Neuralgia Occipital

Unfriendly condition of the occipital nerve

The occipital nerve is the tenth cranial nerve (CN), which is responsible for transmitting sensory and motor signals from the back of the head - neck, back and occiput to the brain. Negative effects on this nerve can lead to painful and unusual symptoms that interfere with the normal functioning of the body.

Inhospitable occipital nerve. As we age, many of us begin to face various diseases related to nerve health. The occipital nerve is also affected by age-related factors such as wear and tear of muscles and ligaments, as well as other factors that can cause health problems. One of these factors is absent-mindedness. Lethargy disorder occurs when a person is unable to concentrate. This problem may occur due to problems with the occipital nerve, which causes a delay in the signal in the brain. There are several ways to prevent and treat an inhospitable occipital nerve:

1. Exercise: Exercises for the neck and back muscles, such as yoga, Pilates, swimming and others, can help improve blood circulation in the cervical area and strengthen the muscle corset. 2. Posture Correction: Any misalignment of the head and body can impair blood flow and create tension on the cervical spine. Proper positioning and support help relieve tension. 3. Orthopedic support: A properly selected orthopedic pillow or chair that will help straighten the head and eliminate stress on the occipital vertebra. 4. Cold Treatment: There is a wide range of different cold treatment methods, including cold packs and ice packs, which relieve inflammation in the muscles inflamed by the midlevital glands.