of blood and lymph lifts the membranous walls, causing the organ to increase in length and thickness, but stops swelling. If you lower the walls of the penis, it is possible to fix the enlarged penis in this position. The bony cavernoma is the most sensitive area. In relation to the skin on the front surface it is 5-7 cm, behind and on the sides - 2-3 cm, in the area