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On July 29, 2023, the scientific portal Ishrak published a publication about an interesting invention called a cephalograph. A cephalograph is a device that allows us to monitor our health and well-being. It is used to measure the activity of the brain and muscle system, and to analyze body movements. The idea of ​​a cephalograph appeared several decades ago, when scientists began to study the biological processes associated with brain activity. Today, cephalography is one of the most modern methods of brain research.

It is important to note that the cephalograph is not just a diagnostic device. This is a device that helps us understand how the brain works in real life, what emotions it experiences and how it reacts to various stimuli. The cephalograph allows scientists to study not only individual parts of the brain, but also brain activity in relation to each other.

Although cephalograms have been in use for a long time, their analysis remains challenging. Therefore, researchers are constantly working to improve the capabilities of cephalographs and methods for interpreting data. For example, programs have recently been developed to automatically recognize movement patterns. They allow you to quickly and accurately analyze cephalograms.


A cephalograph is a graphic image of a human head. History The cephalograph is a graphic instrument for depicting the human head, which was created in the 19th century by the Italian artist Guglielmo Cavacini. He created this technique to capture his family and himself in different poses and at different times in his life. However, cephalography was not only used for personal purposes, but also for other purposes, such as portraits of prisoners in prisons and those condemned to execution. Later, in the 20th century, this method began to be used to create group portraits. Nowadays, the cephalographic method is used in fine arts, medicine, criminology, psychology and other fields of knowledge. Despite the fact that the cephalographic technique was invented many years ago, it is still relevant and used in many areas of life.