
Keratogram (from the Greek keratos - horny and grámma - writing, image) is a method for examining the cornea of ​​the eye, which is used to diagnose various eye diseases. This method is based on creating an image of the cornea using a special camera called a keratograph.

A keratogram allows you to evaluate the shape, size and optical properties of the cornea. It can also be used to measure corneal thickness and determine its optical power.

Normally, the cornea has the correct shape and uniform thickness. However, with various eye diseases, such as keratitis, conjunctivitis, glaucoma and others, the cornea may change. This can lead to disruption of its shape and thickness, which can affect vision.

To obtain a keratogram, the patient sits in front of a special machine that creates an image of the cornea using light. Light passes through the pupil and hits the cornea, where it is reflected and captured by the camera. The image is then processed by a computer and the doctor can see the shape and size of the cornea.

In addition, a keratogram is also used to determine the optical power of the eye. This is important for the selection of glasses or contact lenses, as well as for monitoring the progression of glaucoma.

Thus, a keratogram is an important method for diagnosing eye diseases and monitoring their progression. It allows you to obtain accurate information about the condition of the cornea and help the doctor make the right decision about the treatment of the patient.

A keratogram is a diagnostic method that allows you to determine the condition of the cornea of ​​the eye. This method is used to diagnose various eye diseases, such as cataracts, glaucoma, dystrophic changes in the cornea, etc.

A keratogram is an image of the cornea obtained using special equipment - a keratograph. This device allows you to obtain images of the cornea at different points and at different distances from the eye.

After receiving an image of the cornea, the doctor analyzes it and determines the presence of various defects, such as opacities, irregularities, changes in shape, etc. This allows you to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

It is important to note that a keratogram is one of the most accurate methods for diagnosing eye diseases. However, to obtain reliable results, it is necessary to conduct an examination by qualified specialists and use modern equipment.