Orthostatic Test

An orthostatic test is a method for studying the functional state of the human cardiovascular system, which consists of determining the physiological parameters of the body before and after changing body position. This method is used to assess the adaptive capabilities of the cardiovascular system to changes in body position, which can be caused by various factors, such as physical activity, stress, climate change, etc.

The orthostatic test is an important method for assessing the state of the cardiovascular system and can be used to diagnose and monitor various diseases associated with this system. The results of an orthostatic test can be used to determine the effectiveness of treatment for diseases of the cardiovascular system or to assess the body's response to various factors.

To conduct an orthostatic test, it is necessary to measure some physiological parameters before and after changing body position. For example, you can measure heart rate, blood pressure, blood oxygen levels and other parameters.

Changes in physiological parameters after a change of position may indicate the presence of disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system. However, interpreting the results of an orthostatic test requires certain knowledge and experience. Therefore, if you are planning to use an orthostatic test to diagnose your cardiovascular health, it is recommended that you consult a doctor or healthcare professional.