Breathing Abdominal

Abdominal breathing (lat. R. abdominalis) is a type of breathing in which inhalation and exhalation are carried out due to the movement of the abdominal wall. This type of breathing is used to increase lung capacity and improve blood circulation.

Abdominal breathing differs from normal breathing in that during inhalation the stomach expands and when exhaling it contracts. This allows you to increase lung capacity and improve blood circulation in the lungs and throughout the body.

Benefits of abdominal breathing:

– Improved blood circulation: abdominal breathing improves blood circulation in the lungs, which helps saturate the blood with oxygen and remove carbon dioxide.
– Increasing lung capacity: Due to the expansion of the chest during inhalation and its compression during exhalation, the volume of the lungs increases. This improves ventilation and makes breathing easier.
– Stress reduction: Belly breathing helps reduce stress levels and improve your mood.
– Improved digestion: Proper breathing while eating promotes better absorption of food.

To perform abdominal breathing, you need to sit on a chair, put your hands on your knees and start breathing. When you inhale, the stomach should expand, and when you exhale, it should contract. It is important to ensure that your breathing is even and deep.

Abdominal breathing can be beneficial for people suffering from lung diseases such as asthma or bronchitis. It can also be used to improve overall health and reduce stress levels.

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