Keratitis Banded

Keratitis is an eye disease characterized by inflammation of the cornea. Debilitating pain from keratitis leads to the inability to lead an active lifestyle and to becoming lonely for others. The appearance of several dangerous symptoms of the disease in combination inevitably leads to disability and social maladjustment. Keratitis, in addition to extremely unpleasant manifestations, is dangerous due to bacterial endophthalmitis, retinal detachment, iridocyclitis, the most severe manifestation of the disease. Ophthalmological changes are not always detected in acute and subacute forms of the disease; there is often an atypical course that can significantly shorten the life of patients.

And yet, the diagnosis is made after 2 weeks for acute, 7-10 days for complex. Therefore, visual acuity is rarely affected in long-term patients. But the appearance of gray epithelium in pathology indicates that the disease is not only cured, but also completed.