Kerion Favozny

Kerion favicum is a mushroom that is also called honeycomb. It belongs to the Tuberaceae family and is one of the most common types of mushrooms in nature.

Kerion Favosium has a characteristic honey smell and taste. This mushroom can be found in forests, especially coniferous forests. It grows in soil where there is a lot of moss and lichen.

In medicine, kerion Favosium is used as a medicine. It contains many beneficial substances such as vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and others. These substances help improve the immune system, lower blood cholesterol, improve digestion and reduce inflammation in the body.

However, Kerion Favosium can be hazardous to health if consumed in large quantities. Therefore, before consuming this mushroom, you should consult your doctor.

In addition, kerion Favosium is a very valuable food product. It is used to prepare various dishes such as soups, sauces, pastes, etc.

Thus, Kerion Favosium is not only a useful mushroom, but also an important component of many dishes and medicines. However, before using it, you must carefully study all its properties and possible risks.

Kerion, also known as Kerion favosum, is a parasitic disease caused by certain types of amoebas. This parasitic organism causes a disease called amoebiasis, which is characterized by the development of toxic processes in the human body, as well as dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract. Most often children and adolescents are exposed to kerion