
Astrophobia is a phenomenon where a person is afraid or does not like to be at night or away from light sources. It can manifest itself in various forms, ranging from a fear of the dark to an irresistible desire to move away from a window overlooking the night sky.

Astrophobia can be caused by a personal or family traumatic event (possibly before birth). Any memory of the night sky and its light can cause fear and panic. Older people are more likely to experience this disorder than younger people. It occurs more often in women than in men.

If a person experiences this disorder, he is deprived of a full life. The psychological and physical state does not have the best effect on a person, since sleep is disturbed, food and activities do not bring pleasure. Productivity decreases. The person may experience stress and anxiety.

First of all, doctors treat astrophobia. They prescribe medications that help restore psychological balance and reduce anxiety. In addition, hypnosis, relaxation methods, and massages are practiced.

It has been proven that the problem can be solved on your own. For this, psychological techniques are used: auto-training, meditation, yoga. The therapy process necessarily includes physical education. Hardening and sports will help restore balance and proper breathing. Water procedures are also useful. A wellness course helps you realize that fear of the night is just a myth.