Caesarean Section Minor

Caesarean section is a surgical operation in which the placenta and placenta are removed and the integrity of the uterus is subsequently restored through an incision in the abdominal wall, and sometimes through a small transverse incision in the lowermost part of the uterus. In cases where the birth of a woman in labor proceeds without complications, doctors do not always prescribe surgery, because Natural delivery is possible even with a narrow pelvis, but such a natural birth is much more difficult to tolerate than a prescribed operation. Long birth canals lead to the fact that the female body experiences severe stress, which affects it in the form of various physiological consequences. And if doctors already have extensive clinical practice in managing complex labor and its complications and providing obstetric care to the woman in labor at the same time, then if this procedure is used during childbirth, a woman can sometimes experience negative processes in a fairly short period of time that negatively affect her physical strength and health.

Depending on the degree of pelvic pathology that the birth mother has, either a doctor performs minimally invasive and small-sized operations through a very small incision measuring 3-4 cm. If there is none, but the operation is permissible, a cesarean section can be done through the “first » large cut. There are several of them, thanks to which doctors can promptly begin the process of removing the fetus from the mother’s womb. This is one of the most correct solutions, designed to give life to both components (mother, newborn). Another method is a transverse opening of the pregnant woman’s uterus and its subsequent tightening. Often, a birthing woman is given an incision down the abdomen and stitches are immediately placed, and in order to avoid blood loss, the uterine artery and abdominal artery are often ligated while the mother is still giving birth. In this case, it is simply impossible for a woman to do without incisions. When planning this type of operation, the doctor should consult statistics in advance and take into account the age of the woman in labor and the number of pregnancies she has had. Based on these data, a decision is made on the admissibility of this manipulation. For young women in labor who have few births in their history, this procedure is a small help, allowing labor to cope with the problems of childbirth and give birth to a living and healthy child. Such women can cope with childbirth without the help of a doctor and give birth safely on their own, so they are allowed to give birth naturally. Caesarean section is used for young women in adulthood, when a woman at the age of 40 meets her first baby. It should be noted that the safest option for women of this age is a cesarean birth, which simply must be carried out during the period of bearing twins. Pregnancy with triplets suggests a cesarean section at best.