Keratoplasty Subtotal

Keratoplasty is a cornea transplant operation that helps restore vision in various diseases and injuries of the eye. This type of surgery is one of the most common and effective methods of treating eye diseases. In this article we will look at subtotal keratoplasty (or k. subtotalis), which is one of the varieties of this procedure.

What is keratoplasty? Keratoplasty or ophthalmoplasty is an organ-conserving ophthalmic surgery operation. It is necessary for ulcerative defects of the corneal layer, which are caused by various diseases, as well as severe injuries to the organs of vision. Using these procedures, it is possible to solve the problem of amblyopia, myopia, and farsightedness. Subtotal keratoplasty is a complex surgical method in which all layers of the cornea are operated on. At this moment