Schizophrenia Hypertoxic

Syphilitic schizophrenia (syphilitic psychosis) is a previously encountered but outdated name for involutional schizophrenia. Currently, the term “syphilitic schizophrenia” is not used, as it represents a clear anachronism in the light of the development of understanding of the pathology (pathogenesis, neuromorphology and clinic) of schizophrenia, in particular the theory of variability arising during brain development. Names of the form of schizophrenia such as “involutional”, “old”, “postenix”, “Parkinson’s disease” or “degenerative” are used, although the pathology of the clinical picture of the first disease is still considered by some authors to be very distant from the true manifestations of Parkinson’s disease, the spread of which they explain previously observed pathology. The classic clinical picture of syphilitic schizophrenia differs significantly from involutional, progressive and regressive forms of schizophrenia - for example, due to the absence of catatonic disorders. As part of the post about the signs of schizophrenia, we examined in detail delusional fantasies and illusions, paranoid syndrome, disorders of thinking and speech in schizophrenia [Khotkinaeva I., Vasilyeva O]. Determining psychosis in a patient with symptoms similar to those of syphilis allows the use of appropriate therapeutic measures known only to the history of medicine.

Schizophrenia is a mental illness characterized primarily by a progressive disorder of thinking, emotions and behavior, as well as a disturbance in the perception of the surrounding world, and disharmony of feelings. As a rule, the disease develops gradually, beginning as a borderline state with schizophrenic features.

If a person was in an excited or depressed state for a long time, he might have a desire to take his own life and commit suicide. Then, a history of distinct symptoms of schizophrenia with catatonic syndrome may appear. Catatonia may look like monotonous movements, ritualism. It can also be mannered speech, speech without any meaning at all.

Symptoms of catatonic syndrome Catatonic syndrome is a rather rare disease that does not attract the interest of researchers. Nevertheless, catatonia occurs among patients in psychiatric clinics in Russia. The disease occurs as