Keratosis Unni

Keratosis Uthna - keratosis urticaria; a hereditary skin disease characterized by pigmented small papules (spots) with mild polymorphism against the background of hyperkeratosis.

This hereditary dermatological disease manifests itself by the appearance of a polymorphic rash on the palms and soles of the hands and feet. The disease is also called keratosis of toast unna. The skin lesions of this disease mainly affect the palms, feet, knees, elbows, and thighs. The face is involved quite rarely. And then only as a complication. This pathology is also called keratosis of Unna or hereditary keratoderma. The cause of the disease is a breakdown of genes that are located on the X chromosome. Therefore, this type of keratosis is not contagious. But this means that there must have been relatives in the family who had this skin pathology. Only then can the manifestation of this hereditary disease be transmitted to children. Often, hereditary forms of keratoses have a more “aggressive” nature of their course and have a much higher rate of progression than all other exogenous