Globulin Immune

Immune globulins are complex non-immunogenic proteins that are part of the blood plasma globulin family, synthesized by plasma cells through the antigen-antibody reaction, with the properties of a specific connection with the components of the immunoglobulin system. Immune system globulins play a key role in human immunity. They are found in the blood in quantities that vary depending on the physiological state of the body. A globulin consists of a polypeptide chain containing about 30 individual peptides. Human immunoglobulin consists of four polypeptide chains: two heavy (H-chains) and two light (L-chains). Each chain represents a distinct antigen, but the antigenic properties of any particular chain would be negligible. However, combining a pair of heavy chains with a pair of L chains forms an IgM homotrimer or ligand, which is then conjugated to other