Laryngeal forceps

Laryngeal forceps are a special instrument that is used to remove a foreign body from the human larynx. They are forceps with elongated and curved jaws, as well as oval, flat-shaped jaws. The sponges have a fine notch, which allows you to more effectively capture a foreign body.

Laryngeal forceps are used in medicine to treat various diseases of the larynx, such as laryngitis, laryngotracheitis, abscesses and others. They allow you to quickly and safely remove a foreign body from the larynx, which can lead to an improvement in the patient’s condition and a reduction in the risk of complications.

To use laryngeal forceps, you must have experience working with medical instruments and know the safety rules when working with them. It is important to remember that removal of a foreign body should only be carried out under the supervision of a doctor who can assess the patient’s condition and decide on the need for surgery.

Overall, laryngeal forceps are an important tool in medical practice and can help save a patient's life. However, their use should only be carried out by qualified specialists who know all the intricacies and nuances of working with this tool.

**Laryngeal forceps** - The shield is a tool for grasping and removing various objects from the human larynx. Tongs come in various shapes, sizes and designs, depending on how you need to remove objects.

**Features of use and structure of the instrument** The shield is predominantly made from high-quality materials that have a high degree of strength, which significantly increases the service life of the instrument and expands the range of use for patients with more complex injuries.

Laryngeal forceps are used to remove foreign objects from the bronchial tree, larynx and upper part of the esophagus. The shields can be of different designs: with different shapes of jaws, working parts, and also differ in the size of the working